(B-AQ-1 through B-AQ-8)

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-1: Environmental monitors acceptable to the CPUC and the ANF, CDFG, or other jurisdictions, as applicable, shall be present during all earth moving activities within streams, both perennial and intermittent. The monitors shall make sure that the limits of the corridor are clearly marked and that all work remains within these limits. The monitors shall also ensure that all construction equipment maintenance, including refueling and lubrication, occurs at least 0.25 mile from the nearest stream or wetland. Turbidity in flowing streams shall be monitored downstream of the crossings up to a distance of 1,000 feet or to the point where an increase can no longer be detected when compared to the turbidity samples taken immediately upstream of the corridor for comparison. If increased turbidity extends farther downstream, the distance where turbidity is still observable shall be noted (as access permits). When there is a measurable difference between upstream and downstream turbidity, remedial measures as appropriate, such as alteration of construction methods or installation of silt fences or straw bales, shall be implemented. These measures shall be specified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, to be reviewed and approved prior to construction, and where applicable, any necessary U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 and/or CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement requirements.

Impact: During and after construction, erosion may occur at stream crossings and cause downstream sedimentation such that downstream aquatic habitats are substantially altered. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides to CPUC/ANF designee site specific crossing plans and detailed drawings for all perennial and intermittent stream crossings for approval. (Level 3) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI has environmental monitors present during all earth moving activities within perennial and intermittent streams. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC3 Construction corridor at wetlands and stream crossings clearly marked. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC4 All work at wetlands and stream crossings occurs within construction corridor. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC5 All equipment maintenance occurs at least 0.25 mile from any wetland or stream. (Level 2) - During construction and operation.

PC6 PPSI monitors turbidity in flowing streams at a distance of 1,000 feet or to the point where an increase can no longer be detected when compared to the turbidity samples taken immediately upstream (which ever is greater), record results including distance at which sample was taken, and keep water samples. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC7 Remedial measures (as specified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) implemented when there is a measurable increase in turbidity downstream than upstream. (Level 3) - During construction.

PC8 PPSI provides approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Containment of sediment within ROW.

Effectiveness Timing: During and after construction

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-2: Complete construction through or over all streams during the dry season (normally May through October) and prior to 1 November, including backfilling and soil stabilization. Revegetation work and emergency maintenance/repairs can occur after 1 November, as needed.

Impact: Construction or maintenance in streams or wetlands would degrade the aquatic habitats within the construction corridor. Vegetation and streambed substrate would be removed and the natural flow would be diverted. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Construction through or over streams (for which any impaction the stream could be anticipated) occurs during dry season (May 1 through October 31) and prior to November 1. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC2 PPSI notifies CPUC/ANF designee and provides documentation why revegetation work and emergency maintenance/repair is necessary at streams after November 1. (Level 3) - During construction and post-construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Banks are stable; sediment is contained so as not to adversely affect aquatic habitats. Revegetation is initiated.

Effectiveness Timing: Plan review and approval prior to final design; implement during the dry season; implementation monitored during construction. Emergency maintenance/repairs can occur after November 1 as needed.

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-3: Use silt curtains or other sediment catchment devices along with erosion control, contour and bank restoration where possible, and revegetation procedures at the following stream crossings: unnamed drainage no. 1, Grapevine Creek (no. 9 and 11, and at EMP 19.7), tributary to Grapevine Creek (no. 12), tributary to Cuddy Canyon Creek (no. 14), tributary to Liebre Gulch (no. 35), Liebre Gulch (no. 36), and Marple Canyon (no. 46). The erosion control devices shall be maintained regularly until disturbed soils are stabilized and then shall be removed along with accumulated sediment. The sediment shall be deposited and stabilized in a location where it is unlikely to re-enter the aquatic system. This measure applies to pipeline construction as well as to maintenance/repair activities requiring excavation within streams. The environmental monitors shall periodically assess the stream crossings and erosion control devices to ensure that no erosion or downstream sedimentation is occurring. If erosion along streambanks or increased sedimentation is occurring, additional control measures shall be implemented.

Impact: Construction or maintenance in streams or wetlands would degrade the aquatic habitats within the construction corridor. Vegetation and streambed substrate would be removed and the natural flow would be diverted. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI installs all necessary erosion control devices at the following stream crossings: unnamed drainage no. 1, Grapevine Creek (no. 9 and 11 and at EMP 19.7), tributary to Grapevine Creek (no. 12), tributary to Cuddy Canyon Creek (no. 14), tributary to Liebre Gulch (no. 35), and Marple Canyon (no. 46) to ensure that siltation and erosion do not occur. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC2 All erosion control devices are maintained until disturbed soils are stabilized. (Level 2) - During construction and post-construction, if necessary.

PC3 All erosion control devices removed along with accumulated sediment when disturbed soils stabilized. (Level 2) - During construction and post-construction, if necessary.

PC4 Sediment is deposited and stabilized where it cannot re-enter aquatic system. (Level 2) - During construction and post-construction, if necessary.

PC5 PPSI provides monitors' reports assessing erosion and sedimentation downstream of stream crossings. (Level 1) - During construction.

PC6 If erosion or increased sedimentation occur, then additional erosion control measures are installed within 24 hours of assessment. (Level 3) - During construction, within 24 hours of discovering erosion or increased sedimentation.

Effectiveness Criteria: Banks are stable; sediment is contained so as not to adversely affect aquatic habitats. Revegetation is initiated.

Effectiveness Timing: Plan review and approval prior to final design; implement during the dry season; implementation monitored during construction. Emergency maintenance/repairs can occur after November 1 as needed.

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-4: Remove all temporary fords and culverts placed in drainages for construction access as soon as no longer needed for that purpose. The streambed and banks shall be restored to their previous condition (slope, substrate type, and soil compaction) during the dry season (normally May through October) and prior to 1 November unless for emergency repairs. Compaction to 95 percent of pre-project density, where feasible, is generally considered sufficient to avoid lateral erosion problems. This measure applies to construction and to repairs within streams.

Impact: Construction or maintenance in streams or wetlands would degrade the aquatic habitats within the construction corridor. Vegetation and streambed substrate would be removed and the natural flow would be diverted. (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 All temporary fords and culverts removed from drainages as soon as no longer needed for access. (Level 2) - During construction and post-construction.

PC2 Streambeds and banks restored to previous conditions between May 1 and October 31. (Level 2) - During construction (dry season).

PC3 One day prior to crossing streams or start of construction at streams (whichever comes first), PPSI provides report of compaction measurements of streambeds and banks. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC4 PPSI provides report of locations where compaction to 95% of pre-project density will not be possible along with a detailed explanation of why not. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC5 PPSI provides report of compaction at streambeds and banks after crossing (should be compacted to 95% of pre-project density, where feasible). (Level 2) - During construction.

PC6 PPSI notifies CPUC/ANF designee and provides documentation, why revegetation work and emergency maintenance/repair is necessary at streams after November 1. For revegetation work, documentation and notification shall occur at least by October 1.

Effectiveness Criteria: Banks are stable; sediment is contained so as not to adversely affect aquatic habitats. Revegetation is initiated.

Effectiveness Timing: Plan review and approval prior to final design; implement during the dry season; implementation monitored during construction. Emergency maintenance/repairs can occur after November 1 as needed.

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-5: Include in the Oil Spill Contingency Plan (System Safety Mitigation Measure SS-9) measures to minimize impacts on stream habitats from cleanup activities and for restoration of the bed and banks where altered by these activities. Site-specific measures shall be included to reduce impacts in sensitive habitats such as the Santa Clara River and the Los Angeles Harbor area.

Impact: A large oil spill may affect a large area of stream channel such that bed or bank alteration resulting from contamination or cleanup activities reduces habitat quality for aquatic organisms. (Class I, II, or III)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 OSCP describes in detail measures that will be taken to minimize impacts on streambeds and bank from cleanup procedures. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC2 OSCP describes measures to be implemented for restoration of streambeds and banks that may be altered by cleanup procedures. (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC3 OSCP includes site-specific measures (along with detailed drawings identifying where each site-specific measure would be implemented) to reduce impacts in sensitive habitats such as the Santa Clara River and the Los Angeles Harbor area. (Level 2) - Prior to pipeline operation.

Effectiveness Criteria: Effectiveness should be re-evaluated after an oil spill, OSCP revised if necessary. Restoration criteria consistent with ECRLP.

Effectiveness Timing: OSCP completed and approved prior to operations; effectiveness reviewed following implementation in response to an oil spill.

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-6: Develop (by the Applicant) a contingency plan to mitigate the potential loss of a population of a listed or proposed species resulting from an oil spill. This plan shall include monitoring of the habitat for 2 to 5 years as specified by the USFWS/CDFG to evaluate any habitat degradation and to determine if the population recovers from the spill. If the monitoring shows that the species population has been extirpated, the Applicant shall consult with the USFWS/CDFG to develop and implement a habitat restoration and species reintroduction program for the species using the most suitable genetic source. This would apply to aquatic species with isolated or limited distributions, such as unarmored threespine stickleback, California red-legged frog, and southwestern pond turtle that may be unable to naturally repopulate the affected habitat once the population is lost.

Impact: Oil spill may affect unarmored threespine stickleback or Santa Ana sucker populations. (Class I)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI submits for approval a detailed contingency plan to mitigate the potential loss resulting from an oil spill of a population of listed or proposed aquatic wildlife species that occur downstream from the pipeline. The plan would be updated each time USFWS and/or CDFG listings change during lifetime of pipeline. (Level 2)

PC2 For each oil spill, PPSI provides monitoring reports of the habitat prepared by a qualified biologist for 2 to 5 years (as specified by the USFWS/CDFG) to evaluate any habitat degradation and to determine if the population recovers from the spill. (Level 2) - After each oil spill, for 2 to 5 years (as specified by USFWS/CDFG).

PC3 For each oil spill, if the monitoring shows that the species population has been extirpated, PPSI shall provide documentation of their consultations with the USFWS/CDFG to develop and implement a specific habitat restoration and species reintroduction program for the impacted species (aquatic species with isolated or limited distributions, such as unarmored threespine stickleback, California red-legged frog, and southwestern pond turtle) that may be unable to naturally repopulate the affected habitat once the population is lost. (Level 2) - After each oil spill.

PC4 For each oil spill, PPSI shall submit for approval a specific habitat restoration and species reintroduction plan. (Level 2) - Within 60 days after each oil spill.

PC5 For each oil spill, PPSI shall implement the approved specific habitat restoration and species reintroduction plan. (Level 2) - Within 10 days of receiving approval.

Effectiveness Criteria: Population recovers from the spill.

Effectiveness Timing: OSCP completed and approved prior to operations; effectiveness reviewed following implementation in response to an oil spill.

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-7: Conduct surveys at and downstream of pipeline crossings of Grapevine Creek and its tributaries for the Grapevine Creek snail at least 3 months prior to construction. If any are found, develop a contingency plan to protect the species during construction. The surveys shall be conducted by qualified biologists, and the Contingency Plan shall be developed by the Applicant.

Impact: Pipeline construction or an oil spill may affect habitat for the Grapevine Creek snail. (Class II or III)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides survey reports from a qualified biologist. (Level 2) - 60 days prior to construction.

PC2a If Grapevine Creek snail found, PPSI provides detailed contingency plan to CPUC/ANF designee for review. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC2b PPSI implements Grapevine Creek snail contingency plan. (Level 2) - During construction and operation (during oil spill response).

Effectiveness Criteria: Minimal disturbance to Grapevine Creek snail.

Effectiveness Timing: Surveys to be conducted at least 3 months before the start of construction at Grapevine Creek or tributaries. Contingency plan to be completed and approved prior to construction; effectiveness reviewed following implementation in response construction or to an oil spill.

Mitigation Measure B-AQ-8: Prior to removal of the pipeline on National Forest System lands, all stream crossings shall be surveyed and a corresponding description of aquatic habitats shall be prepared. This description shall provide the basis for implementing Mitigation Measures B-AQ-1 through B-AQ-4 as applicable to pipeline removal.

Impact: Removal of pipeline as required for abandonment on ANF land may have impacts to streams or wetlands within the pipeline corridor similar to those of construction (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides survey reports prepared by a qualified biologist with description of aquatic habitats on National Forest lands. (Level 2) - Prior to abandonment in the ANF.

PC2 Mitigation Measures B-AQ-1 through B-AQ-4, as applicable to unearthing and removing the pipeline, are implemented. (Level 2) - Prior to and during abandonment in the ANF.

Effectiveness Criteria: New performance criteria to be developed.

Effectiveness Timing: Upon PPSI notification of intent to abandon per ANF requirements.

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