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General Order 64-A


Section VII


Detailed Construction Requirements For Trolley Lines

(Class T Circuits)


79.3    Grade Crossing


A.    Highways

Third railroads shall not cross a public highway at grade unless suitable wing fences are constructed dividing said highway from the private right-of-way or fenced portion of highway or other property upon which said third rail railroad is located and unless all portions of said third rail are excluded from the portions of the highway between said wing fences, suitable signs being installed on either side of the highway as provided in Rule 79.4.


B.    Fenced Railroad Right of Way

Where third rail railroads cross railroads located on fenced rights-of-way, wing fences and cattle guards need not be installed.  No portion of the third rail shall be constructed or reconstructed within 10 feet of the nearest rail of the railroad crossed.

C.    Railroad Rights-of-Way Not Fenced

Where third rail railroads cross railroads not located on fenced rights-of-way, wing fences and cattle guards must be installed on both sides of the crossing at least 10 feet from the nearest rail of the railroad crossed.  No portion of the third rail shall extend beyond the wing fences.