Change List for this Rule

Original Version

77.4-A.    Above Railways


The minimum vertical clearance of 19 feet above rails for trolley span wires (Table 1, Case 2, Column C ) applies only to those railways which do not transport or propose to transport freight cars.  The minimum clearance shall not be less than 22 feet where the railway involved does transport or propose to transport freight cars.

Strike Out and Underline Version
Rule 77.4-A

77.4-A.    Above Railways


The minimum vertical clearance of 19 feet above rails for trolley span wires (Table 1, Case 2, Column C) applies only to those railways which do not transport or propose to transport freight cars.  The minimum clearance shall not be less than 22 ½ feet where the railway involved does transport or propose to transport freight cars.

Final Version
Rule 77.4-A

77.4-A.    Above Railways


The minimum vertical clearance of 19 feet above rails for trolley span wires ( Table 1, Case 2, Column C ) applies only to those railways which do not transport freight cars.  This minimum clearance shall be not less than 22 ½ feet where the railway involved does transport or proposes to transport freight cars.