Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission
(CPUC) web site for the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) review of the proposed sale of 4 of Pacific
Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) power plants. The
plants to be sold (divested) are the Potrero, Pittsburg, and
Contra Costa fossil-fueled power plants, and the Geysers geothermal plant. This site
provides access to public documents and information
relevant to the CEQA review. |
January 13, 1999, Calpine Announces Plans to Exercise It's Right of First Refusal to Acquire PG&E's Sonoma County Geothermal Power Plants. (Click here for details) |
December 1, 1998, Calpine Exercises Right of First Refusal to Acquire PG&E's Lake County Geothermal Power Plants. |
November 24, 1998, Pacific Gas and Electric Company announces the winning power plant bidders. Read the press release by clicking here. |
November 19, 1998, the CPUC has just certified the FEIR for A.98-01-008. A copy of the CPUC's decision can be viewed by clicking here. Please also check the CPUC's website for any updates to this action. |
A summary of major milestones for the EIR for A.98-01-008 can be viewed by clicking here. |
Final Environmental Impact Report The FEIR has been released on November 16, 1998. Please see the Response to Comments below to view the FEIR on-line. |
The Response to Comments Document is available on-line. Click here to view. |
DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Because approval of PG&E's divestiture
application is discretionary on the part of the CPUC, California law requires this CEQA review. The
CPUC issued the Draft EIR on August 5, 1998. The complete Draft EIR is available online or can
be downloaded from this website. You can purchase a copy of the Draft EIR by calling (415)
989-1446 ext. 42.
You can view a copy of the Draft EIR here on this web site or at the libraries listed below: |
Antioch Library 501 W. 18th Street (510) 757-9224 |
San Francisco Library Larkin &McAllister (415) 557-4400 |
Solano County Library 1150 Kentucky Street Fairfield (707) 421-6510 |
Pittsburg Library 80 Power Avenue (510) 427-8390 |
Sonoma County Library Third & E Streets Santa Rosa (707) 545-0831 | Napa Library 580 Coombs Street Napa (707) 253-4235 |
Middletown Library Calistoga & Callyomi (707) 987-3674 |
Lake County Library 1425 N. High Street Lakeport (707) 263-8816 |
Contra Costa County 1750 Oak Park Boulevard Pleasant Hill (510) 646-6423 |
Bruce Kaneshiro, Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
c/o Environmental Science Associates
225 Bush Street, Suite 1700
San Francisco, CA 94104
FAX (415) 896-0332 or  |
BACKGROUND As part of deregulating the electric industry, the CPUC has
requested that PG&E divest at least 50 percent of its fossil-fuel power plants in order to diversify the future
electric market. PG&E has already sold the Morro Bay, Moss Landing, and Oakland power plants. For information
on the CEQA review process related to the divestiture of these plants, click here.