Change List for this Rule


General Order 95


Section III


Requirements for All Lines

Table 2–A Minimum Clearances of Wires from Signs Mounted on Buildings and Isolated Structures (a) (Letter References Denote Modifications of Minimum Clearances as Referred to in Notes Following this Table)


Nature of ClearanceType of Sign

Span Wires (Other than Trolley Span Wires) Overhead Guys and Messengers, Communication Cables and Communication Service Drops

Communication Open Wire Conductors Supply Cables Treated as in Rule 57.8 and Supply Service Drops 0 - 750 Volts

Supply Conductors, Supply Cablesof 0 - 750 VoltsandTrolley Span Wires

Supply Conductors and Supply Cables, 750 - 300,000 Volts (b)

Supply Conductors and Supply Cables, 300 - 550 kV


Vertical clearance above all signs upon which men can walk

8 Feet

8 Feet

8 Feet

12 Feet

20 Feet (g)


Vertical clearance above all signs upon which men cannot walk

2 Feet

2 Feet

3 Feet

8 Feet

20 Feet (g)


Vertical clearance under signs which are illuminated

2 Feet (c)

2 Feet (e)

3 Feet

Prohibited (f)



Vertical clearance under signs which are non–illuminated

6'' (d)

1 Foot

3 Feet

Prohibited (f)



Horizontal clearance from signs which are illuminated

3 Feet (c)

3 Feet (e)

3 Feet

6 Feet

15 Feet (h)


Horizontal clearance from signs which are non–illuminated

6'' (d)

1 Foot

3 Feet

6 Feet

15 Feet (h)

References to Rules Modifying Minimum Clearances in Table 2–A
(a)    These clearances do not apply to service drop conductors which are attached to signs for the purpose of serving such signs.

(b)    Nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorization of noncompliance with standards of the california division of industrial safety, including article e760–2 entitled “provision for preventing accidents due to proximity of high-voltage lines, 24 Cal. Adm. Code, Part 3, Basic Electrical Regulations.

(c)    May be reduced to 6 inches provided illuminated sign is grounded.
(d)    May be reduced if adequate separation is provided by means of a suitable non–conducting separator.
(e)    May be reduced to 1 foot for communication open wire conductors only, provided illuminated sign is grounded

(f)    When conductors are at a level of 8 feet or more below the level of the lowest portion of the sign but not vertically under the sign, no horizontal clearance is required between the vertical planes through the conductor nearest the sign and the vertical projection of the extremities of the sign. Also note (b) above.

(g)    Shall be increased by 0.04 foot per kV in excess of 300 kV.

(h)    Not applicable to certain kinds of conductors.

  1. Supply conductors of same phase and polarity    54.4–C3c
  2. Insulated supply conductors in multi–conductor cables    57.4–C
  3. Communication insulated conductors or multiple–conductor cables    87.4–C1


Note:    Resolution E–1068 dated May 31, 1960 authorized the addition of the above Rule 39 and Table 2–A to be effective July 1, 1960. Revised March 30, 1968 by Decision No. 73813.