Final Implementation Plan
Pacific Pipeline Project
Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program

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1. Introduction

2. Purpose and Objectives

3. Management and Responsibilities

4. Preconstruction Plans R`equired by Mitigation Measures

5. Environmental Briefings and Training

6. Procedures for Field Monitoring [Field Monitoring Manual]

7. Agency and PPSI Contacts


Appendix A: Mitigation Measures, Applicant Proposed Measures, and Project Parameters (with performance and effectiveness criteria fully defined)
Appendix B: Responsible and Cooperating Agencies
Appendix C: Applicable Plans, Policies, and Regulations
Appendix D: Data Management System Manual (distributed to Environmental Monitors only)

EXHIBITS (under construction)

Exhibit 1 MMCRP Organization and Communication 4, 32
Exhibit 2 Plans and Plan Review Status 13
Exhibit 3 Pipeline Construction Spreads 22
Exhibit 4 Mitigation Measures and Requirements per Issue Area 22
Exhibit 5 Technical Experts on Aspen=s team 26
Exhibit 6 Agency Jurisdiction List 27
Exhibit 7 Timesheet 35
Exhibit 8 Expense Report 36
Exhibit 9 MMCRP Procedures for Addressing Project or Mitigation Measure Changes 40
Exhibit 10 Pacific Pipeline Mitigation Implementation Modification Flow Chart 42
Exhibit 11 Contact List 50