Pacific Gas & Electric Company's Diablo Canyon Power Plant Steam Generator Replacement Project

(Application No. A.04-01-009)


Draft Environmental Impact Report

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Notice of Availability
Title Page
Executive Summary
ES.1.  Introduction/Background
ES.2.  Alternatives
ES.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
ES.4.  Summary Comparison of the Proposed Project and Alternatives
ES.5.  Impact Summary Tables
ES.6.  References
Fig. ES-1.  Regional Project Location
Fig. ES-2.  Proposed Project
Fig. ES-3.  Diablo Canyon Power Plant 
Fig. ES-4.  Proposed Project Alternatives
A.  Introduction
A.1.  Overview and History of DCPP
A.2.  Purpose and Need
A.3.  Coordination of Industry Resources
A.4.  Nuclear Regulatory Commission
A.5.  CPUC Jurisdiction
A.6.  Agency Use of this Document
A.7.  Reader's Guide to This EIR
A.8.  References
Fig. A-1.  Typical Nuclear Power Plant Steam Supply System
Fig. A-2.  Steam Generator Tube Degradation Mechanisms
B.  Project Description
B.1.  Overview of Proposed Project
B.2.  Project Background
B.3.  Project Components
B.4.  Project Schedule, Equipment and Personnel Requirements
B.5.  Decommissioning
B.6.  Project Description Measures or Activities to Prevent Environmental Impacts
B.7.  References
Fig. B-1.  Regional Project Location
Fig. B-2.  Proposed Project
Fig. B-3.  Diablo Canyon Power Plant
Fig. B-4.  Steam Generator - Dimensions and Operating Parameters
Fig. B-5.  Port San Luis
Fig. B-6.  Barge Route through Moorings into Port San Luis
Fig. B-7.  Photos of Steam Generator Barges
Fig. B-8.  Plan View of "Live Offload" Barge Docking at Port San Luis
Fig. B-9.  Barge and Ground Transporter Drawing
Fig. B-10.  Photos of Steam Generator Offloading
Fig. B-11.  Port San Luis Area
Fig. B-12.  Steam Generator on Runway Moving through the Equipment Hatch from the Containment Structure onto the Auxiliary Building Roof
Fig. B-13.  Steam Generator Lifted from Place and onto the Runway Moving through the Equipment Hatch from the Containment Structure onto the Auxiliary Building Roof
Fig. B-14.  Steam Generator Passing over the Auxiliary Building
Fig. B-15.  Steam Generator Lowered onto the Transporter Outside of the Auxiliary Building
Fig. B-16.  Additional Workforce during Proposed Project
C.  Alternatives
C.1.  Applicant Proposed Options
C.2.  Alternatives Development and Screening Process
C.3.  Alternatives Screening Methodology
C.4.  Alternatives Evaluated in this EIR
C.5.  Alternatives Evaluated and Eliminated
C.6.  No Project Alternative
C.7.  References
Fig. C-1.  Proposed Project Alternatives
Fig. C-2.  Potential Alternatives in the Port San Luis Vicinity
Fig. C-3.  Potential Alternatives from Port San Luis to DCPP Facility
Fig. C-4.  Potential Alternatives in the DCPP Vicinity
Fig. C-5.  Potential Alternatives Northwest of DCPP Facility
Fig. C-6.  Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure in California
Fig. C-7.  Transmission Infrastructure in California
D.1.  Introduction to Environmental Analysis
D.1.1.  Introduction/Background
D.1.2.  Environmental Assessment Methodology
D.1.3.  References
D.2.  Air Quality
D.2.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.2.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.2.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.2.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.2.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.2.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.2.7.  References
D.3.  Biological Resources
D.3.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.3.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.3.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.3.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.3.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.3.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.3.7.  References
D.4.  Cultural Resources
D.4.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.4.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.4.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.4.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.4.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.4.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.4.7.  References
Fig. D.4-1.  Area of Potential Effects (APE)
D.5.  Geology, Soils, and Paleontology
D.5.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.5.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.5.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.5.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.5.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.5.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.5.7.  References
Fig. D.5-1.  View of Hill 914 and Green Peak
Fig. D.5-2.  Geologic Formations and Mapped Landslide Areas
Fig. D.5.3.  Example of Rockfall near Atascadero
Fig. D.5.4.  Example of Rockfall near Santa Rita
D.6.  Hazardous Materials
D.6.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.6.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.6.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.6.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.6.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.6.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.6.7.  References
D.7.  Hydrology and Water Quality
D.7.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.7.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.7.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.7.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.7.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.7.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.7.7.  References
Fig. D.7-1.  Drainageway Crossings Along RSG Transport Route
D.8.  Land Use, Recreation, and Agriculture
D.8.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.8.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.8.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.8.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.8.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.8.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.8.7.  References
Fig. D.8-1.  Diablo Canyon Power Plant Property Map  (4.3 MB)
Fig. D.8-2.  Land Use, Recreation, and Agriculture Study Area
Fig. D.8-3.  Land Use Designations  (4.7 MB)
Fig. D.8-4.  Recreational Facilities
Fig. D.8-5.  Important Farmland
Fig. D.8-6.  Williamson Act Lands
D.9.  Noise and Vibration
D.9.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.9.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.9.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.9.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.9.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.9.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.9.7.  References
Fig. D.9-1.  Typical Range of Common Sounds Heard in the Environment
D.10.  Public Services and Utilities
D.10.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.10.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.10.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.10.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.10.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.10.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.10.7.  References
D.11.  Socioeconomics
D.11.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.11.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.11.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.11.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.11.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.11.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.11.7.  References
D.12.  System and Transportation Safety
D.12.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.12.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.12.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.12.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.12.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.12.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.12.7.  References
Attachment to Section D.12.7 - OSG Storage Facility Aircraft Hazards
Fig. D.12-1.  DCPP Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) Map
Fig. D.12-2.  Sources of Radiation Exposure (figure embedded in text)
Fig. D.12-3.  Barge Transport in Port San Luis
D.13.  Traffic and Circulation
D.13.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.13.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.13.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.13.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.13.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.13.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.13.7.  References
Fig. D.13-1.  Project Area Roadway System
D.14.  Visual Resources
D.14.1.  Environmental Setting for the Proposed Project
D.14.2.  Applicable Regulations, Plans, and Standards
D.14.3.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project
D.14.4.  Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Alternatives
D.14.5.  Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative
D.14.6.  Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Table
D.14.7.  References
Fig. D.14-1.  Project Viewshed: Seen Areas, Landscape Units, and KOPs
Fig. D.14-2.  San Luis Obispo Bay, Offloading Location, and Harford Pier and Landing
Fig. D.14-3.  Coastal Hills
Fig. D.14-4.  Diablo Canyon Power Plant
Fig. D.14-5.  Open Water Viewpoints
E.  Comparison of Alternatives
E.1.  Comparison Methodology
E.2.  Environmentally Superior Alternative
E.3.  No Project Alternative vs. the Environmentally Superior Alternative
F.  Other CEQA Considerations
F.1.  Growth Inducing Effects
F.2.  Significant Irreversible Changes
F.3.  Cumulative Scenario
F.4.  Cumulative Impact Analysis
F.5.  References
G.  NRC License Renewal
G.1.  PG&E's Position on NRC License Renewal
G.2.  NRC Licensing Process
G.3.  Status of License Renewal Applications
G.4.  References
H.  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
H.1.  Introduction to MMCRP
H.2.  Roles and Responsibilities
H.3.  General Monitoring Procedures
H.4.  Mitigation Compliance Plan
H.5.  Condition Effectiveness Review
H.6.  Mitigation Monitoring Program Tables
I.  Public Participation
I.1.  EIR Scoping Process
I.2.  Public Notification
J.  Report Preparation
J.1.  EIR Preparers
J.2.  EIR Information Contacts
J.3.  List of Definitions and Acronyms
Appendix 1.  Notice of Preparation
Appendix 2.  Biological Resources
Appendix 3.  Summary of Pertinent Federal Regulations

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