General Order 64-A
Section V
Detailed Construction Requirements For Supply Lines
(Class H, L and T Circuits)
58.5 Line Switches and Disconnects.
Clearance From Other Equipment.
Conductor lead wires, at points
of entering cut-outs or switches, shall be properly insulated but are not
required to obtain the 3 inch clearance from the surfaces of crossarms and
poles prescribed in Table 1, Case 9.
All lead wires, including miscellaneous wiring, shall clear braces,
bolts and other line hardware a minimum distance of 1 ½ inches.
Clearance For Climbing.
Switches, cut-outs, etc., where
installed on a pole below conductors shall be so located that they do not
impair the climbing space when in either open or closed position.
Indicating Position.
All switches shall indicate early
whether they are open or closed and a uniform position shall be used to denote
same, as far as practicable.
D. Grounding. (See Rule 52.9-E.)
E. Operating Mechanism.
Line switches which are operated
by all metal mechanisms grounded, and where it is possible to operate such switches
while standing on the ground, an insulated platform shall be provided.
Grounded metal operating rods
which pass through conductor levels shall be protected with a suitable
insulating covering for a distance of 8 feet from conductors. As an alternative to this provision, metal
rods shall have installed in them, at a point as near as possible to the
switch, a suitable insulated link or section.
All rods shall be securely held in position by stables or straps to
prevent contact with conductors of circuits below the switch level.
All cables, ropes and other
flexible means of operating switches shall have insulators in stalled in them
at a point as close as possible to the switch and shall pass through guides to
insure their separation from conductors through which they pass.