Notice of Availability
Title Page |
Executive Summary |
ES.1. Introduction/Background |
ES.2. Alternatives |
ES.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures |
ES.4. Summary Comparison of the Proposed
Project and Alternatives |
ES.5. Impact Summary Tables |
ES.6. References |
Fig. ES-1.
Regional Project Location |
Fig. ES-2.
Proposed Project |
Fig. ES-3.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant |
Fig. ES-4.
Proposed Project Alternatives |
Introduction |
A.1. Overview and History of DCPP |
A.2. Purpose and Need |
A.3. Coordination of Industry Resources |
A.4. Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
A.5. CPUC Jurisdiction |
A.6. Agency Use of this Document |
A.7. Reader's Guide to This EIR |
A.8. References |
Fig. A-1.
Typical Nuclear Power Plant Steam Supply System |
Fig. A-2.
Steam Generator Tube Degradation Mechanisms |
Project Description |
B.1. Overview of Proposed Project |
B.2. Project Background |
B.3. Project Components |
B.4. Project Schedule, Equipment and
Personnel Requirements |
B.5. Decommissioning |
B.6. Project Description Measures or
Activities to Prevent Environmental Impacts |
B.7. References |
Fig. B-1.
Regional Project Location |
Fig. B-2.
Proposed Project |
Fig. B-3.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant |
Fig. B-4.
Steam Generator - Dimensions and Operating Parameters |
Fig. B-5.
Port San Luis |
Fig. B-6.
Barge Route through Moorings into Port San Luis |
Fig. B-7.
Photos of Steam Generator Barges |
Fig. B-8.
Plan View of "Live Offload" Barge Docking at Port San Luis |
Fig. B-9.
Barge and Ground Transporter Drawing |
Fig. B-10.
Photos of Steam Generator Offloading |
Fig. B-11.
Port San Luis Area |
Fig. B-12.
Steam Generator on Runway Moving through the Equipment Hatch from
the Containment Structure onto the Auxiliary Building Roof |
Fig. B-13.
Steam Generator Lifted from Place and onto the Runway Moving through
the Equipment Hatch from the Containment Structure onto the Auxiliary
Building Roof |
Fig. B-14.
Steam Generator Passing over the Auxiliary Building |
Fig. B-15.
Steam Generator Lowered onto the Transporter Outside of the Auxiliary
Building |
Fig. B-16.
Additional Workforce during Proposed Project |
Alternatives |
C.1. Applicant Proposed Options |
C.2. Alternatives Development and Screening
Process |
C.3. Alternatives Screening Methodology |
C.4. Alternatives Evaluated in this
C.5. Alternatives Evaluated and Eliminated |
C.6. No Project Alternative |
C.7. References |
Fig. C-1.
Proposed Project Alternatives |
Fig. C-2.
Potential Alternatives in the Port San Luis Vicinity |
Fig. C-3.
Potential Alternatives from Port San Luis to DCPP Facility |
Fig. C-4.
Potential Alternatives in the DCPP Vicinity |
Fig. C-5.
Potential Alternatives Northwest of DCPP Facility |
Fig. C-6.
Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure in California |
Fig. C-7.
Transmission Infrastructure in California |
Introduction to Environmental Analysis |
D.1.1. Introduction/Background |
D.1.2. Environmental Assessment Methodology |
D.1.3. References |
Air Quality |
D.2.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.2.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.2.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.2.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.2.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.2.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.2.7. References |
Biological Resources |
D.3.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.3.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.3.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.3.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.3.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.3.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.3.7. References |
Cultural Resources |
D.4.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.4.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.4.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.4.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.4.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.4.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.4.7. References |
Fig. D.4-1.
Area of Potential Effects (APE) |
Geology, Soils, and Paleontology |
D.5.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.5.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.5.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.5.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.5.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.5.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.5.7. References |
Fig. D.5-1.
View of Hill 914 and Green Peak |
Fig. D.5-2.
Geologic Formations and Mapped Landslide Areas |
D.5.3. Example of Rockfall near Atascadero |
D.5.4. Example of Rockfall near Santa Rita |
Hazardous Materials |
D.6.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.6.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.6.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.6.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.6.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.6.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.6.7. References |
Hydrology and Water Quality |
D.7.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.7.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.7.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.7.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.7.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.7.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.7.7. References |
Fig. D.7-1.
Drainageway Crossings Along RSG Transport Route |
Land Use, Recreation, and Agriculture |
D.8.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.8.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.8.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.8.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.8.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.8.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.8.7. References |
Fig. D.8-1.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant Property Map (4.3 MB) |
Fig. D.8-2.
Land Use, Recreation, and Agriculture Study Area |
Fig. D.8-3.
Land Use Designations (4.7 MB) |
Fig. D.8-4.
Recreational Facilities |
Fig. D.8-5.
Important Farmland |
Fig. D.8-6.
Williamson Act Lands |
Noise and Vibration |
D.9.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.9.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.9.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.9.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.9.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.9.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.9.7. References |
Fig. D.9-1.
Typical Range of Common Sounds Heard in the Environment |
Public Services and Utilities |
D.10.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.10.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.10.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.10.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.10.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.10.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.10.7. References |
Socioeconomics |
D.11.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.11.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.11.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.11.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.11.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.11.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.11.7. References |
System and Transportation Safety |
D.12.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.12.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.12.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.12.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.12.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.12.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.12.7. References |
Attachment to Section D.12.7 - OSG Storage
Facility Aircraft Hazards |
Fig. D.12-1.
DCPP Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) Map |
Fig. D.12-2. Sources of Radiation Exposure
(figure embedded in text) |
Fig. D.12-3.
Barge Transport in Port San Luis |
Traffic and Circulation |
D.13.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.13.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.13.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.13.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.13.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.13.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.13.7. References |
Fig. D.13-1.
Project Area Roadway System |
Visual Resources |
D.14.1. Environmental Setting for the
Proposed Project |
D.14.2. Applicable Regulations, Plans,
and Standards |
D.14.3. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Proposed Project |
D.14.4. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
Measures for the Alternatives |
D.14.5. Environmental Impacts of the
No Project Alternative |
D.14.6. Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance,
and Reporting Table |
D.14.7. References |
Fig. D.14-1.
Project Viewshed: Seen Areas, Landscape Units, and KOPs |
Fig. D.14-2.
San Luis Obispo Bay, Offloading Location, and Harford Pier and Landing |
Fig. D.14-3.
Coastal Hills |
Fig. D.14-4.
Diablo Canyon Power Plant |
Fig. D.14-5.
Open Water Viewpoints |
Comparison of Alternatives |
E.1. Comparison Methodology |
E.2. Environmentally Superior Alternative |
E.3. No Project Alternative vs. the
Environmentally Superior Alternative |
Other CEQA Considerations |
F.1. Growth Inducing Effects |
F.2. Significant Irreversible Changes |
F.3. Cumulative Scenario |
F.4. Cumulative Impact Analysis |
F.5. References |
NRC License Renewal |
G.1. PG&E's Position on NRC License
Renewal |
G.2. NRC Licensing Process |
G.3. Status of License Renewal Applications |
G.4. References |
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting |
H.1. Introduction to MMCRP |
H.2. Roles and Responsibilities |
H.3. General Monitoring Procedures |
H.4. Mitigation Compliance Plan |
H.5. Condition Effectiveness Review |
H.6. Mitigation Monitoring Program Tables |
Public Participation |
I.1. EIR Scoping Process |
I.2. Public Notification |
Report Preparation |
J.1. EIR Preparers |
J.2. EIR Information Contacts |
J.3. List of Definitions and Acronyms |
Appendices |
Appendix 1. Notice
of Preparation |
Appendix 2.
Biological Resources |
Appendix 3.
Summary of Pertinent Federal Regulations |