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Decision Number 15-01-005

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Original Version

Rule 54.9-C


54.9    Low Voltage Racks, 0 – 750 Volts (Conductors Less than 15 Inches from Centerline of Pole, But Not Less than 2-1/2 Inches from the Surface of Pole).

 C. Conductor Material

     All conductors of a rack group in the same vertical plane shall be of the same material

(1) Urban Districts: Conductors in rack construction in urban districts shall have a covering not less than the equivalent of weather–resistant covering.

(2) Rural Districts: Line conductors in rack construction in rural districts may be bare conductors provided the vertical separation between conductors is not less than 12 inches and conforms to the requirements of Rule 54.9–D where greater separation is specified


Strikeout and Underline Version

Rule 54.9-C


54.9    Low Voltage Racks, 0 – 750 Volts (Conductors Less than 15 Inches from Centerline of Pole, But Not Less than 2-1/2 Inches from the Surface of Pole).

 C. Conductor Material

     All conductors of a rack group in the same vertical plane shall be of the same material. Where conductors are less than 15 inches from centerline of pole, conductors shall have a covering not less than the equivalent of weather–resistant covering.

(1) Urban Districts: Conductors in rack construction in urban districts shall have a covering not less than the equivalent of weather–resistant covering.

(2) Rural Districts: Line conductors in rack construction in rural districts may be bare conductors provided the vertical separation between conductors is not less than 12 inches and conforms to the requirements of Rule 54.9–D where greater separation is specified


Final Version

Rule 54.9-C


54.9    Low Voltage Racks, 0 – 750 Volts (Conductors Less than 15 Inches from Centerline of Pole, But Not Less than 2-1/2 Inches from the Surface of Pole).

 C. Conductor Material

     All conductors of a rack group in the same vertical plane shall be of the same material. Where conductors are less than 15 inches from centerline of pole, conductors shall have a covering not less than the equivalent of weather–resistant covering.