Southern California Edison's Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Line Project

(Application No. A.04-12-007)

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of a proposed 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission line from the Antelope Substation in northern Los Angeles County to the Pardee Substation in the City of Santa Clarita. Southern California Edison (SCE) submitted an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for this project to the CPUC on December 9, 2004. SCE has also submitted an application for a Special Use Easement to the USDA Forest Service. The proposed project is subject to review under both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA and NEPA review processes.


SCE has filed applications with the CPUC and the Forest Service to construct a new, 25.6-mile 500-kV transmission line between SCE's existing 220-kV Antelope and Pardee substations in Los Angeles County, California. The proposed 500-kV transmission line would replace an existing 66-kV line that traverses the majority of the proposed route between the Antelope and Pardee substations, including approximately 13 miles within the Angeles National Forest (ANF). The proposed 500-kV transmission line route traverses an area of residential development in the Santa Clarita Valley area to the north and east of the existing Pardee Substation. The 500-kV transmission line would be energized initially at 220 kV. The proposed project would include electrical interconnections at the existing Antelope and Pardee substations as well as an initial expansion of the Antelope Substation and relocation of several existing 66-kV subtransmission lines in the vicinity of the Antelope Substation (collectively, referred to as the Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Line Project). The proposed project also includes the acquisition and fencing of approximately 31 acres of land necessary for the upgrade of the Antelope Substation from 220 kV to 500 kV.

Maps of the proposed transmission route can be viewed at the links below:

Map 1    Map 2    Map 3    Map 4

Aerial Photo of Santa Clarita Area

Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)

As part of its application to the CPUC, SCE prepared and submitted in December 2004 a Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA), which describes the proposed project, existing environmental conditions in the project area, and potential environmental impacts.

Notice of Preparation and Project Scoping

The CPUC on June 24, 2005, issued a Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Line Project, including a map of the project area. In addition, the Forest Service published a Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed project. The CPUC and the Forest Service have agreed to prepare a joint EIR/EIS for the proposed project to satisfy the requirements of CEQA and NEPA.

The CPUC and the Forest Service held two Public Scoping Meetings on June 29 and July 14 to solicit input from the public on potential impacts of the proposed project that should be addressed in the Draft EIR/EIS.

Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement

The CPUC and USDA Forest Service have released the Draft EIR/EIS for the proposed Project. The public comment period for this document extends from August 4, 2006 to September 18, 2006.

Public Meetings on the Draft EIR/EIS

On August 28, 29, and 30, 2006, the CPUC and USDA Forest Service will conduct a series of public meetings at which the public and other interested parties can submit oral or written comments on the Draft EIR/EIS.

The schedule for these public meetings is below.

Public Meetings
Quartz Hill, CA
Santa Clarita, CA
Agua Dulce, CA
August 28, 2006
August 29, 2006
August 30, 2006
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
George Lane Park Auditorium
5520 West Avenue L-8
Quartz Hill, CA 93536
City of Santa Clarita Activities Center
Santa Clarita Room
20880 Centre Point Parkway
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Agua Dulce Women's Club
33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road
Agua Dulce, CA 91390

For Additional Information

The CPUC and the Forest Service, through their Environmental Review Team, are conducting an environmental review of this project. To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by e-mail, fax, or phone, as follows:

Project E-mail:
Project Fax and Voicemail: (661) 215-5152

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