Original Version
Rule 51.6-A
51.6-A. Marking of Poles where conductors are not on Crossarms
Wood or Metal poles which support conductors of more than 750
volts in vertical configuration and not on crossarms shall have bands of
bright yellow color not less than one foot in width painted around them.
The top of such a band shall be neither less than 2 ˝ feet nor more
than 3 feet below the lowest conductor of each circuit of more than 750 volts
so supported.
In lieu of the paint required by this rule, similarly located signs, showing
the words “High Voltage” in letters not less than 3 inches in height, shall
be used. The letters on such signs shall be white on a green or black
background, or such signs shall be of corrosion-resisting metal with the
letters cut out therefrom and clearly legible.
The provisions of this rule, 51.6-A shall not apply to the marking of poles
at the levels of supply circuits of more than 21,000 volts in rural districts.
See Rule 65 for marking of Towers
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 51.6-A
51.6-A. Marking of Poles where conductors are not on Crossarms
Wood or Metal poles which support conductors of more than 750
volts in vertical configuration and not on crossarms shall have bands of
bright yellow color not less than one foot in width painted around them.
The top of such a band shall be neither less than 2 ˝ feet nor more
than 3 feet below the lowest conductor of each circuit of more than 750 volts
so supported.
In lieu of the paint required by this rule, similarly located signs, showing
the words “High Voltage” in letters not less than 3 inches in height, shall
be used. The letters on such signs shall be white on a green or black
background, or such signs shall be of corrosion-resisting metal with the
letters cut out therefrom and clearly legible.
The provisions of this rule, 51.6-A shall not apply to the marking of poles
at the levels of supply circuits of more than 22,500 21,000
volts in rural districts.
See Rule 65 for marking of Towers
Final Version
Rule 51.6-A
51.6-A. Marking of Poles where conductors are not on Crossarms
Wood or Metal poles which support conductors of more than
750 volts in vertical configuration and not on crossarms shall have bands
of bright yellow color not less than one foot in width painted around them.
The top of such a band shall be neither less than 2 ˝ feet nor more
than 3 feet below the lowest conductor of each circuit of more than 750 volts
so supported.
In lieu of the paint required by this rule, similarly located signs, showing
the words “High Voltage” in letters not less than 3 inches in height, shall
be used. The letters on such signs shall be white on a green or black
background, or such signs shall be of corrosion-resisting metal with the
letters cut out therefrom and clearly legible.
The provisions of this rule, 51.6-A shall not apply to the marking of poles
at the levels of supply circuits of more than 22,500 volts in rural districts.
See Rule 65
for marking of Towers