The proposed overhead line construction and transition structures at the SCVWD property and the Monta Vista substation would be constructed entirely on PG&E property or within existing transportation and utility corridors. The underground line construction portion of the proposed project would be located in the public franchise right-of-way. All of the land use and zoning designations traversed by the power lines allow for public utilities.
A short segment of the new 115 kV power line would be located on two private properties, requiring acquisition of right-of-way easements. The properties are located immediately north of Groveland Drive, on the south side of I-280 and the Union Pacific Railroad corridor. These properties have existing overhead easements for the Monta Vista–Ames 115 kV power lines and the Newark-Magnesium 115kV power lines. These easements would be amended to allow an underground segment of the project to run under the existing overhead lines. The proposed project would therefore have no impact with respect to compatibility with general plan and zoning designations.
Discretionary approval of the project is held solely by the CPUC. Although approval of the proposed substation and line construction would not be under the jurisdiction of the City of Cupertino or Santa Clara County, both jurisdictions have indicted their support for the project as identified in the October 1998 Proponent’s Environmental Assessment. Therefore, the project would have no impact with respect to agency jurisdiction.
As identified in the Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA), the proposed project is located on PG&E property and within existing transportation and utility corridors (PG&E 1998). The Foothill Plaza Shopping Center is located approximately 600 feet from the SCVWD property at Foothill Boulevard and Homestead Road. The proposed project would not conflict with existing residential uses adjacent to the Monta Vista substation and the SCVWD property because the facilities are already in existence.
The proposed development of the western portion of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose property adjacent to the upper portion of the Monta Vista substation would not be affected by the proposed project. Portions of the future residential development may have views of the Monta Vista substation, but any impact to the Roman Catholic Diocese property would be less than significant because existing substation facilities are already visible.
The proposed facilities would not be incompatible with the horse-boarding operation located on the Monta Vista substation property because there are PG&E facilities already on the site, and the lease agreement with the horse-boarding facility is month-to-month and revocable at such time PG&E requires use of the property.
The project sites are not located on land used for agricultural purposes. The land uses surrounding the substation site and along the line routes are primarily industrial, commercial, public use and residential. Therefore, the proposed project would not affect agricultural resources or operations.
Neither the proposed substation site nor the new transmission lines would result in physical features that would disrupt or divide the area. The transmission lines would be constructed primarily underground, and along existing right-of-way easements. No residences or businesses would be permanently removed for the project. The project would not permanently impede access to any adjacent parcels. The entire substation property is dedicated to public use for electric substation purposes.
Horse boarding facilities are located at the Monta Vista substation, entirely on PG&E property. During project construction, some of these activities would be temporarily displaced from PG&E property. Upon completion of the project, these facilities could be reestablished between the upper and lower substation properties. Under the current least agreement, the leasee would be given at least 90 days notice prior to the start of construction. This temporary displacement and the permanent changes proposed at the Monta Vista substation would have no impact on existing land uses. Therefore, the project would not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community.
Applicant Proposed Mitigation
The following measures would be incorporated into the project by PG&E to ensure that any land use disturbances resulting from the project would be less than significant:
·At least two weeks prior to construction, PG&E will give advance notice of construction and the anticipated disturbances to property owners, businesses, and residents potentially affected by construction activities. PG&E will provide this notice by: (1) posting bulletins in neighborhoods that would be affected by construction activities; and (2) publishing notices in local newspapers.
·PG&E will appoint a public affairs representative to act as the public liaison or point of contact before, during, and after constructing the proposed project. The representative will be available to discuss public concerns or questions. Procedures for reaching the public affairs representative via telephone or in person will be included in notices distributed to the public as stated above.
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