The Pacific Pipeline Project was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) as the State Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) on April 10, 1996 and confirmed when requests for re-hearing (received from the City of Los Angeles) were denied by the CPUC on May 29, 1996. The project was approved by the U.S. Forest Service Angeles National Forest (ANF) as the Federal Lead Agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in a Record of Decision dated March 7, 1996.

Most of the measures that will be implemented by Pacific Pipeline System, Inc. (PPSI) and monitored through this Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program (MMCRP) were developed in the Pacific Pipeline Project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR, 1993) and the Pacific Pipeline Project Final Environmental Impact Statement/Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIS/SEIR, 1996). In addition, measures which were proposed by PPSI and were part of the project described and analyzed in the FEIR and EIS/SEIR will be monitored. Both the State and Federal Lead Agencies adopted numerous mitigation measures in conjunction with their respective project approvals. Those measures require numerous actions to be taken: some prior to construction, some during construction, some after construction (during project operation), and some during project abandonment. This Implementation Plan addresses only measures that are related to pre-construction and construction actions.

The adopted mitigation measures for the proposed project are contained in Part F of the Final EIS/SEIR (for the Emidio to Castaic segment) and within each environmental issue area section in the Final EIR issued in September of 1993 (for the Castaic to Refineries segment). There are 180 mitigation measures that need to be implemented and monitored prior to or during construction of the pipeline. There are also numerous measures that were proposed by PPSI to reduce environmental impacts or improve pipeline safety; those measures are also identified in this document and monitoring/verification procedures are presented. Under this MMCRP, we will also monitor implementation of permit conditions in cases where the responsible agencies delegate that monitoring responsibility to the lead agencies. Some measures that will be monitored are site-specific, and other measures (such as those stipulated in the system safety and environmental justice issue areas) that will require significant effort and need to be monitored over long segments of the pipeline.

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