Change List for this Rule


Original Version

Rule 56.4-A1


56.4-A1)    Across or Along Public Thoroughfares: Guys over or across public thoroughfares in urban districts shall have a clearance of not less than 18 feet above ground (Table 1, Case 3, Column A) except that a clearance of not less than 16 feet is permitted for the portions of guys over that part of the public thoroughfare which is an entrance to or exit from industrial or commercial premises; and not less than 14 feet in cases where private residential premises are involved.

Overhead guys along public thoroughfare may have clearances, above ground which is not normally accessible to vehicles, less than as specified in Table 1, Column A, Cases 3 and 4 (18 feet and 15 feet respectively) but sections of such guys between insulators shall have a clearance of not less than 8 feet above the ground, and sections of guys between insulators and poles shall have a clearance of not less than 7 feet above ground, and such guys without insulators shall be not less than 7 feet above ground.


Strikeout and Underline Version

Rule 56.4-A1


56.4-A1)    Over Across or Along Public Thoroughfares:


a)    Guys over or across public thoroughfares in urban districts shall have a clearance of not less than 18 feet above ground (Table 1, Case 3, Column A) except




1)    that a clearance of not less than 16 feet is permitted for the portions of guys over that part of the public thoroughfare which is an entrance to or exit from industrial or commercial premises;.


2)    and A Clearance of not less than 14 feet is permitted for portions of guys over that part of the public thoroughfare which is an entrance to or exit from in cases where private residential premises are involved.


b)    Overhead guys along public thoroughfare may have clearances, above ground which is not normally accessible to vehicles, less than as specified in Table 1, Column A, Cases 3 and 4 (18 feet and 15 feet respectively):


1)    but sections of such guys between insulators shall have a clearance of not less than 8 feet above the ground,.


2)    and sections of such guys between insulators and poles shall have a clearance of not less than 7 feet above the ground,.


3)    and such guys without insulators shall be not be less than 7 feet above the ground.


Final Version

Rule 56.4-A1


56.4-A1)    Over Across or Along Public Thoroughfares:


a)    Guys over or across public thoroughfares in urban districts shall have a clearance of not less than 18 feet above ground (Table 1, Case 3, Column A)




1)    A clearance of not less than 16 feet is permitted for the portions of guys over that part of the public thoroughfare which is an entrance to or exit from industrial or commercial premises.


2)    A Clearance of not less than 14 feet is permitted for portions of guys over that part of the public thoroughfare which is an entrance to or exit from private residential premises.


b)    Overhead guys along public thoroughfare may have clearances, above ground which is not normally accessible to vehicles, less than as specified in Table 1, Column A, Cases 3 and 4 (18 feet and 15 feet respectively):


1)    Sections of such guys between insulators shall have a clearance of not less than 8 feet above the ground.


2)    Sections of such guys between insulators and poles shall have a clearance of not less than 7 feet above the ground.


3)    Such guys without insulators shall not be less than 7 feet above the ground.