San Diego Gas & Electric Company's
Proposed Ocean Ranch Substation Project

(Application A.16-07-016, filed July 27, 2016)


Final Initial Study and
Mitigated Negative Declaration

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Entire Document in One File (70.7MB)
Title Page
1. Mitigated Negative Declaration
1.1 Project Information
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Project Description
1.4 Environmental Determination
2. Environmental Determination
2.1 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected
2.2 Environmental Determination
3. Introduction to the Initial Study
3.1 Proposed Project Overview
3.2 Environmental Analysis
4. Project Description (6.6MB)
4.1 Project Title
4.2 Lead Agency Name and Address
4.3 Lead Agency Contact Person and Phone Number
4.4 Project Location
4.5 Project Sponsor's Name and Address
4.6 General Plan Designation
4.7 Zoning
4.8 Surrounding Land Uses and Setting
4.9 Project Overview
4.10 Project Components
4.11 Project Construction
4.12 Operation and Maintenance
4.13 Other Permits and Approvals
4.14 Applicant Proposed Measures
4.15 Electric and Magnetic Fields Summary
4.16 Alternatives
5. Environmental Setting and Environmental Impacts (21.8MB)
5.1 Aesthetics
5.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources
5.3 Air Quality
5.4 Biological Resources
5.5 Cultural and Paleontological Resources
5.6 Geology and Soils
5.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
5.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
5.9 Hydrology and Water Quality
5.10 Land Use and Planning
5.11 Mineral Resources
5.12 Noise
5.13 Population and Housing
5.14 Public Services
5.15 Recreation
5.16 Transportation and Traffic
5.17 Tribal and Cultural Resources
5.18 Utilities and Service Systems
5.19 Corona and Induced Current Effects
5.20 Mandatory Findings of Significance
6. Mitigation Monitoring Plan
6.1 Minor Project Refinements
6.2 Dispute Resolution
7. Response to Comments
Comment Set A - California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Comment Set B - San Diego Gas & Electric Company

Appendix A. References
Appendix B. List of Preparers
Appendix C. Landscape Concept Plan (5.1MB)
Appendix D. Best Management Practices Manual
Appendix E. Geotechnical Siting Studies (16.5MB)
Appendix F. Operation & Maintenance Wildland Fire Prevention Plan
Appendix G. Biological Technical Report
Appendix H. Additional Special-status Species
Appendix I. Preliminary Jurisdictional Delineation (12.7MB)
Appendix J. Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration

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