Mitigation Measure A-1: Apply water sprays to all disturbed active construction areas a minimum of two times per day, except when soil water content exceeds the level recommended by the soils engineer for compaction or when weather conditions warrant a reduction in water application. Additionally, adequate dust control shall be used to keep fugitive dust from being transmitted outside of the ROW or property boundaries. Increase dust control watering beyond the level proposed by the Applicant when wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. The amount of additional watering would depend upon soil moisture content at the time. Cease excavation and grading work when sustained wind speeds exceed 30 mph.

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Each construction spread shall operate an anemometer adjacent to dust-producing construction activities. (Level 2) - During Construction

PC2 PPSI shall apply water spray to all disturbed (i.e., uncovered) construction areas a minimum of two times per day, except when soil water content exceeds the level recommended by a soil engineer for compaction ("moist" condition) or when weather conditions (i.e., precipitation) warrant a reduction in water applications. (Level 2) - During Construction

PC3 PPSI to document in a written log, the date and time of each watering, and the location(s) (by milepost) watered. (Level 2) - During Construction

PC4 PPSI shall document those periods when the soil engineer has requested a limitation on watering as a result of soil moisture levels, or when watering was not conducted as a result of weather conditions. (Level 2) - During Construction

PC5 PPSI to check anemometer at regular intervals whenever winds are active (potentially 15 mph or greater) and record wind speed measurements and site measurement taken at in a log to be kept at each spread. (Level 2) - During Construction

PC6 PPSI to water disturbed areas when wind speeds range are 15 mph or more, as measured by an anemometer, for a sustained period of 10 minutes and soil water content tests "dry." (Level 2) - During Construction

PC7 PPSI will cease excavation, grading work and other dust-producing construction activities when wind speeds exceed 30 mph for a sustained period of 10 or more minutes. Construction activities can resume when wind speed has remained below 30 mph for more than 15 minutes. (Level 2) - During Construction

Effectiveness Criteria: The EM will not be able to determine the exact level of emission reduction in the field. Verification of performance will result in impact reduction.

Effectiveness Timing: During construction.

Mitigation Measure A-2: Confine construction activities to the ROW whenever possible and minimize the disturbed area (see also Transportation, Section C.14).

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 All construction activities (i.e., equipment storage, survey, clearing and grading, ditching, hauling and stringing the line pipe, pipe bending, line-up and welding, x-ray, cathodic protection, coating and insulation of pipe welds, lowering in, tie-in, backfilling, hydrostatic testing, ROW cleanup, restoration, etc.) stay within the ROW (specified in PPSI's alignment sheets) at all times. Whenever possible is defined as at all times except when a variance has been granted by the Lead Agencies. (Level 3) - Prior to, during, and post-construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Reduction in dust emissions cannot be measured or verified in the field. EM's verification that disturbed areas are minimized will result in reduction of dust emissions.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-3: Any disturbed area that is not covered with a foundation or paving within 14 days after completion of disturbing activities shall be stabilized using soil coating mulch, dust palliatives, compaction, reseeding, or other approved methods. Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. Trucked soil loads shall be covered in transit.

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI stabilizes all disturbed areas with foundation, paving, vegetation, or method described in measures within 14 days after completion of ground disturbing activities. (Level 2) - During construction

PC2 Soil stockpiled more than two days (including non-work days) is covered, kept moist (i.e., watered so dust is produced is kept to a minimum), or treated with soil binders. (Level 2) - During construction

PC3 PPSI to ensure that all trucked soil loads are covered before they exit the construction area. (Level 2) -During construction

Effectiveness Criteria: EM's verification of PPSI's performance will result in reduced fugitive dust. Verification of soil stabilization methods should result in a 30-65% emission reduction efficiency; however, it is not possible to measure the effectiveness.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-4: Use alternatively fueled vehicles (methanol, natural gas, electricity) for transporting workers to and from work sites.

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to provide detailed documentation on the alternatively fueled vehicles (AFV) they will be using. Each AFV shall be identified by an individual identification number that is in plain view on the outside of the vehicle. (Level 2) - Prior to construction

PC2 PPSI to use alternatively fueled vehicles for transporting workers to and from work sites. (Level 2) - During construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Effectiveness of emission reduction cannot be measured; AFV use would be expected to result in impact reduction.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-4*: Install catalytic converters on gasoline-powered equipment (previously A-6*).

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to provide a certification (signed and dated) from a third-party certified mechanic that a catalytic converter is installed on each applicable vehicle and gasoline-fueled equipment (excluding small gas-powered equipment such as tampers and pumps). The individual identification number for vehicle/gasoline-fueled equipment must be listed on the certification form, as well as on the outside (in plain view) of each vehicle and gasoline-fueled equipment. (Level 2) - Prior to Construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Reduction in impact cannot be measured or verified in the field.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-5: Incorporate into the Transportation Management Plan (Mitigation Measure T-5) measures that reduce pollutant emissions. For example, schedule truck trips outside peak traffic hours.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 CPUC/ANF designee reviews the Transportation Management Plan to verify that PPSI incorporated measures that reduce pollutant emissions into the Transportation Management Plan. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC2 All aspects of the approved Transportation Management Plan are implemented during and post-construction. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Reduction in emissions cannot be evaluated. Inclusion of emission control requirements in the TMP should result in reduced emissions.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable.

Mitigation Measure A-6: Expeditiously grade and install foundations at the pump station sites in Kern County and the pressure relief station site in Los Angeles County. Apply Mitigation Measure A-3 to pump station sites or cover the surface with quality gravel immediately after grading and installing foundations. Use a backhoe to temporarily displace gravel when working at the base of foundations.

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI expeditiously grades and installs foundations at the pump stations sites in Kern County and the pressure relief station site in Los Angeles County. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC2 PPSI follows stated guidelines for stabilizing all disturbed areas, for soil stockpiled longer than two days, and for trucks carry soil loads offsite (Mitigation Measure A-3) at pump station sites and pressure relief stations. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC3 A backhoe, or other appropriate means, is used to temporarily displace gravel when working at the base of foundations. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification of soil stabilization methods should result in a 30-65% emission reduction efficiency; however, effectiveness cannot be measured in the field.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-7: Project truck drivers shall be instructed to not leave their engines idling for more than two minutes. Spot checks shall periodically be performed as part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program to verify success.

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to ensure that project personnel operating vehicles (including contractors, subcontractors, and service company representatives) sign a statement acknowledging their awareness of the idling restriction; signed statements shall be maintained at each spread. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction.

PC2 Signs shall be posted in plain view within the construction spread area (including staging areas, extra work space, right-of-way, storage yards, etc.) stating that vehicles shall not idle for more than two minutes and must be shut off prior to the two minute limitation. (Level 2) - Prior to and during construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: The effectiveness of this measure is not measurable; however, verification that compliance has occurred should result in a reduction in impacts.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-8: Streets shall be swept manually or with water sweepers at the end of the day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public paved roads. Reclaimed water shall be used with the water sweepers. (CEQA Air Quality Handbook, 1993).

Impact: Construction emission in excess of the SCAQMD's construction emission thresholds; Violation of NO2 or PM10 CAAQS (Class I)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to ensure that at the end of each construction day any visible soil material carried onto adjacent public paved roads is swept up. This may be done with a street sweeper or manually. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC2 If a street sweeper is used, reclaimed water is used in all street sweepers. A copy of the contract with water provider and drivers' log books with water pick-ups will be required and available for inspection. If the reclaimed water is not available within 20 miles of the construction site, PPSI will provide documentation demonstrating their good faith effort to obtain reclaimed water. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Street sweeping should result in a 25-60% emission reduction efficiency; however effectiveness cannot be observed in the field.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Mitigation Measure A-9 [Deleted]

Mitigation Measure A-10: Traffic speeds on all unpaved roads shall be reduced to 15 mph or less (CEQA Air Quality Handbook, 1993). Restrict truck speeds to 5 mph or less within 100 feet of the entrance to a paved road.

Impact: Operational emission could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances in SJVAB (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to ensure that all project personnel (including contractors, subcontractors, and service company representatives) sign a statement acknowledging their awareness of the unpaved road speed limit restriction. The statement shall specify that 15 mph is the maximum speed limit on any unpaved road, and 5 mph is the maximum speed limit within 100 feet of an entrance to a paved road. (Level 2) - Prior to and during construction.

PC2 PPSI to post a 15 mph speed limit sign (in plain view) along all unpaved roads and a 5 mph speed limit sign within 125 feet of the entrance to a paved road. (Level 2) - Prior to and during construction.

PC3 Construction traffic no more than 15 mph on any unpaved road and no more than 5 mph within 100 feet of the entrance to a paved road. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: EM responsible for verifying the speed limit restrictions. Verification of speed limit restrictions will result in a significant emission reduction efficiency.

Effectiveness Timing: During construction

Mitigation Measure A-11: Install Best Available Control Technology (BACT, such as selective catalytic NOx reduction) on gas-fired heaters and obtain secured offsets, if required by the District.

Impact: Operational emissions could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances in San Joaquin Valley Air Basin (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Expert compliance review of the installation of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) on gas-fired heaters. Verification of secured offsets if required by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD). (Level 2) - One month prior to operation of new gas fired heaters.

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification of the installation of BACT on the gas-fired heaters would result in the maximum reduction in emissions associated with the operation of the gas-fired heaters. If offsets are required by the SJVUAPCD, verification of secured (SJVUAPCD-approved) offsets would result in compliance with the SJVUAPCD.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to operation of pipeline

Mitigation Measure A-12: Use alternatively fueled vehicles for project operational activities. Decrease commuting emissions by establishing an incentive program that would encourage employees to carpool, participate in community ridesharing programs, and use public transit.

Impact: Vehicle emissions could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation of arrangements made to use alternatively fueled vehicles for project operational activities. (Level 2) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC2 PPSI or operator uses alternatively fueled vehicles for project operational activities. (Level 2) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC3 PPSI establishes an incentive program that encourages employees to carpool, to participate in community ridesharing programs, and to use public transit. (Level 2) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC4 PPSI or operator implement the rideshare incentive program. (Level 2) - Prior to pipeline operation.

Effectiveness Criteria: Use of alternatively fueled vehicles and personnel utilizing carpools or ridesharing would indicate potential reduction in ozone emissions.

Effectiveness Timing: During operation of pipeline.

Mitigation Measure A-13 [Deleted]


Applicant Proposed Measure A-14**: Injection timing on diesel engines retarded two degrees Before Top Center.

Impact: Non-compliance with proposed measure could result in a significant air quality impact. Vehicle emissions could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a certification (signed and dated) from a third-party certified mechanic stating that the timing of all diesel-powered construction equipment engines have been retarded two degrees Before Top Center. The identification number for each vehicle must be listed on the certification form, as well as on the outside (in plain view) of each piece of construction equipment. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI recertifies each piece of construction equipment during scheduled maintenance. PPSI provides maintenance schedule for each piece of construction equipment. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Effectiveness of the timing adjustment for construction equipment cannot be measured; certification would be expected to result in impact reduction.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Applicant Proposed Measure A-15**: Use high pressure injectors to reduce NOx emission by approximately 40 percent.

Impact: Non-compliance with proposed measure could result in a significant air quality impact. Vehicle emissions could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a certification (signed and dated) from a third-party certified mechanic stating that all diesel construction equipment engines are utilizing high pressure fuel injectors. The identification number for each vehicle must be listed on the certification form, as well as on the outside (in plain view) of each applicable construction equipment vehicle. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Effectiveness of the installation of high pressure injectors on construction equipment cannot be measured; certification would be expected to result in impact reduction.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Applicant Proposed Measure A-16**: Superseded by California State Regulation (Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2282)

Applicant Proposed Measure A-17**: Superseded by California State Regulation (Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2281)

Applicant Proposed Measure A-18**: All engines shall be properly maintained.

Impact: Non-compliance with proposed measure could result in a significant air quality impact. Vehicle emissions could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides maintenance schedule for all vehicles and equipment (identified by individual identification number). (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides a certification (signed and dated) from a third-party certified mechanic stating that the timing of all internal combustion construction equipment engines have been properly maintained. The identification number for each vehicle must be listed on the certification form, as well as on the outside (in plain view) of each piece of construction equipment. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC3 PPSI recertifies each piece of construction equipment/vehicle based on the maintenance schedule. PPSI documents in a written log, the number of hours each piece of equipment is operated. The certification is submitted to CPUC/ANF designee before the time limitations are exceeded. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Effectiveness of the timing adjustment for construction equipment cannot be measured; certification would be expected to result in impact reduction.

Effectiveness Timing: Not applicable

Applicant Proposed Measure A-19**: PPSI shall develop an inspection and maintenance program that would reduce fugitive losses from flanges, valves and seals by up to 80 percent. (This commitment was in conformity with SBCAPCD Rule 331.)

Impact: Non-compliance with proposed measure could result in air quality impacts. Operational emissions could exacerbate existing ozone exceedances.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides for review by CPUC/ANF designee an Inspection and Maintenance Program that ensures fugitive losses from flanges, valves and seals is reduced by up to 80 percent. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC2 PPSI implements the approved Inspection and Maintenance Program. (Level 2) - During pipeline operation.

Effectiveness Criteria: An audit (by a technical expert) of PPSI's Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Plan and Program will indicate the reduction levels in fugitive emission releases from flanges, valves and seals. The technical expert must ensure that the reduction levels are the maximum reduction reasonable achievable by there programs (Rule 331 of SBCAPCD (Fugitive Emissions Inspection and Maintenance) suggests 80 percent reduction.

Effectiveness Timing: During operation

Applicant Proposed Measure A-20**: PPSI shall employ high efficiency electric pumps, equipped with Variable Frequency Drives, at the two pump stations.

Impact: Use of pumps that are not electric and high efficiency will result in higher emissions, exacerbating existing ozone exceedances.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation of installation of high efficiency electric pumps. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification of the installation of high efficiency electric pumps would result in less emissions generated at local power generating stations.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to operation.


A-PP1 Welding machines will use diesel or unleaded fuel with catalytic converters. (FEIS/SEIR, p B-34)

A-PP2 Used hydrostatic test water will be re-applied to the ROW for dust suppression if uncontaminated, or held in offsite permitted ponds for treatment. (FEIS/SEIR, p B-34)

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