December 17, 1997
RE: Variance Request #37 - Storage of spoils in the right-of-way within 50 yards of residences, schools, and businesses; Mitigation Measure V-1, Performance Criteria 3, stipulates that no spoil storage shall occur within 50 yards of these land uses.
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced variance request and approve your request based on the following factors:
PPSI and its contractors are required by some jurisdictions to shade the pipeline with select 1-inch minus material (initially backfill over the pipe with spoil that contains no rocks larger than one-inch diameter); the standard requirement is 3-inch minus material. To do this, an Ozzie Padding Machine would be used, which would be operated directly adjacent to the trench for padding purposes.
Storage of spoil within the right-of-way as proposed by PPSI would be required for effective operation of padding machine and would reduce construction emissions by eliminating the need to transport spoils. Since spoil storage is temporary and approval of effected land owners would be required, no significant visual impact is anticipated.
The following measures shall be implemented:
- Spoil storage shall be a minimum of 75 feet from residences, schools, and businesses only when the use of an Ozzie Padding Machine is required; if an Ozzie Padding Machine is not being used, the 50 yard restriction applies. In no case shall the height of the spoil pile exceed five feet, nor shall spoil storage in a given location exceed one week.
- Pipe storage shall be in accordance with Mitigation Measure V-1 and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. However, stringing of pipe at a minimum distance of 75 feet from the subject land uses shall be allowed, but staging of strung pipe at a given location shall not exceed one week.
- Driveway access to residents and businesses, and adequate protection to allow safe passage of traffic both on the right-of-way and access to streets shall always be maintained.
- In any location requiring spoil storage within 50 yards (but greater than 75 feet) of the subject land uses, land owner/business operator approval shall be required. Such approvals shall be provided to the Lead Environmental Monitor prior to the storage of spoils in the subject area.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.