Change List for this Rule


Original Version
Rule 20.8-E


20.8-E.    Unprotected Conductors means supply conductors, including but not limited to lead wires, not covered by a “suitable protective covering” (see Rule 22.2), grounded metal conduit, grounded metal sheath or shield, or impregnated fiber and not enclosed in a grounded metal pole.  The provisions for the use of these various types of coverings are specified in certain of these rules.


Strikeout and Underline Version

Rule 20.8-E


20.8-E.    Unprotected Conductors means supply conductors, including but not limited to lead wires, not enclosed in a ground metal pole, or not covered by a “suitable protective covering” (see Rule 22.2), grounded metal conduit, grounded metal sheath or shield, or impregnated fiber and not enclosed in a grounded metal pole.  The provisions for the use of these various types of coverings are specified in certain of these rules.


Final Version

Rule 20.8-E


20.8-E.    Unprotected Conductors means supply conductors, including but not limited to lead wires, not enclosed in a ground metal pole, or not covered by a “suitable protective covering” (see Rule 22.2), grounded metal conduit, grounded metal sheath or shield.  The provisions for the use of these various types of coverings are specified in certain of these rules.