In October 1995, the CPUC issued Broadwing
Communications Services, Inc. (then IXC Long Distance, Inc.) a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity (CPCN) to provide resale telecommunications services in California. In November 1997, the
CPUC granted IXC Long Distance, Inc. additional, limited authorization to operate as a facilities-based
reseller. In December 2000, Broadwing submitted an application to the CPUC requesting authorization to expand its California network and construct additional facilities (Application No. 00-11-026). The CPUC
accepted the application as complete on September 19, 2001. After analyzing the environmental
effects of granting a facilities-based CPCN, the CPUC approved Broadwing's application on February 7, 2002 and issued
the CPCN. This document, the Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, analyzes the environmental
effects of the project and incorporates measures to mitigated such effects to a less-than-significant level.