January 2007 Notice of Second Round of Scoping Meetings
on Alternatives to the Proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project. The
CPUC and BLM held a second scoping period during January and February
2007 in order to hear input on alternatives to the Sunrise Powerlink
Project. The comment period ended on February 24, 2007. A second
Scoping Report was prepared that documents all comments received
during the second scoping period, including copies of all comment
letters and transcripts of oral comments made at the February 5-9,
2007 Public Meetings on Alternatives. The Scoping Report (Part 2)
is included in the document list below and copies have been placed
in local document repository sites.
March 2007 Notice on Alternatives Conclusions. The CPUC/BLM
Notice Regarding Conclusions on EIR/EIS Alternatives to the Proposed
Sunrise Powerlink Project was mailed to everyone on the project
mailing list during the week of March 19, 2007. The Notice
and the seven maps referenced in it may be viewed at the links presented
on the Documents Available page.
May 2007 Notice on Modified Route D Alternative. The conclusions
presented in the March Notice referenced above were based on the
feedback received from the public and agencies, along with research
conducted by the EIR/EIS team. Following the publication of that
Notice, additional input was received from the Cleveland National
Forest (Forest), including Forest's request that an alternative
be fully analyzed in the EIR/EIS that would not require an amendment
to the Forest's 2005 Land Management Plan. As a result, portions
of the Route D Alternative that were previously considered
and eliminated have been combined with new route segments, and will
be analyzed in the EIR/EIS. The CPUC/BLM
Notice Regarding an Additional EIR/EIS Alternative to the Proposed
Sunrise Powerlink Project was mailed in mid-May to announce
this change.
The May Notice announced a third 30-day public comment period that
ended in mid-June 2007. The comment letters
that were received during May and June 2007 are available for review.
From mid-June through September 2007, the EIR/EIS Team reviewed
comments on the Modified Route D Alternative and evaluated
suggested route changes. Public comments were accepted into early
October 2007, in order to allow concerns about this alternative
to be reviewed by the EIR/EIS team. The comment
letters that were received between mid-June and October 2007
are available for review