Mitigation Measure EC-1: Low potential sites require re-evaluation if construction parameters (trench location and depth) vary from typical (vertical excavation 7 feet deep, 3 feet wide, 30 feet from centerline of existing road ROW). The Applicant shall reevaluate "low" potential sites (as labeled in Table C.5-4) to determine whether they need to be reclassified as medium or high impact potential sites. A qualified and approved environmental consultant (California registered geologist or civil engineer experienced in environmental assessments and acceptable to CPUC and ANF) shall perform the review and evaluation, and the results shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate County Health Department prior to construction. The land owner or responsible public agency shall be informed of the discovery of any hazardous site, and shall be consulted regarding treatment plans. A written report explaining cleanup activities shall be provided to the land owner within 30 days of completion of cleanup.
Impact: Contamination from low impact potential sites (Class II)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI re-evaluates low potential sites if construction parameters (trench location and depth) vary from typical (vertical excavation 7 feet deep, 3 feet wide, 30 feet from centerline of existing road ROW). (Level 2) - During construction
PC2 PPSI has approved environmental consultant perform environmental review at all low potential sites adjacent to project areas where total trench depth is greater than 7 feet and closer than 15 feet to adjoining property line. Review should identify construction areas on design plans that meet the above criteria and document that low potential environmental contamination sites are adjacent. Agency files for the adjacent low potential sites should be reviewed to evaluate potential impacts to the project. Report should document site location, pipeline design/construction parameters, and environmental analysis of potential impacts and recommendations for avoidance or mitigation. (Level 2) - During construction
PC3 PPSI informs land owner or responsible public agency of the discovery of any hazardous site. (Level 2) - During construction, immediately after find
PC4 PPSI consults with land owner or responsible public agency regarding treatment plans. (Level 2) - Prior to implementing treatment plan
PC5 PPSI provides to the land owner a written report explaining cleanup activities within 30 days of completion of cleanup on the land owner=s property. (Level 2) - Within 30 days of completion of cleanup
Effectiveness Criteria: The reports' analysis should confirm absence or evidence of contamination. Recommendations for mitigation should be reviewed and approved by the responsible agency or their representatives. Contamination from low impact potential sites does not occur.
Effectiveness Timing: Prior to project construction or during construction with implementation of EC-4.
Mitigation Measure EC-2: Thoroughly review current agency records followed by site-specific visual inspection of the ROW by a qualified and approved environmental consultant for "medium" potential sites (as labeled in Tables C.5-4 and C.5-5). Record review shall identify data confirming no off-site contamination of the ROW, adequate remediation of the ROW or agency certified closure of the site. Visual inspection of the surface and shallow subsurface (with the aid of a spade or probe) should verify no evidence of off-site discharge, surface stains or unauthorized dumping. Results of the record review or visual inspection that indicate contamination is present in the ROW shall cause medium potential sites to be treated as high potential.
Also included as medium (and high) potential sites are four landfills near the Ultramar Refinery connection. Although actual waste is not anticipated in the construction area, landfill gas migration to the trench should be evaluated. To assess potentially hazardous levels of toxic or explosive gases (benzene, vinyl chloride, methane) emanating from adjacent landfills, a qualified and approved environmental consultant shall conduct a soil vapor survey along the potentially impacted segment of the alignment. Results shall be reviewed and approved by the County Health Department or California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) prior to construction. Where potentially hazardous levels of gas are identified, mitigation by gas monitoring by the consultant during construction and aeration shall be performed. The soil vapor survey is not necessary where the record review substantiates a gas free landfill perimeter adjacent to the ROW.
Table C.5-4 Hazardous Waste Sites Potentially Impacting Proposed Route
Milepost1 |
Map ID2 |
Site Names |
List |
Status3 |
Potential to Impact Project |
Notes |
Emidio to Castaic Junction |
0.0 |
A |
Emidio Pump Station |
Active |
medium |
adjacent |
7.3-14.7 |
B |
Wheeler Ridge, North Tejon and Tejon Oil Fields |
Active |
low |
nearest well >100 feet |
15.1 |
C |
Grapevine Pump Station |
Active |
low |
separated by creek |
20.8 |
19 |
Mobil Lebec Refinery/Pump Station |
Cerclis Calsites |
medium |
400 feet |
58.7-59.1 |
D |
Castaic Hills and Honor Rancho Oil Fields |
Active |
low |
nearest well >200 feet |
Ultramar Refinery Route |
UR 0.3 |
12 |
Ascon Landfill Asbury Systems, Inc. |
Cerclis Swis |
PA3-N Closed |
medium |
300 feet from ROW |
UR 0.5 |
9 |
Texaco Wilmington Refinery |
Cerclis |
PA1-N |
high |
active site, separated by road |
19 |
Daily Disposal Service |
County |
Inactive landfill |
medium |
landfill |
E |
Unknown refinery/terminal |
Active |
low |
separated by road |
UR 0.0-2.0 |
F |
Wilmington Oil Field |
Active |
low |
nearest well >200 feet |
24 |
Uncle Elmers Auto Wrecking |
Calsites |
low |
adjacent |
24 |
Harbor Sandblasting Co. |
Calsites HWIS |
PEAR L, Waste Generator |
low |
adjacent |
25 |
O.B. Hedge Texaco |
Site assessment in progress |
low |
adjacent, no records available |
18 |
Coordinated Equipment Co. |
Calsites HWIS |
PEAR L, Waste Generator |
low |
G |
Southeast corner of Henry Ford & Anaheim |
Remediation in progress |
medium |
remediation in progress 8/94 |
UR 1.7 |
10 |
City Disposal Co. |
Calsites County |
SSR Inactive landfill |
high |
adjacent Dominguez Channel undercrossing |
UR 1.7 |
10 |
Southerland/Port of LA |
County |
Inactive landfill |
high |
adjacent Dominguez Channel undercrossing |
UR 1.8 - 2.0 |
5 |
Ultramar Refinery |
Calsites Cortese HWIS |
HRR Waste Generator |
high |
active site, adjacent |
Chemoil Terminal Route |
CT 0.0 -0.4 |
9 |
Texaco Wilmington Refinery |
Cerclis |
PA1-N |
high |
active site, adjacent |
CT 0.0 - 1.0 |
H |
GATX Terminal |
Active |
high |
active site, adjacent |
1) Emidio Lateral Milepost
2) VISTA Environmental Database Site I.D.(October 1993)
3) Status Codes: PEAR (L,M,H) Preliminary Endangerment Assessment Required: low, medium, high priority
PA1-N, PA2-N, PA3-N No Further Action Planned
Active Operating petroleum facility
SSR Site Screening Required
HRR Hazard Ranking Required
Table C.5-5 Hazardous Waste Sites Potentially Impacting Proposed Route (from 1993 FEIR)
PA1 -
Preliminary Assessment, Phase 1
PA1-N - No Further Action Planned
SSR - Site Screening Required
SI1,2 - Site Investigation, Phase 1,2
LF - Landfill
SML - Site Mitigation Log
BKLG - Backlog, closure pending
DS1 - Discovery, Phase 1
OAL - Other Agency Lead
AWP - Annual Work Plan
RCRA - USEPA - RCRA oversight
ES2-N - Expanded Site Inspection - Phase 2, No Further Action Planned
REFRW - Referral to RWQCB
CNTY - County Lead Agency
NFA - No Further Action
LUFT - Leaking Underground Storage Tank (RWQCB)
3A - Preliminary Site Assessment Workplan Submitted
5C - Additional Pollution Characterization Studies
Impact: Contamination from medium impact potential sites, Kern County and Los Angeles County (Class II)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI prepares an environmental report documenting agency file review, including agency name, report dates, and current/most recent environmental status of site and conducts visual inspection that documents evidence of leakage or discharge from adjacent landfills. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
PC2 PPSI submits environmental report to DTSC for review and approval. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
PC3 PPSI has consultant perform gas monitoring where potentially hazardous levels of gas are identified. (Level 2) - During construction
Effectiveness Criteria: Confirm absence or evidence of offsite contamination and migration to project area. Report and recommendations for mitigation should be reviewed and approved by the responsible agency or their representatives. Contamination from medium impact potential sites does not occur.
Effectiveness Timing: Study and reporting prior to construction. Field mitigation during construction.
Mitigation Measure EC-3 Review current agency records of "high" potential sites (as labeled in Table C.5-4) to design an investigation program to assess surface waste or debris and underlying soil. The review shall be performed by a qualified and approved environmental consultant. Results shall be reviewed and approved by the County Health Department or California DTSC prior to construction. The investigation shall include collecting samples for laboratory analysis and quantification of contaminant levels within the proposed excavation and surface disturbance areas. Each subsurface investigation for the four high potential sites shall determine appropriate worker protection and hazardous material handling and disposal procedures appropriate for the subject site.
The subsurface investigation at the Ultramar Refinery shall include sampling and testing of soil and water (ground water) likely to be encountered during construction of the bored crossing beneath Dominguez Channel. Both the soil and water contamination should be evaluated and included in the hazardous materials handling and disposal plan. The feasibility of on-site treatment methods shall be evaluated in the hazardous materials handling and disposal plans. Treatment options should include, but not be limited to, soil washing, chemical stabilization/fixation, vapor extraction, thermal oxidation and bioremediation.
Areas with contaminated soil determined to be hazardous waste shall be excavated by personnel who have been trained through the OSHA recommended 40-hour safety program (29CFR1910.120) with an approved plan for excavation, control of contaminant releases to the air and off-site transport or on-site treatment. Health and safety plans, prepared by a qualified and approved industrial hygienist, shall be developed to protect the general public and all workers in the construction area. Health and safety plans shall be reviewed and approved by the County Health Department or California DTSC prior to construction. The land owner or responsible public agency shall be informed of the discovery of any hazardous site, and shall be consulted regarding treatment plans. A written report explaining cleanup activities shall be provided to the land owner within 30 days of completion of cleanup.
Impact: Contamination from high impact potential sites, Los Angeles County (Class II)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI provides copy of review and site-specific sampling and analysis plans from a qualified and approved environmental consultant. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC2 Site-specific analysis plans identify contaminants and concentrations and have mitigation plans for excavation, handling, transport and disposal of materials that exceed regulatory threshold levels. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC3 PPSI provides Health and Safety Plan(s) that was prepared by a qualified and approved industrial hygienist. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC4 PPSI has Health and Safety Plans reviewed by County Health Department or California DTSC. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC5 PPSI has hazardous wastes excavated by personnel with 40-hour OSHA training (PPSI to provide proof of training). (Level 2) - Whenever hazardous wastes are encountered
PC6 PPSI provides land owner with written report explaining cleanup activities occurring in the ROW on the land owner=s property. (Level 1) - Within 30 days of completion of cleanup on the land owner=s property.
Effectiveness Criteria: Report and recommendations for mitigation should be reviewed and approved by the responsible agency or their representatives. Review adequacy of health and safety plan for existing contaminants by the responsible agency or their representatives. Contamination from high impact potential sites does not occur.
Effectiveness Timing: Study and reporting prior to construction. Field mitigation during construction.
Mitigation Measure EC-4 The Applicant shall assign trained personnel during active trenching to observe visual evidence of contamination and perform monitoring with appropriate testing equipment (photoionization or flame ionization detectors), sampling and direct laboratory testing as necessary to identify areas of previously unknown soil contamination within the excavation. These personnel should meet the Federal OSHA requirement for 40-Hour Training for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (29CFR1910.120) and be familiar with the calibration and operation of the testing equipment.
The monitoring personnel shall have authority to implement an approved contingency plan when hazardous materials are encountered. Contingency plans, developed and approved by County Health Department or California DTSC prior to construction, shall present specific alternatives for action to be taken in the event contaminated soils are encountered. The plan shall specify procedures for monitoring, identifying, handling and disposing of hazardous waste, including contamination from unanticipated tanks or pipelines within the excavation. The contingency plan shall include a health and safety plan prepared by a certified Industrial Hygienist specifying site monitoring and personal protective equipment.
Impact: Presence of unknown contamination (Class II)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI assigns personnel with 40-hour OSHA training to observe the trenching and monitor evidence of contamination visually and have portable vapor analyzers such as photoionization, flame ionization or hydrocarbon detectors available for use on short notice. (Level 2) - During construction
PC2 Observer(s) keep(s) a daily record/notebook documenting calibration of test equipment, work location and activity, date and time, results of visual observations and field monitoring, recommended mitigation measures, and implementation of mitigation. (Level 2) - During construction
PC3 PPSI provides Contingency Plan(s) that have been approved by County Health Department or California DTSC. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
Effectiveness Criteria: Conduct periodic site visits during construction to review field notes and confirm that proper procedures are being implemented.
Effectiveness Timing: During project construction while trenching and disposal of contaminated soil is occurring.
Mitigation Measure EC-5 The Applicant shall characterize the specific impact to the soil in the project area resulting from pesticide application on adjacent agricultural land and herbicide use in railroad yards. Four locations shall be sampled and tested by a qualified and approved environmental consultant prior to construction to quantify persistent pesticide and herbicide levels in soil along the proposed trench line. One location should be selected in the intensive agricultural area along Maricopa Highway (SR166) (EMP 0.1 to 4.7), one location in the Wheeler Ridge area (EMP 9.5 to 11.7), and one location near Castaic Junction (EMP 60.8 to 61.8) to evaluate long term pesticide and herbicide use adjacent to the proposed alignment. Weed control efforts in rail yards can be evaluated by testing at the rail yard near the Ultramar Refinery (UR 2.0).
A sampling and analysis plan shall be designed to assess both the vertical trench profile and horizontal variability in each area and submitted to the County Health Department for approval prior to construction. Results of the pesticide and herbicide characterization studies shall be considered an approximation of similar impacts throughout the agricultural areas of the pipeline route and mitigation measures developed for protection of the environment, workers and the public. Worker protection measures shall also address agricultural chemical applications on adjoining lands during the construction period. Permissible exposure levels for individual pesticides and herbicides and protection measures shall be developed by a qualified and approved industrial hygienist. Mitigation measures regarding dust generation and control shall be applied as required.
Impact: Contamination from pesticides applied to agricultural lands (Class II) and contamination from herbicides used for weed suppression in the Rail Yard at the Ultramar Refinery (Class II)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI prepares a site-specific sampling and analysis plan for locations along Maricopa Highway (SR166) (EMP 0.1 to 4.7), Wheeler Ridge area (EMP 9.5 to 11.7), and near Castaic Junction (EMP 60.8 to 61.8) where proposed construction passes through or near agricultural land use to quantify levels of pesticides in the soil. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction in sensitive area(s)
PC2 PPSI has qualified and approved consultant perform field sampling and laboratory testing to identify presence and concentration of pesticides in surface and subsurface soils throughout the disturbance area and trench zone. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC3 PPSI prepares and submits a report documenting findings, conclusions and recommendations for mitigation during construction in contaminated soil exceeding regulatory action levels. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC4 PPSI has qualified and approved consultant prepare a site-specific sampling and analysis plan for the rail yard at the Ultramar refinery to quantify levels of herbicides in the soil. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
PC5 PPSI has qualified and approved contaminants specialist perform field sampling and laboratory testing to identify presence and concentration of herbicides in surface and subsurface soils throughout the disturbance area and trench zone and prepare and submit a report documenting findings, conclusions and recommendations for mitigation during construction in contaminated soil exceeding regulatory action levels. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction
Effectiveness Criteria: Report and recommendations for mitigation should be reviewed and approved by the responsible agency or their representatives. Review adequacy of health and safety plan for existing contaminants by the responsible agency or their representatives.
Effectiveness Timing: Study and reporting prior to construction. Field mitigation during construction.
Mitigation Measure EC-6 Prior to trench excavation and pipeline construction, the Applicant shall contact the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources for specific information on wells located in or near the pipeline route, including location and abandonment details. The Applicant shall make a diligent effort to avoid construction over abandoned oil wells. If the pipeline is located near (i.e., within 50 feet of the ROW) or over a plugged or abandoned well, or if an unrecorded well is encountered during construction, the Applicant shall coordinate with the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources to ensure that the well is flagged for avoidance, correctly abandoned, and does not require remedial plugging or the installation of a gas venting system.
Impact: Pipeline passes through historic and active oil and gas fields; active or abandoned wells may be in or near pipeline ROW (Class II)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI researches and reviews Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal records to determine location and status (active, inactive, abandoned) of oil and gas wells within 100 feet of the proposed alignment. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
PC2 PPSI field locates, using historical records and geophysical methods such as magnetometer surveys as necessary, and marks wells. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
PC3 PPSI prepares and provides summary report with maps identifying well location, status, potential to impact project, and recommended mitigation by avoidance according to current regulations. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
Effectiveness Criteria: Report and recommendations for mitigation should be reviewed and approved by the responsible agency or their representatives; no construction over abandoned oil wells.
Effectiveness Timing: Study and reporting prior to construction; during construction .
Mitigation Measure EC-7 If local treatment facilities are impacted, the Project Proponent shall utilize portable on-site treatment units or in-situ treatment prior to construction in order to greatly reduce transport- and treatment-related cumulative impacts. Applicable technologies such as chemical stabilization/fixation, thermal combustion, vapor extraction or bioremediation can be selected based on site specific conditions.
Impact: Cumulative impact on hazardous waste transporters and disposal sites (Class III)
Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:
PC1 PPSI summarized (to identify available treatment, storage and disposal facilities) contaminated sites identified by Mitigation Measures EC-1, EC-2, EC-3 and EC-5 to be excavated. (Level 1) - Prior to construction
PC2 PPSI consolidates waste from cumulative projects and utilizes nearby or portable onsite treatment units to minimize transport distance. (Level 2) - During construction.
Effectiveness Criteria: Report and recommendations for mitigation should be reviewed and approved by the responsible agency or their representatives; cumulative impacts related to transport and treatment reduced.
Effectiveness Timing: Study and reporting prior to construction; cumulative impacts evaluated after construction..
[No Applicant Proposed Measures for this issue area; all proposals included in mitigation measures above]
EC-PP1 All broken debris from paved areas would be hauled off to approved landfill sites or a crusher plant via dump trucks. (FEIS/SEIR, p B-40)
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