Change List for this Rule


Original Version

GO 128 Rule 24.0


23.8    has been moved to 24.0


Strikeout and Underline Version

GO 128 Rule 24.0


24.0    Wire Gauge means a standard of measurement used for convenient nomenclature of the various sizes of wire.


A    American Wire Gauge (AWG) otherwise known as Brown and Sharpe (B & S) for copper, aluminum and other conductors.


B    Birmingham Wire Gauge (BWG) for iron and steel conductors.


Final Version

GO 128 Rule 24.0


24.0    Wire Gauge means a standard of measurement used for convenient nomenclature of the various sizes of wire.


A    American Wire Gauge (AWG) otherwise known as Brown and Sharpe (B & S) for copper, aluminum and other conductors.


B    Birmingham Wire Gauge (BWG) for iron and steel conductors.