
Comment noted.


Comment noted.


Edison’s Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) and all of Edison’s comments throughout the process, as well as those submitted by other parties, are part of the record and, as such, will be considered by the CPUC in acting on the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Edison’s application.


The Initial Study was published on the same date as the amendment date for Rule 1158 (August 25, 1997), so the adoption of the amendment could not be known at the time of publication of the Initial Study. Because the Applicability clause (A)(2)(b) of Rule 1158 has been modified to apply to non-utility owners, Rule 1158 as amended August 25, 1997 (a copy provided in Edison's Attachment A) now fully complies with Air Quality mitigation measure 4.5.a.1.


Comment noted.


The CPUC considered Edison’s July 21, 1997 letter in preparing the Initial Study, and the fact that Edison may be able, without CPUC approval, to sell the plants once they are market valued, is discussed on page 3.4 of the Initial Study.


Comment noted.


Comment noted.


For the Highgrove plant, the title of Figure 2.14a is revised as follows:

Highgrove Generating Station Property Lines With Without Lot Line Adjustment 

The last three sentences of the second paragraph on page 2.22 are revised as follows:

Figure 2.14 shows the approximate existing boundary of the property being either retained or sold. This figure reflects lot line adjustment application that is pending before the City of Grand Terrace. Figure 2.14a shows Edison's proposed property divisions, which were recently approved by the City of Grand Terrace. if the lot line adjustment is not approved before the auction.


For the Huntington Beach plant, Figure 2.16 (dated 08/13/97) should be replaced with Edison's Attachment C-1 and C-2 (accompanying its September 25 letter), showing property lines both without (06/01/97) and with lot line adjustments (09/09/97), respectively, as Edison expects the lot line adjustments may soon be approved.

Figure 2.16 is replaced with Edison’s new figure Attachment C-1 and a new Figure 2.16a noted as (With Lot Line Adjustment) is added. The following text is added following the end of the second sentence on page 2.27:

Figure 2.16a shows Edison’s proposed lot line adjustment application that is pending before the City of Huntington Beach.


For the Redondo Generating Station, Figure 2.25a is replaced with Edison's Attachment D (accompanying its September 25, 1997 letter).

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