July 3, 1998
RE: Variance Request #91 - Allow for open cut trenching (instead of boring) of Lebec Road near the Tejon Ranch Headquarters, Kern County (Segment 1).
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced variance request, and our decision of approval is based on the following factors:
PPSI is requesting a variance from the Project Description in the EIS/SEIR concerning the boring of "major roadways, interstate highways, and freeways..." Open cut trenching at this location has been requested by Tejon Ranch (letter dated June 26, 1998) to preserve existing landscaping adjacent to the roadway; removal of the landscaping would be required for the excavation of a bore pit.
Lebec Road is a two-lane roadway with light traffic. To mitigate potential traffic impacts on Lebec Road during trenching, PPSI proposes to use standard open trenching methods, with half the roadway closed during construction. This portion, when completed, would be plated and the second portion of the roadway would be trenched and plated. Traffic would continue to pass in both directions with minor delays. Trenching activities are anticipated to require five to nine working days. PPSI has received a Rider to their County of Kern Permit authorizing open cut trenching at this location.
Given the temporary nature of the traffic impacts and that vehicle passage would be maintained, no significant additional impact are expected. Air quality impacts would be somewhat reduced using trenching given the soil excavation required to create bore pits. No other additional impacts are expected from the implementation of this variance.
The following measures shall be implemented:
- All applicable mitigation measures for the project shall be implemented at the subject location.
- Provisions of the approved Traffic Control Plan shall be implemented, including the use of flagmen when two-way traffic flow is restricted to a single lane.
- Pipeline installation within Lebec Road shall be completed within 10 working days.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.