Original Version
Rule 22.0-C
22.0-C Stub Reinforced Pole means a wood pole attached by suitable and adequate fastenings to a stub (usually a short length of wood pole or timber) set in the ground, such stub being intended to provide the support originally afforded by the pole butt.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 22.0-C
22.0-C Stub
Reinforced Pole Reinforcement
(1) Pole Stubbing means a wood pole attached by suitable and adequate
fastenings to a stub (usually a short length of wood pole, or
timber, steel, or other suitable material) set in the ground, such stub
being intended to provide the support originally afforded by the pole butt.
(2) Pole Restoration Techniques means the application of suitable material(s) on a pole to restore its structural strength or integrity. Restoration may take place at any point on the length of a pole.
Final Version
Rule 22.0-C
22.0-C Pole Reinforcement
(1) Pole Stubbing means a wood pole attached by suitable and adequate fastenings to a stub (usually a short length of wood pole, timber, steel, or other suitable material) set in the ground, such stub being intended to provide the support originally afforded by the pole butt.
(2) Pole Restoration Techniques means the application of suitable material(s) on a pole to restore its structural strength or integrity. Restoration may take place at any point on the length of a pole.