December 17, 1998
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced variance requests, and approve your requests based on the following factors:
PPSI has submitted the following variance requests to allow for 24-hour construction, seven days a week, at various locations along Segment 1.
- Variance Request #126 - Interstate 5 (I-5) Bore
- Variance Request #127 - California Aqueduct Bore
- Variance Request #128 - Grapevine Creek Bore & Tecuya Creek Check Valve
PPSI has also submitted Variance Request #129 to allow for Sunday construction at the remaining Segment 1 work sites within Kern County.
In accordance with Mitigation Measure N-1, pipeline construction activities shall occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday (or for a shorter period if stipulated by applicable noise ordinance). Extended construction hours have been requested by PPSI to facilitate the completion of Segment 1 construction by the end of December 1998.
With the exception of one construction site along Lebec Road (approximately 3,000 feet), all of the bore, valve, and work sites proposed for extended construction hours are located within rural areas of Kern County with no residences or businesses located along or near the subject portions of the pipeline right-of-way. The subject work sites are classified by the Kern County General Plan as "Insensitive Land Uses." The Noise Element - Kern County General Plan (December 1989) provides guidelines for noise and does not prohibit Sunday or 24-hour construction within designated "Insensitive Land Uses" areas.
The measures noted below shall be implemented:
- All applicable mitigation measures shall be implemented during construction, including noise abatement.
- Extended construction hours at the remaining construction site along Lebec Road shall not be allowed under this variance approval.
- Lighting required for nighttime construction shall be oriented in such a manner as to not interfere with vehicle traffic on Interstate 5 or other nearby roadways.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.