PG&E Atlantic–Del Mar Reinforcement Project



Environmental Review

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the AtlanticDel Mar Reinforcement Project. On October 17, 2001, the CPUC released a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study (MND/IS) for a 30-day review period. In response to numerous comments on potential visual impacts, the visual resources analysis has been revised and the MND/IS recommends mitigation requiring that the power line be installed underground from a location south of Sunset Boulevard to north of Midas Avenue. As a result, the analysis of all other environmental issue areas was reevaluated. Where potential new impacts were identified, those impacts are described and additional mitigation measures have been added.

The Atlantic-Del Mar Reinforcement Project was approved by the CPUC in Decision D.03-02-007 on February 13, 2002. The Final MND/IS responds to comments received on the initial Draft MND/IS as well as the Revised Draft MND/IS was released on February 14, 2003. Copies of the MND/IS documents may be viewed and downloaded from the links presented below. Construction of the PG&E Atlantic-Del Mar Project was conducted from April 2005 through May 2006.

Click the links below to view the respective documents.

Note: These documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC.

Final MND/IS

Final MND/IS
Comment Letters - Sets A-D
Comment Letters - Sets 1-3
Comment Letters - Sets 4-12
Comment Letters - Sets 13-24
Comment Letters - Sets 25-49
Comment Letters - Sets 50-68, E-G, 69-70

Revised Draft MND/IS

MND/IS Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Mitigated Negative Declaration
Initial Study (Part 1 of 2)
Initial Study (Part 2 of 2)
Mitigation Implementation and Monitoring Plan

Construction Progress and Mitigation Monitoring

Construction of the project began in April 2005 and was completed in May 2006. Subsequent clean-up and revegetation efforts were conducted through October 2006. Information on proposed construction activities is presented in the MND/IS documents that can be accessed above. Weekly monitoring reports are posted here.

For additional information, contact Jensen Uchida at (415) 703-5953. E-mail:

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