The project site has
undergone previous grading and is primarily covered by
gravel (ESA, 1997). Site
reconnaissance of the project
site was performed by PG&E cultural resource
specialist and an information
search was performed within a
quarter-mile radius of the site by the Sonoma State
University, Cultural Resources Study Center (in November
1996). The examination revealed no evidence of cultural
resources in the area of the proposed project and no
previous studies or recorded cultural resources sites or
artifacts were revealed from the information search (PEA,
1997). Therefore, the project is not anticipated to have
an effect on paleontological, archaeological, or
historical resources.
No unique ethnic cultural
values are attributed to the project site. Therefore, the
project would not have an effect on ethnic cultural
The project site is not being
used for religious or sacred purposes. Therefore, the
project would not have an effect on religious or sacred