General Order 95
Section VII
Detailed Construction Requirements for Trolley and Electric Railway
Contact and Feeder Conductors and Their Supporting Messengers,
Span Wires, Etc. (Class T Circuits)
79.6 Inspections
At regular intervals not exceeding a calendar month, the transit
line shall make a thorough inspection of all of the items pertaining to
third rail operation set forth in the several foregoing sections of
Rule 79
. Records of such inspections, setting forth in detail any failures or
discrepancies found and steps taken to correct them, shall be kept for periods
of five years and a yearly summary thereof shall be forwarded to the Commission
by not later than February 1 of each year. This requirement is in consonance
with and additional to the requirements of General
Order No. 66–C
or subsequent amendments thereof. Such records and summary reports shall
not be open to inspection by the public except upon specific order of the