Original Version
Rule 22.2-E
22.2-E. New Rule
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 22.2-E
22.2-E. Rigid U-shaped Ground Wire Moulding made of polyvinyl chloride having the properties specified as Class 14333-D in ASTM Standard D1784-69. The plastic moulding herein specified shall be installed only outside the climbing space on the surface of wood poles or structures and shall have dimensions as shown in Figure 81-A of Appendix G, and shall effectively contain and entrap the ground wire. Moulding shall be marked with wire size (e.g., AWG 6) at intervals of not more than four feet.
Final Version
Rule 22.2-E
22.2-E. Rigid U-shaped Ground Wire Moulding made of polyvinyl chloride having the properties specified as Class 14333-D in ASTM Standard D1784-69. The plastic moulding herein specified shall be installed only outside the climbing space on the surface of wood poles or structures and shall have dimensions as shown in Figure 81-A of Appendix G, and shall effectively contain and entrap the ground wire. Moulding shall be marked with wire size (e.g., AWG 6) at intervals of not more than four feet.