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General Order 64-A


Section II


General Provisions


27    Pole Identification.

Each utility owning poles, towers or frames for supporting supply or signal circuits shall mark each structure, except as hereinafter provided, with either the initials of its name, or abbreviation of its name, or corporate symbol, or other distinguishing mark by which ownership may be readily and definitely determined.  These marks shall be made with paint, stamps, brands, or other effective means, and must easily readable from the ground at a distance of 6 feet from the structure.  Where two or more interests jointly own any such pole or structure, same shall be numbered and initialed, preferably with the initial or symbol of the original owner or constructing party; or such pole or structure shall have some other means of identifying it as a joint pole.

The provisions of the above rule will not apply in the following cases:


(a)    Poles supporting trolley contact conductors owned by an electric railway company need not be marked, the cars traversing the road serving as an identification.


(b)    Poles carrying only signal circuits.


(c)    Poles or towers carrying supply circuits, when located on public highways outside the limits of the incorporated cities, need have only each tenth pole marked as above.


(d)    Poles or towers carrying supply circuits, when located on a private right of way, need have only the first pole or tower of the line on each side of each main traveled highway crossed by the line marked as above.