(B-V-1 through B-V-8)

Mitigation Measure B-V-1: Prior to construction, the location of sensitive botanical resources shall be depicted and designated for avoidance on project construction plans. In the Angeles National Forest, this effort shall include designation of all previously undisturbed areas outside of the existing (recovering) disturbed areas in the Mobil (M-70) or other existing corridors as off-limits to any construction disturbance. This effort shall also include a detailed tabulation of riparian habitats, wetlands, and jurisdictional wetlands (per Army Corps of Engineers, ANF, and CDFG regulations and guidance) potentially to be disturbed by the Proposed Project on a drainage-by-drainage basis, noting which areas are subject to Section 404 and CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement requirements. Resources to be mapped, where present, shall include riparian habitat, wetlands, and jurisdictional wetlands, oak trees greater than 4 feet tall, other native specimen trees greater than 6 inches dbh, stands of native perennial grasses, Bakersfield cactus, and Peirson's morning-glory.

Flagging and resource avoidance shall be verified by a qualified specialist acceptable to the CPUC and the ANF, CDFG, or other jurisdiction, as applicable. Construction within the driplines of oak trees, and incidental trimming or damage to trees along the proposed route shall be evaluated by a qualified arborist, who shall identify appropriate measures to minimize tree loss. Oaks or native specimen trees that are removed or killed as a result of construction or other project-related activities shall be replaced at a minimum ratio of ten trees of the same species, at least 5 years old and capable of surviving without further maintenance, for each tree removed. Compliance shall be evaluated 5 years after tree removal. Trees shall be planted at locations acceptable to the landowner or managing agency. If the removal of native trees cannot be avoided, transplanting may be attempted at PPSI's discretion and subject to the approval of a designated transplant site by the landowner or managing agency. All planting and transplanting locations, procedures, and results shall be evaluated by a qualified arborist. All protection and replacement measures shall be consistent with applicable local jurisdiction requirements, such as the Los Angeles County Oak Tree Ordinance, and with permit requirements imposed by the CDFG or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Tree removal shall not be permitted until replacement trees have been planted or transplanting sites are approved.

Impact: Sensitive species and resources adjacent to the proposed route may be removed or degraded by construction, maintenance, repair, or emergency response (Class I or II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to provide botanical survey reports prior to start of construction for review by CPUC/ANF designee prior to start of construction. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 Resource avoidance sites flagged and designated prior to start of construction. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC3 Construction activities avoid all sensitive resources. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC4 PPSI provides report from qualified arborist evaluating potential impacts to oak trees, prior to start of construction and when oak trees are trimmed or damaged during construction. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC5 PPSI provides report from qualified arborist evaluating planting and transplanting locations and procedures after replacement trees are planted. (Level 1) - After replacement trees are planted.

PC6 PPSI provides report from qualified arborist evaluating results of planting, transplanting and procedures after replacement trees are planted. (Level 1) - After replacement trees are planted.

PC7 Replacement of oak trees greater than 4 feet tall or native specimen trees greater than 6 inches dbh shall be planted at a ratio of 10:1. (Level 1) - After replacement trees are planted.

Effectiveness Criteria: Sensitive resources are either fully avoided, or resource restoration is implemented. Replacement trees, at least 5 years old, must be successfully established, requiring no further maintenance.

Effectiveness Timing: (1) Plans developed and approved prior to construction; (2) resource avoidance and restoration confirmed during and after construction. Locating and ordering replacement trees must be initiated prior to tree removal.

Mitigation Measure B-V-2: During pipeline construction, the upper 6-12 inches of topsoil, depending on existing depth of topsoil, shall be salvaged and replaced wherever the pipeline is trenched through open land, including shared pipeline and utility corridors, but not including graded roads and road shoulders. Prior to permit issuance and final design, project construction plans shall depict appropriate measures for topsoil protection. Topsoil shall not be used to backfill the trench, and excavated trench spoils or excess fill shall not be dispersed onto the surface of the ROW. Implementation of this measure during construction shall be verified by a qualified specialist acceptable to the CPUC and the ANF, CDFG, or other jurisdiction, as applicable.

Impact: Construction, maintenance, or repair may result in a loss of topsoil, reducing the likelihood of successful revegetation and erosion control. Disposal of trench spoils onto the surface may have similar effects. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI shall instruct clearing and grading operators to salvage 6 inches and no more than 12 inches of topsoil in all open lands including shared pipeline and utility corridors, but not including graded roads and road shoulders. (Level ) - Prior to construction.

PC2 Construction plans depict appropriate measures (for example, store separately), for topsoil protection. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC3 Topsoil is set aside and protected during construction, is not used to backfill trench, and is dispersed on surface of ROW where it came from after trench filling. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC4 Topsoil not transported from one area to another. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC5 Topsoil not stripped when soil saturated or windy (See Mitigation Measure A-1, PC7 and PC8). (Level 3) - During construction.

PC6 Trench spoils or excess fill not dispersed on surface of ROW. (Level 3) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: No loss of topsoil, disposal of excess spoil or rock fill only within trench or at offsite locations approved by local jurisdiction.

Effectiveness Timing: Plans reviewed, approved prior to final design; monitored during and after construction.

Mitigation Measure B-V-3: Prior to construction, site-specific short- and long-term erosion control measures to be implemented along each portion of the ROW, especially in sensitive areas like West Liebre Gulch, shall be depicted on project construction plans and in PPSI's Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Landscaping Plan (LWRC, 1994a). These plans shall address all drainage crossings as well as areas of steep topography. These plans shall detail the installation of structures or materials as necessary to prevent the erosion and transport of sediment from the construction ROW into off-ROW areas. USDA Forest Service Best Management Practices shall be implemented to control erosion and protect water quality on National Forest lands. Implementation of this measure during construction shall be verified by a qualified specialist acceptable to the CPUC and the ANF, CDFG, or other jurisdiction, as applicable.

Impact: During and after construction, erosion may impede ROW restoration and adversely affect off-ROW habitats at drainage crossings and in areas of steep topography. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 ECRLP and construction plans include and depict site-specific erosion and sedimentation control measures for the entire ROW, including ancillary sites. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 USDA Forest Service Best Management Practices are implemented to control erosion and protect water quality on National Forest lands. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC3 ECRLP is implemented during construction. (Level 3) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Containment of sediment within ROW, no large areas of bare soil or rilling/gullying.

Effectiveness Timing: Plan review and approval prior to final design and route approval; implementation monitored during construction; performance evaluation for up to 5 years following construction.

Mitigation Measure B-V-3*: Replace any trees removed or damaged as a result of project construction and operations in accordance with local jurisdictional requirements. At a minimum, the following shall be implemented, subject to approval by the affected jurisdictions.

(a) Identify on ROW maps and enumerate (in conjunction with measure B-V-2), all native specimen trees (greater than 6 inches dbh) and oaks greater than 4 feet in height or larger than one inch dbh within and bordering the proposed ROW. Monitoring during and immediately after construction shall establish the extent of damage, if any, to oaks and native specimen trees. Trees severely damaged or destroyed by the project shall be replaced, within the legal SPRR ROW or at other locations acceptable to the CPUC and local jurisdictions, at a minimum ratio of 10 vigorous saplings, which have survived at least 5 years in the ground and are capable of surviving without further maintenance, for each specimen tree removed.

(b) Alternatively, transplanting may be used to mitigate potential tree losses, subject to the acceptance of the transplant location by the CPUC and local jurisdiction, and the same 5-year monitoring and maintenance requirements. Prior to construction, replanting sites sufficient to accommodate all foreseeable losses of trees shall be specified in PPSI's Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Landscaping Plan.

Impact: Damage to or removal of native trees greater than 6 dbh, or oaks greater than 4 feet tall or 1 inch dbh.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 ROW maps identify locations of native specimen trees (>6"dbh) and oaks >4' tall or >1" dbh. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides reports from qualified arborist or reclamation specialist on extent of damage to native specimen trees and oaks. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC3 Specimen trees and oaks severely damaged or destroyed (as determined by qualified arborist or reclamation specialist) are replaced at a ratio of 10:1 with vigorous saplings of the same species as the damaged or destroyed trees. (Level 1) - During construction.

PC4 ECRLP specifies replanting sites sufficient to accommodate all foreseeable losses of trees. (Level 1) Prior to construction.

PC5 ECRLP implemented during construction. (Level 3) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Planted trees vigorous after 5 years.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to, during, and after construction; monitoring continues during operations.

Mitigation Measure B-V-4: Prior to construction, PPSI's Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Landscaping Plan shall be revised to specify and plan, by milepost, the seed mixes and their collection and methods of application to be used in revegetation. Each seed mix shall consist of native species collected from natural stands of native vegetation immediately adjacent to the pipeline route. The seed must be handled and applied properly to assure germination, with appropriate follow-up care to assure re-establishment. Along roadsides, the landowner or managing agency may approve alternative mixes or impose its own requirements for revegetation.

Impact: Use of seed mixes lacking locally collected native species, may result in ineffective revegetation and degradation of neighboring plant communities. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 ECRLP has appropriate proposed seed mixtures, collection methods, identification and storage methods, and application methods (as determined by CPUC/ANF designee). (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides documentation that seeds were collected immediately adjacent to ROW. (Level 1) - After seed collection.

PC3 PPSI provides verification from qualified botanist or reclamation specialist that seeds were handled and applied properly to assure germination. (Level 3) - During and immediately after revegetation at each site.

PC4 PPSI provides to CPUC/ANF designee a detailed plan for follow-up care of revegetated area to assure re-establishment of native species. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC5 PPSI implements approved revegetation plan. (Level 3) - During construction and revegetation.

PC6 PPSI provides to CPUC/ANF designee documentation from landowners or managing agencies when alternative mixes or alternative requirements for revegetation have been imposed by the landowners or managing agency. (Level 3) - Prior to revegetation.

Effectiveness Criteria: Seed mixes contain only native, locally collected species, except along roadsides as approved by local jurisdiction; no erosion/sedimentation impacts to native vegetation.

Effectiveness Timing: Seed mixes approved prior to construction, application verified during construction.

Mitigation Measure B-V-4*: Revise and implement the Applicant's Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Landscaping Plan. The plan describes a series of erosion control measures that may be used at the discretion of the construction-phase environmental supervisors working for Pacific Pipeline. After review and approval by appropriate agencies and affected jurisdictions, and prior to construction, these measures shall be finalized on construction drawings for all portions of the Proposed Project. Field improvisations of these approved measures would not be permitted without the written approval from CPUC and ANF and the affected jurisdictions which could be provided by an authorized onsite representative of these agencies. Construction across all intermittent to perennial stream channels shall occur during seasonal periods of low flow (May to November).

Impact: Potential erosion/sedimentation impacts on native vegetation as a result of construction.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 ECRLP has complete and appropriate description of erosion control measures that may be used, as determined by PPSI and reviewed and approved by CPUC/ANF designee. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 Approved erosion control measures finalized on construction drawings. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC3 Field improvisations undertaken only with prior written approval from CPUC and ANF and affected jurisdictions. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC4 Construction across all intermittent to perennial stream channels occurs during season of low flow (May to November). (Level 3) - During construction (dry season only).

Effectiveness Criteria: Measures installed according to approved plans.

Effectiveness Timing: Plans finalized prior to construction; implemented during construction.

Mitigation Measure B-V-5: Prior to construction, PPSI's Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Landscaping Plan shall be revised to incorporate monitoring procedures and minimum performance criteria to be satisfied for erosion control and revegetation. Appropriate remedial measures are to be identified if performance criteria are not met. In addition, PPSI shall post a performance security with the CPUC and ANF, the refunding of which shall be linked to the attainment of these performance criteria. The amount of the performance security shall be determined by the CPUC and ANF in consultation with affected landowners and managing agencies and will be commensurate with the estimated costs of the mitigation.

Impact: Unanticipated circumstances or failure to properly implement construction mitigations may cause poor revegetation or weed infestations. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 ECRLP revised to incorporate monitoring procedures and adequacy of performance criteria for erosion control and revegetation and identifies appropriate remedial measures if performance criteria are not met. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides proof of performance security. (Level 3) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: To be developed in ECRLP and in agencies' criteria for release from performance security.

Effectiveness Timing: During and after construction; upon request for release from PPSI.

Mitigation Measure B-V-6: Prior to operation of the pipeline, PPSI's Oil Spill Contingency Plan (see System Safety Mitigation Measure SS-13) shall incorporate site-specific measures to protect sensitive species and habitats from oil spill damage, to minimize damage from response and repair operations, and to restore native plant and animal communities to pre-spill conditions. Equipment storage areas and mobilization procedures for each portion of the pipeline shall be described. Emergency diversion and containment measures to minimize the flow of oil into colonies of sensitive plant species shall be developed to protect the Bakersfield cactus at EMP 7 and Peirson's morning-glory at EMP 52-54, and at any other locations where sensitive plant species are discovered in pre-construction surveys. Non-destructive cleanup and restoration procedures shall also be described for these areas. Habitat restoration procedures in all areas shall be consistent with mitigation measures B-V-1 through B-V-5.

Impact: Oil spilled in the unlikely event of a break in the pipeline may extend off-ROW, contaminating soil and causing damage or mortality to sensitive plant species and communities.(Class I or II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 OSCP incorporates site-specific measures to protect sensitive species and habitats, to minimize damage from response and repair, and to restore to pre-spill conditions. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC2 OSCP describes equipment storage and mobilization procedures. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC3 OSCP describes non-destructive clean-up and restoration processes consistent with B-V-1 through B-V-5. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

Effectiveness Criteria: Effectiveness should be re-evaluated after an oil spill, OSCP revised if necessary. Restoration criteria consistent with ECRLP.

Effectiveness Timing: OSCP completed and approved prior to operations; effectiveness reviewed following implementation in response to an oil spill.

Mitigation Measure B-V-7: As part of PPSI's Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Landscaping and Oil Spill Contingency Plans, PPSI shall include a section describing the coordination and integration of PPSI's mitigation measures with the construction, routine maintenance, and emergency procedures of other operators sharing common corridors with PPSI. PPSI shall identify any circumstances where another operator's practices may constrain mitigation effectiveness, and, prior to construction, shall negotiate agreements regarding maintenance and emergency procedures to be implemented in these shared areas.

Impact: Maintenance, repair, or emergency response procedures of other occupants of PPSI, shared utility corridor cause removal or degradation of botanical resources along PPSI ROW. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a list of all other operators sharing common corridors, with updated lists provided quarterly. (Level 2) - Prior to construction through operational life of pipeline.

PC2 ECRLP contains section describing coordination with other operators sharing common corridors with PPSI. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC3 OSCP describes coordination with other operators sharing common corridors with PPSI. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC4 PPSI identifies and reports circumstances where another operator's practices constrain mitigation effectiveness. (Level 2) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC5 PPSI provides agreements with other operators regarding maintenance and emergency procedures for shared areas in situations where the practices of another operator constrain mitigation effectiveness (as identified under PC4). (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

Effectiveness Criteria: Coordination plan must account for and resolve all potential conflicts to the satisfaction of responsible agencies (no surprises).

Effectiveness Timing: Coordination plan of ECRLP approved prior to construction, OSCP element approved prior to operations.

Mitigation Measure B-V-8: Prior to removal of the pipeline pursuant to abandonment on National Forest System lands, the project alignment shall be surveyed and a corresponding description of the vegetation and any sensitive plant species present prepared by a ANF-approved botanist. This description shall provide the basis for implementing Mitigation Measures B-V-1 through B-V-5 and B-V-7 as applicable to pipeline abandonment.

Impact: Removal of pipeline as required for abandonment on ANF land may have impacts similar to those of construction, and may affect species whose status has changed in the years since construction. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides survey reports prepared by a qualified botanist with description of the vegetation and any sensitive plant species on National Forest lands. (Level 2) - Prior to abandonment of pipeline on ANF.

PC2 Mitigation Measures B-V-1 through B-V-5 and B-V-7 as applicable to pipeline abandonment. (Level 2) - Prior to and during abandonment of pipeline on ANF.

Effectiveness Criteria: New performance criteria to be developed.

Effectiveness Timing: Upon PPSI notification of intent to abandon per ANF requirements.

Mitigation Measure B-V-9*: Implement all mitigation measures applicable to construction for vegetation or ground-disturbing activities associated with pipeline inspection, maintenance, repair, or pipeline modification during operations. To the extent feasible, these measures shall also be implemented pursuant to habitat restoration in the event of an oil spill.

Impact: Operational activities disturbing vegetation.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation of implementation of mitigation measures applicable for vegetation or ground-disturbing activities that are associated with pipeline inspection, maintenance, repair, or pipeline modification during operations (for example: vehicle traffic, air quality, biological resources, environmental contamination, etc.) (Level 3) - During pipeline operation and during habitat restoration after an oil spill.

Effectiveness Criteria: Successful restoration of disturbed habitats.

Effectiveness Timing: Implementation during and after maintenance, repair, or pipeline modification during operations.

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