Original Version
G.O. 128 Rule 22.1
22.1 Joint Trench means a trench opened and closed as a mutual endeavor of two or more parties for joint occupancy. (See Appendix B, Figure 6)
Strikeout and Underline Version
G.O. 128 Rule 22.1
22.1 Joint Trench Operation means a trench opened and closed as a mutual endeavor of two or more parties for joint occupancy. Joint occupancy may occur with only elements of two or more systems being placed. (See Appendix B, Figure 6)
Final Version
G.O. 128 Rule 22.1
22.1 Joint Trench Operation means a trench opened and closed as a mutual endeavor of two or more parties for joint occupancy. Joint occupancy may occur with only elements of two or more systems being placed. (See Appendix B, Figure 6)