Original Version
Rule 84.8-B1
84.8-B1) Service Drops From Open Wire Lines: Where open wire communication line conductors are supported on crossarms, service drop attachments (by means of hooks, knobs or brackets) on the surface of pole shall be not less than 6 feet below or 4 feet above the level of the nearest unprotected supply conductor supported on the same pole.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 84.8-B1
Service Drops From Open Wire Lines: Supported
on Crossarms: Where open wire communication line conductors are
supported on crossarms, service drop attachments (by means of hooks, knobs
or brackets) on the surface of pole shall not be not less than 6
feet below or 4 feet above the level of the nearest unprotected supply
conductor supported on the same pole.
Final Version
Rule 84.8-B1
84.8-B1) Service Drops From Open Wire Lines Supported on Crossarms: Attachments (by means of hooks, knobs or brackets) on the surface of pole shall not be less than 6 feet below or 4 feet above the level of the nearest unprotected supply conductor supported on the same pole.