Original Version
Rule 49.2-C2
Longitudinal Loads Normally Unbalanced:
Where crossarms are subjected to unbalanced longitudinal loads they shall have
sufficient strength to meet the strength requirements with safety factors at
least equal to those specified in Rule 44.
At unbalanced corners and dead
ends, in Grades “A,” “B” or “C” construction, where conductors are supported on
pins and insulators, double crossarms shall be used to permit conductor
fastenings at two insulators and thus retard slipping.
conductors tensions up to 2000 pounds per conductor, double pins with double
wood crossarms fitted with spacing devices at each end will be considered as
meeting the strength requirements of Rules 47.4 and 47.5.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 49.2-C2
Longitudinal Loads Normally Unbalanced: Where Crossarms subjected to
unbalanced longitudinal loads shall have sufficient strength to meet the
strength requirements with safety factors at least equal to those specified in
Rule 44 .
unbalanced corners and dead ends in Grades “A”, “B” or “C” construction, where
conductor are supported on pins and tension is held by cantilever
strength of pin–type insulators and pins, double crossarms shall be used to
permit conductor fastenings at two insulators to prevent slipping. In lieu of
double crossarms and double insulators, single crossarms may be used with single
insulators and steel pins and prefabricated conductor ties.
For conductor tensions up to
2,000 pounds per conductor, double pins with double wood crossarms
fitted with spacing devices at each end will be considered as meeting the
strength requirements of Rules 47.4 and 47.5.
Final Version
Rule 49.2-C2
Longitudinal Loads Normally Unbalanced: Crossarms subjected to unbalanced
longitudinal loads shall have sufficient strength to meet the strength
requirements with safety factors at least equal to those specified in Rule 44 .
At unbalanced corners
and dead ends in Grades “A”, “B” or “C” construction, where conductor tension
is held by cantilever strength of pin–type insulators and pins, double
crossarms shall be used to permit conductor fastenings at two insulators to
prevent slipping. In lieu of double crossarms and double insulators, single
crossarms may be used with single insulators and steel pins and prefabricated
conductor ties.
For conductor tensions up to
2,000 pounds per conductor, double wood crossarms fitted with spacing devices
at each end will be considered as meeting the strength requirements of Rules
47.4 and 47.5 .