Original Version
Rule 23.0
23.0 Tension means either Maximum Allowable or Working
as defined in the following definitions:
A. Maximum Allowable Tension for a supply conductor means one–half the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor.
B. Maximum Working Tension is that conductor tension resulting under the construction arrangement with the maximum loading conditions specified in Rule 43.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 23.0
23.0 Tension means either Maximum Allowable or Working
as defined in the following definitions:
A. Maximum Allowable Tension for a supply
conductor means one–half the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor.
B. Maximum Working Tension is that conductor
tension resulting under the construction arrangement with the maximum loading
conditions specified in Rule 43.
22.4 Reconstruction means that work which in any way
changes the identity of the pole, tower or structure on which it is performed.
For exceptions see Rule 12.1.
Final Version
Rule 23.0
23.0 Reconstruction means that work which in any way
changes the identity of the pole, tower or structure on which it is performed.
For exceptions see Rule 12.1.