7.1 Relationship with Agency
Representatives, PPSI, and Construction Contractors
Exhibit 1 (repeated in Section 6) shows
communication pathways between permitting agencies, the public,
Aspen, the Lead Agencies, and PPSI. The Aspen team, including
program management and field monitors, shall establish
relationships for communication based on the following
communication protocols:
PPSI and Construction Contractors
Aspen's Program Management Team will be the primary contact for PPSI management and agency inquiries.
The Lead Environmental Monitor (LEM) will not directly contact PPSI management or agencies without consulting Aspen's Program Management Team.
Environmental monitors will not directly contact PPSI management or agencies without prior instructions from the Lead Environmental Monitor (LEM) or Aspen's Program Management Team.
The LEM and Environmental Monitors (EMs) will not directly contact the contractors or subcontractors. Contact will be made through PPSI, unless there is an emergency situation.
Correspondence for the LEM and EMs will be sent to the Aspen field office.
Environmental monitors will submit written
memoranda through the LEM.
Aspen will contact all agencies with permit
authority over this project (see required permit lists in
Exhibit 9). We will review their permit conditions with them
and determine who shall be responsible for monitoring,
compliance, and reporting. If the agency determines that they
will directly conduct the required monitoring program, we will be
in touch with their monitor and give any assistance required. If
we are asked to monitor the implementation of agency measures, we
will add them to our list of measures at each location, and will
report on a daily basis to the respective agencies.
7.2 Contact List
Following, in Exhibit 11, is a contact list
that includes all Federal, State, and local agencies with
potential jurisdiction over the project. The list includes a
contact name and phone number for each agency, names of Aspen's
Team and PPSI personnel, and will include construction contractor
personnel when available.
In case of an accident, some of these agencies
should be contacted. PPSI is responsible for contacting these
agencies; however, this table may be used by EMs if PPSI does not
contact the agencies, or needs assistance from the EMs. [Note:
this table will be updated when construction starts and provided
to the EMs and appropriate agency personnel.]
Exhibit 11 Contact List
Agency | Segment1 | Name/Phone Number/Address | Jurisdiction |
Federal | |||
1 See Exhibit 3, Pipeline
Construction Spreads