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Original Version
Rule 44
44 | Safety Factors | |
The safety factors specified in these rules are the minimum allowable ratios of ultimate strengths of materials to the maximum working stresses, except that: | ||
The safety factors for structural materials other than wood (towers, poles and crossarms) shall be applied as specified in Rules 48.2 , 48.3–A , and 48.3–B, and The safety factors for wood members in bending shall be applied to longitudinal tension and compression as ratios of the moduli of rupture to the maximum working stresses. |
The safety factors for wood members in bending shall be applied to longitudinal tension and compression as ratios of the moduli of rupture to the maximum working stresses. |
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 44
44 | Safety Factors | |
The safety factors specified in these rules are the minimum allowable ratios of ultimate material and/or line element strengths of materials to the maximum working stresses, except that: | ||
The safety factors for structural materials other than wood (towers, poles and crossarms) shall be applied effect of design loads as specified in Rules 48.2 , 48.3–A , and 48.3–B, and The safety factors for wood members in bending shall be applied to longitudinal tension and compression as ratios of the moduli of rupture to the maximum working stresses. |
The maximum working stresses used with these safety factors shall be the maximum stresses which would be developed in the materials under the construction arrangement with temperature and loadings as specified in Rule 43. |
Final Version
Rule 44
44 | Safety Factors |
The safety factors specified in these rules are the minimum allowable ratios of material and/or line element strengths to the effect of design loads as specified in Rule 43. |