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Southern California Edison - Mascot Substation Project

(Application A.09-11-020, filed November 25, 2009)

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of proposed construction of Southern California Edison's (SCE) Mascot Substation Project. An application for this project was submitted to the CPUC on November 25, 2009 (Application A.09-11-020). This site provided access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process. On December 4, 2012, the Mascot Substation began commercial operation. This proceeding is now closed.


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Background Information


SCE in its CPUC application (A.0911020), requested to construct a new 66/12 kilovolt (kV) distribution substation (Mascot Substation) and associated 66 kV subtransmission lines, telecommunications connection, and distribution circuits in unincorporated Kings County. Power to the Mascot Substation is supplied by two existing 66 kV subtransmission lines, Goshen-Hanford 66kV line and Hanford-Liberty 66kV line. The subtransmission lines occur within approximately 2.0 miles of new right-of-way (ROW). The Project consists of the following activities:

  • Construction of a new 66/12 kV distribution substation on an approximate five acre site (Mascot Substation);
  • Construction of two new 66 kV single-circuit subtransmission line segments to serve the new Mascot Substation. More specifically, the Goshen-Hanford 66 kV subtransmission line was be looped into Mascot Substation and the Hanford-Liberty 66 kV subtransmission line, approximately 2 miles away, was tapped and connected to the Mascot Substation with a new single-circuit 66 kV subtransmission line segment;
  • Construction of four new 12 kV distribution circuits; and
  • Construction of facilities to connect the substation to SCE's existing telecommunications system.

The Project is located in unincorporated Kings County, California, just east of the City of Hanford. The Mascot Substation is in the eastern portion of Kings County approximately a few miles west of the Tulare County line. The Project's subtransmission line alignment originates at the Goshen-Hanford 66kV subtransmission line and is looped into the proposed Mascot Substation at the intersection of Grangeville Boulevard and 7 ½ Avenue. From the Substation site, another subtransmission line segment traverses directly south from the substation along private property (7 ½ Avenue extended south to East Hanford-Armona Road), across agricultural and residential areas to connect with the Hanford-Liberty 66kV subtransmission line.

Environmental Review

Current Progress

Project Milestones
Milestone Date
Application deemed complete by CPUC March 2, 2010
Publication of Draft IS/MND August 30, 2010
Public Comment Period on IS/MND comment period (30 Days) August 30 - September 30, 2010
Publication of Final IS/MND November 2010
CPUC grants Permit to Construct (D.1012039) December 16, 2010
Start of Construction March 2012
End of Construction November 2012

Mitigation Monitoring, Reporting, and Compliance Program

Construction Progress and Mitigation Monitoring, Reporting, and Compliance Program

The CPUC, as the lead agency, is responsible for ensuring that the Applicant Proposed Measures, mitigation measures, as well as plans reviewed and approved by other agencies, are implemented throughout the construction phase of the Project. The Project documents related to mitigation monitoring are available for public review on the Mitigation Monitoring page on this site.

Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration

Public Comment Period, Public Meeting, and IS/MND Availability

The Draft IS/MND was available for a 30-day public comment period August 30, 2010 through September 30, 2010.

Public Information Meeting

The CPUC held a public information meeting on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at the Kit Carson Elementary School. The meeting began with a brief presentation providing an overview of the Proposed Project identified to date. Following the presentation, interested parties had the opportunity to provide comments about the project. Comment forms were supplied to those who wished to submit written comments at the meetings. Also available from the public information meeting are the presentation slides shown at the meeting.

Availability of IS/MND

The Final IS/MND was released review in November 2010.

The Notice of Intent (NOI) to adopt the IS/MND and the Draft IS/MND [pdf 7.73mb] were released on August 30, 2010.


Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)

The application and PEA for the Mascot Substation Project may be viewed here:


Data Requests

The CPUC submits Data Requests to SCE when it needs specific information to support CEQA document preparation. The following are the data requests and responses were submitted and received:

Data Request Letter No. 1 (December 23, 2009)


Data Request Letter No. 2 (April 6, 2010)


Data Request Letter No. 3 (May 6, 2010)

Website info

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