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Decision Number 20-01-010

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Proposed New Rule with Strikeout and Underline Version

Rule 91.6



91.6  Interference with FallProtection Equipment


      Electric supply and communication attachments shall not interfere with the effective use of fallprotection.


Note: Examples of attachments that might not interfere with fall restraint and fallprotection equipment include, but are not limited to, the following:


(1) Surfacemounted equipment that occupies no more than 24 inches of vertical space.


(2) Surfacemounted risers and vertical runs.


(3) Equipment stood off from the pole to maintain a minimum of 4 inches of clear space between the equipment and the surface of the pole, risers, or vertical runs.



Final Version

Rule 91.6


91.6  Interference with FallProtection Equipment

Electric supply and communication attachments shall not interfere with the effective use of fallprotection equipment.


Note: Examples of attachments that might not interfere with fall restraint and fallprotection equipment include, but are not limited to, the following:


(1) Surfacemounted equipment that occupies no more than 24 inches of vertical space.


(2) Surfacemounted risers and vertical runs.


(3) Equipment stood off from the pole to maintain a minimum of 4 inches of clear space between the equipment and the surface of the pole, risers, or vertical runs.