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Original Version
Rule 45
45 | Transverse Strength Requirements |
In computing the transverse strength requirements of all parts of structures and in calculating allowable stresses and allowable minimum sags for conductors under the temperature and loading conditions specified in Rule 43 , safety factors at least equal to those of Table 4 shall be used. In heavy loading areas, for supporting structures carrying more than 10 wires (not including cables and supporting messengers) where the pin spacing does not exceed 15 inches, the transverse wind load shall be calculated on two–thirds of the total number of such wires with a minimum of ten. In cases where, due to change of direction in conductors, an unbalanced side stress is imposed on the supporting structure, a transverse load shall be assumed equal to the resultant of all conductor tensions under the assumed loading conditions. |
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 45
45 | Transverse Strength Requirements |
In computing the transverse strength requirements of all parts of structures and in calculating allowable stresses and allowable minimum sags for conductorsLines (See Rule 22.1) under the temperature and loading conditions specified in Rule 43, safety factors at least equal to those of Table 4 Rule 44 shall be used. In heavy loading areas, for supporting structures carrying more than 10 wires (not including cables and supporting messengers) where the pin spacing does not exceed 15 inches, the transverse wind load shall be calculated on two–thirds of the total number of such wires with a minimum of ten. In cases where, due to Where there is a change of in direction inof conductors and messengers, an unbalanced side stress is imposed on the supporting structure, a additional transverse load shall be assumed equal to the resultant of all conductor tensions under the assumed loading conditions. |
Final Version
Rule 45
45 | Transverse Strength Requirements |
In computing the transverse strength requirements of Lines (See Rule 22.1) under the conditions specified in Rule 43, safety factors at least equal to those of Rule 44 shall be used. In heavy loading areas, for supporting structures carrying more than 10 wires (not including cables and supporting messengers) where the pin spacing does not exceed 15 inches, the transverse wind load shall be calculated on two–thirds of the total number of such wires with a minimum of ten. Where there is a change in direction of conductors and messengers, an additional transverse load shall be the resultant of all tensions under the assumed loading conditions. |