Kirby Hills Natural Gas Storage Facility


Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Supporting Initial Study

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Front Matter
A. Introduction
B. Initial Study
Figure B-1. General Project Location
Figure B-2. Project Area
Figure B-3. Location of the Project Components
Figure B-4a. Project Components (6.4MB)
Figure B-4b. Project Components (6.7MB)
Figure B-4c. Project Components (6.7MB)
Figure B-5. Plot Plan and Meter Site
Figure B-6. Photographs of the Proposed Metering Site
Figure B-7. Representative Photographs of the Gas Pipeline Route
Figure B-8. Representative Photographs of the Compressor Station Site Area
Figure B-9. Compressor Station Plot Plan
Figure B-10. Project Flow Diagram: Permanent Facilities
Figure B-11. Kirby Hills Wells Sites S-2 and S-10 and Location of Temporary Compressor
Figure B-12. Biological Resources Located in the Study Area (3.5MB)
Figure B-13. Noise-Sensitive Uses in the Proposed Project Area
C. Mitigation Monitoring Program
Figure C-1. Unanticipated Biological Resource Discovery Flowchart (embedded in document)
Figure C-2. Temporary Extra Work Space Request Sheet (embedded in document)
Figure C-3. Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources Flowchart (embedded in document)
Figure C-4. Unanticipated Discovery of Human Remains Flowchart (embedded in document)
D. Responses to Comments (3.0MB)
Comment Set 1 - California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Comment Set 2 - Lodi Gas Storage, LLC
Comment Set 3 - Goodin, MacBride, Squeri, Ritchie & Day, LLP, for Wild Goose Storage Inc.
Comment Set 4 - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Comment Set 5 - California Department of Transportation, District 4
Comment Set 6 - Solano County
Comment Set 7 - Solano County (follow-up)
Appendix 1. References
Appendix 2. List of Preparers and Reviewers
Appendix 3. Air Quality
Appendix 4. System Safety and Risk of Upset
Appendix 5. Noise Impact Analysis

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