This website provides information about the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC’s) review of the Northern San Joaquin 230 kV Transmission Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) filed an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing the Construction of the Northern San Joaquin 230 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Project on September 1, 2023 (CPCN Application No. A2309001).

CPUC Review Process
Following receipt of a complete application, the CPUC conducts two parallel processes when considering development proposed by a regulated utility: an application process, in which the CPUC reviews the utility’s proposal and considers whether the project is needed and is in the public interest; and an environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The CPCN application process focuses on utility ratepayer and public benefit issues and is undertaken by the CPUC’s Administrative Law Judges Division. The CEQA process for utility applications is led by the CPUC’s Energy Division. The CPUC will use the CEQA document in conjunction with other information prepared for the CPUC’s formal record to act on PG&E’s application.
Click here for more information about the CPUC’s decision and review process.
Click here for information and documents associated with the CPUC’s Proceeding for the project.
Project Overview
The project would be located primarily in northeastern San Joaquin County and in the City of Lodi, with remote-end facilities in Contra Costa County, Linden, Lodi, Rio Oso, and Sacramento.
(click image above to expand)
Project Summary
The proposed project entails construction and operation of a new 230 kV transmission system with approximately 10.6 miles of new double-circuit 230 kV transmission lines, an expanded substation, a modified substation, a new substation, a new switching station, reconfiguration of four existing 60 kV lines, relocation or extension of two existing 12 kV lines, and upgrades at four remote-end substations and one repeater station.The project would loop PG&E’s existing overhead Brighton-Bellota 230 kV transmission line through PG&E’s Lockeford Substation and install a new overhead double-circuit 230 kV transmission line between PG&E’s Lockeford Substation and PG&E’s new Thurman Switching Station at the City of Lodi’s existing Lodi Electric Utility (LEU) Fred M. Reid Industrial Substation in Lodi, California. LEU would construct the LEU Guild Substation, a new 230/60 kV substation, between the existing LEU Industrial Substation and the new PG&E Thurman Switching Station. At the LEU Guild Substation, the new PG&E 230 kV transmission line would terminate, and LEU transformers would step down the power to 60 kV to connect with the LEU Industrial Substation. When the new 230 kV system is operating, the existing local PG&E 60 kV system would be reconfigured within existing alignments, including disconnecting as a source to LEU at the LEU Industrial Substation. Existing LEU and PG&E 12 kV service/feeder lines and a third-party telecommunication line within the City of Lodi would be modified during construction to allow reuse of an existing alignment, continuation of existing service, and construction new permanent secondary station service.
Applicant Objectives
The purpose of PG&E’s Northern San Joaquin 230 kV Transmission Project is to address reliability and capacity issues identified by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) on the existing PG&E 230 kV and 60 kV systems serving the area between PG&E Lockeford and PG&E Lodi substations.As identified by PG&E, the objectives of the proposed project are to:
- Meet PG&E’s legal obligation to implement the CAISO-approved project.
- Improve system reliability for PG&E’s approximately 10,000 electrical customers, one of which is Lodi Electric Utility, which itself serves approximately 27,750 customers.
- Increase capacity to accommodate projected growth in demand and minimize future reliability issues.
- Address thermal overloads and voltage concerns on PG&E’s 60 kV transmission system identified during P1 contingencies and maintain compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards.
- Address thermal overloads on PG&E’s 60 kV transmission system identified during P6 contingencies and maintain compliance with NERC standards.
- Reinforce the PG&E 60 kV system in the Lodi area by constructing a new 230 kV double-circuit line to provide an additional source of power.
- Construct a new 230 kV switching station to receive the new 230 kV double-circuit line and provide power to a new 230/60 kV substation to be constructed by LEU.
- Separate PG&E’s 60 kV system at the LEU Industrial Substation from LEU’s 60 kV system.
- Construct a safe, economical, and technically feasible project that minimizes environmental and community impacts.
As the CEQA Lead Agency, the CPUC will prepare an EIR to evaluate the environmental effects of the proposed project. Following are milestones and anticipated dates for the CEQA review process.
Milestone | Date |
Application and PEA submitted by PG&E | September 1, 2023 |
Notice of Preparation and Scoping | January 10, 2024 – February 9, 2024 |
Draft EIR Released for Public Review | December 10, 2024 - February 7, 2025 |
Final EIR Released | Mid 2025 |
CPUC Decision | Anticipated 2025 |
Public Meetings and Comments
The CPUC held virtual meetings on the Draft EIR on January 15, 2015. The presentation can be viewed here
Documents Available for Review
Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Notice of Availability
- Fact Sheet
- Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Appendix A - Scoping Summary Report*
- Appendix B - Mapbook
- Appendix C - Anticipated Construction Equipment and Workforce
- Appendix D - Construction Emissions Calculations and Health Risk Assessment Technical Memorandum*
- Appendix E - Architectural Identification and Evaluation Report - PART 1*
- Appendix E - Architectural Identification and Evaluation Report - PART 2*
- Appendix F - Habitat Figures - PART 1
- Appendix F - Habitat Figures - PART 2
- Appendix G - Paleontological Resources Impact Evaluation Report*
- Appendix H - Geotechnical Investigation Reports*
- Appendix I - Noise Modeling Calculation Data*
- Appendix J - Alternatives Screening Report
*508 compliant version available upon request
Scoping Summary Report (including Attachments A-C) and Scoping Comments (Attachment D)
Application and Proponents Environmental Assessment
Pursuant to Rule 2.4 of CPUC's Rules of Practice and Procedure, the application package includes a Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA). The CPUC has reviewed PG&E’s application and the PEA and determined that the application and PEA are complete.
CPUC Data Requests and Applicant Responses
For Additional Information
To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list please contact us at:
The CPUC’s Project Manager is:Boris Sanchez
California Public Utilities Commission
Energy Division - Infrastructure Permitting & CEQA
505 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102