San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)


Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program

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Entire Report in One File (24.8MB)

Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Authority for the Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program
1.2 Agencies with Jurisdiction
1.3 Project Description
2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
2.1 Organization and Roles of Each Entity
3.0 Communication
3.1 Pre-Construction Compliance Coordination
3.2 Agency Compliance Website
3.3 Communication Protocol During Construction
3.4 Weekly Progress Meetings During Construction
3.5 Daily Communication During Construction
3.6 Communicating Compliance Issues
3.7 Coordination with Other Agencies Before and During Construction
3.8 Mitigation Implementation Dispute Resolution
3.9 Contact List
4.0 Environmental Compliance and Field Procedures
4.1 Mitigation Measures Compliance and Reporting
4.2 Project Changes
5.0 Records Management
5.1 Agency Records During Monitoring
5.2 Public Access to Records
6.0 Mitigation Monitoring Program Tables
6.1 Using the Tables
6.2 Effectiveness Review
6.3 Mitigation Measures and Applicant Proposed Measures
Attachment A: Project Segments Map
Attachment B: Project Contact List
Attachment C: Daily Monitoring Form
Attachment D: Variance Request Form
Attachment E: Temporary Extra Work Space Form
Attachment F: List of Mitigation Measures by Time of Implementation
Attachment G: Pre-Construction Mitigation Measures
Attachment H: During Construction Mitigation Measures
Attachment I: Pre-Energizing Mitigation Measures
Attachment J: Post-Construction Mitigation Measures
Attachment K: Mitigation Measures Applicable by Construction Link, Segment, and Structures
Attachment L: Communication Protocol
Attachment M: U.S. Bureau of Land Management Programmatic Agreement
Attachment N: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion (13.2MB)
Attachment O: U.S. Bureau of Land Management Record of Decision
Attachment P: U.S. Forest Service Record of Decision (to be added when published)

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