San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)


Mitigation Monitoring Compliance Reports, Permit Applications, and Other Documents

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC. Note: For faster results in displaying the largest files (see sizes in parentheses for files over 5.0MB), right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to your hard drive, then double-click the downloaded file. The most recent documents appear at the top of this list.

Fire Mitigation Funds Utilization Plan
SDG&E, 6/1/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures F-1e and F-3a

Sampling and Testing Plan
SDG&E, 3/24/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures P-2a and P-7a and APM HS-APM-5

Hazard Communication Plan
SDG&E, 3/21/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure P-1a and APMs HS-APM-1 and HS-APM-3

Construction Notification Plan
SDG&E, 3/1/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures L-1a, S-2a, and F-3b, and APMs LU-APM-1 and LU-APM-4

Construction Emissions Monitoring Plan
SDG&E, 1/21/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures AQ-1b and AQ-1h, and APMs AQ-APM-4 and AQ-APM-5

Mountain Springs Grade Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
TRC, 12/15/09; compliance with Mitigation Measures H-1a, H-1b, and H-6a, and APMs WQ-APM-4 and WQ-APM-14

Addendum No. 3 to Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Geosyntec Consultants, 12/3/09; compliance with Mitigation Measures P-2a and P-7a and APM HS-APM-5 (16.3MB)

California Department of Fish & Game Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration Application
WRA Environmental Consultants, 11/30/09
Attachments (717 files) - View a list of attachments available by email or mailed CD.

Dust Control Plan
Sempra Energy, 11/09; compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-1a and APMs AQ-APM-1, AQ-APM-2, and AQ-APM-3
Cover Letter
Appendix A - Final Environmentally Superior Southern Route Construction Mapbook
Appendix B - Water Sites Mapbook (6.8MB)
Appendix C - Dust Control Plan Form
Appendix D - Daily Log

State Water Resources Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification Application
WRA Environmental Consultants, 10/8/09
Attachments (716 files) - View a list of attachments available by email or mailed CD.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit Application:
Permit Application NWP 12
Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form
WRA Environmental Consultants, 9/28/09
Attachments (529 files) - View a list of attachments available by email or mailed CD.

SDG&E Revised and Updated Preliminary Jurisdiction Determination Report
WRA Environmental Consultants, 7/23/09
Appendices & Attachments (319 files) - View a list of appendices/attachments available by email or mailed CD.

SDG&E Air Quality Mitigation Program for Construction Air Emissions, including emission calculations
SDG&E, 6/9/09; compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-1h

Subsurface Utility Report #5 - Sunrise Powerlink Alpine Boulevard Project
GeoSyntec Consultants, 4/14/09

Subsurface Utility Report #1 - Sunrise Powerlink Coastal Link Project
GeoSyntec Consultants, 2/20/08


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