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Original Version
Rule 48.7
48.7 | Metallic Service and Meter Poles | |
Metallic service and meter poles shall be designed and constructed so that the poles and parts thereof will not fail or be seriously distorted at any load less than the maximum working loads (see Rule 43 for loadings) multiplied by the safety factors specified in Table 4, Rule 44. The safety factors specified in Table 4, Rule 44 shall be applied as follows: | ||
Tension: The yield strength of the metal used shall be divided by the safety factor specified in Table 4 , Rule 44 to determine the maximum allowable working stress. Compression: The critical buckling strength of the material used, as determined by applicable formulas employing the effective slenderness ratio and yield strength, shall be divided by the safety factors specified in Table 4 , Rule 44 , to determine the maximum allowable working stress. Shear: The yield strength of the material used shall be divided by the safety factors given in Table 4 , Rule 44 to determine the maximum allowable working stress. |
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 48.7
48.7 | Metallic Service and Meter Poles | |
Metallic service and meter poles shall be designed and constructed so that the poles and parts thereof will not fail or be seriously distorted at any load less than the maximum working loads (see Rule 43 for loadings) multiplied by the safety factors specified in Table 4, Rule 44. The safety factors specified in Table 4, Rule 44 shall be applied as follows: | ||
Tension: The yield strength of the metal used shall be divided by the safety factor specified in Table 4 , Rule 44 to determine the maximum allowable working stress. Compression: The critical buckling strength of the material used, as determined by applicable formulas employing the effective slenderness ratio and yield strength, shall be divided by the safety factors specified in Table 4 , Rule 44 , to determine the maximum allowable working stress. Shear: The yield strength of the material used shall be divided by the safety factors given in Table 4 , Rule 44 to determine the maximum allowable working stress. |
48.6 | Tower or Pole Foundations and Footings | |
In calculating the resistance of foundations or footings of towers, poles and pole line structures to uplifts, the weight of concrete shall be taken as not more than 145 pounds per cubic foot and the weight of earth (calculated 30 degrees from the vertical) shall be taken as not more than 90 pounds per cubic foot. The resistance of soil to the depression of foundationsfoundation or footing bearing and uplift shall be calculated from the best available data on the soil in question. In lieu of calculation, the strength of foundations or footings against uplift or depression may beor determined by tests under the soil conditions prevailing. test(s). Foundation or footing resistance shall be designed with the safety factors applied as specified in Rule 44. |
Final Version
Rule 48.7
48.7 | Tower or Pole Foundations and Footings |
The resistance of soil to foundation or footing bearing and uplift shall be calculated from the best available data or determined by test(s). Foundation or footing resistance shall be designed with the safety factors applied as specified in Rule 44. |