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Pre-compliance reports, permit applications, and other documents
Name of Report | Applicable Measure |
Blasting Plan | MM 4.10-2 APM NOI-4-5 |
Botanical Survey Report/ Documentation of Special Status Plants | APM-BIO-2, 10 |
Dewatering and Discharge Plan | MM 4.6-5 APM BIO-31, BIO-32, WQ-3, WQ-5 |
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan | APM TRAN-1, UTL-1 |
Fire Suppression and Prevention Plan | APM HAZ-5 |
Flagging, Fencing and Signage Plan | APM BIO-2, 26, CUL-1, REC 3-4, TRAN-1 |
Habitat Restoration Plan | MM BIO-36 |
Hazardous Materials Management and Spill Response Plan | MM 4.10-2-3, APM HAZ-1, TRAN-1 |
Noxious Weed Management Plan | APM BIO-2-8, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 36, MM 4.7-5 |
Safety Plan | Safety Plan |
Traffic Control Plan | APM TRAN-1 |
Travel and Access Plan | APM REC-1, TRAN-1, MM 4.6-3a |
Wetland Delineation Report | MM BIO-10 |
Other Documents: