Change List for this Rule


Original Version
Rule 22.0-E


22.0-E.    New rule

Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 22.0-E


22.0-E.    Service And Meter Pole means a pole, or a pole type structure that supports only service drops, associated overhead conductors, vertical runs, ground wires, meters and equipment used for electrical service. A service drop mast or other support securely attached to a building is not considered to be 8 service and meter pole.


Final Version
Rule 22.0-E


22.0-E.    Service And Meter Pole means a pole, or a pole type structure that supports only service drops, associated overhead conductors, vertical runs, ground wires, meters and equipment used for electrical service. A service drop mast or other support securely attached to a building is not considered to be 8 service and meter pole.