Southern California Edison's
Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Line Project

Environmental Impact Report

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Cover Sheet

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

ES.1. Introduction/Background
ES.2. Summary Description of Proposed Project and Project Alternatives
ES.3. Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
ES.4. Summary Comparison of Alternatives
Figure ES-1. Regional Location Map
Figure ES-2. Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Proposed and Alternative Routes

A.  Introduction

A.1. Background
A.2. Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives
A.3. Purpose and Need
A.4. The Antelope Transmission Project
A.5. Agency Use of this Document
A.6. Overview of the Environmental Review Process
A.7. Reader's Guide to this Document

B.  Description of Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives

B.1. Introduction
B.2. Description of the Proposed Project/Action
B.3. Project Alternatives Screening Overview
B.4. Alternatives Description
B.5. Cumulative Impacts Scenario
Figure B.2-1. Regional Location Map
Figure B.2-2a. Proposed Project (Map 1 of 5)
Figure B.2-2b. Proposed Project (Map 2 of 5)
Figure B.2-2c. Proposed Project (Map 3 of 5)
Figure B.2-2d. Proposed Project (Map 4 of 5)
Figure B.2-2e. Proposed Project (Map 5 of 5)
Figure B.2-3. Example of 220-kV Double-circuit Tubular Steel Pole (Mile 0 to Mile 0.1)
Figure B.2-4. Typical 500-kV Single-circuit Tower
Figure B.2-5. Typical 500-kV Double-circuit Tower
Figure B.2-6. Proposed New ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 0 to Mile 0.1
Figure B.2-7. Proposed New ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 0.1 to Mile 1.1
Figure B.2-8. Existing and Proposed ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 1.1 to Mile 5.7
Figure B.2-9. Existing and Proposed ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 5.7 to Mile 18.6
Figure B.2-10. Proposed New ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 18.6 to Mile 20.3
Figure B.2-11. Existing and Proposed ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 20.3 to Mile 22.3
Figure B.2-12. Existing and Proposed ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 22.3 to Mile 25.6
Figure B.2-13. Antelope Substation with Proposed Project Modifications
Figure B.2-14. Pardee Substation with Proposed Project Modifications
Figure B.2-15. Typical Guard Structure
Figure B.4-1a. Alternative 1: Underground Segment in the ANF
Figure B.4-1b. Alternative 1: Underground Segment in Santa Clarita
Figure B.4-2. Typical Solid Dielectric Cable Cross-Section.
Figure B.4-3. Plan View of Underground Transmission in the ANF
Figure B.4-4. Underground Transmission Cross-section in the ANF
Figure B.4-5. Underground Transmission Along Forest Service Access Road
Figure B.4-6. Underground Transmission Cross-section in Streets
Figure B.4-7. Plan View of Underground Transmission in Streets
Figure B.4-8. Prototypical Transition Station
Figure B.4-9. Alternative 2 Alignment
Figure B.4-10. Alternative 3 Proposed ROW Configuration for Mile 20.3 and Mile 22.3
Figure B.4-11. Alternative 3 Proposed ROW Configuration for Mile 22.3 and Mile 25.6
Figure B.4-12. Alternative 4: Haskell Canyon Re-Route
Figure B.4-13. Alternative 5 Alignment
Figure B.5-1a. Cumulative Projects (Northern Section)
Figure B.5-1b. Cumulative Projects (Southern Section) (2nd page)

C.  Environmental Analysis

C.1  Introduction to Environmental Analysis
C.1.1. Section Content and Organization
C.1.2. Environmental Analysis Methodology
C.1.3. Significance Categories
C.2  Air Quality
C.2.1. Affected Environment
C.2.2. Regulatory Framework
C.2.3. Significance Criteria
C.2.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.2.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.2.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.2.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.2.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.2.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Re-Routing of New Right-of-Way along Haskell Canyon
C.2.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Re-Route
C.2.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.2.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.2.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.2-1. Air Basin/Air District Jurisdiction Map in Project Area
Figure C.2-2. Normalized Maximum Short-term Historical Air Pollutant Concentrations in Lancaster (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-3. Normalized Maximum Short-term Historical Air Pollutant Concentrations in Santa Clarita (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-4. Normalized Ozone Air Quality Maximum Concentrations (1985-2004) (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-5. Ozone: Number of Days Exceeding the CAAQS for 1-Hr and NAAQS for 8-Hr (1985-2004) (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-6. Normalized PM10 Air Quality Maximum Concentrations (1989-2004) (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-7. PM10 24-Hour - Number of Days Exceeding the CAAQS (1989-2004) (figure embedded in text)
C.3  Biological Resources
C.3.1. Affected Environment
C.3.2. Regulatory Framework
C.3.3. Significance Criteria
C.3.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.3.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.3.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.3.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.3.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.3.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.3.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.3.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.3.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.3.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.3-1A. Vegetation Communities (proposed line Mile 0-9)
Figure C.3-1B. Vegetation Communities (proposed line Mile 9-17)
Figure C.3-1C. Vegetation Communities (proposed line Mile 16-25.59)
Figure C.3-2. Proposed Alignment Photographs
Figure C.3-3. Proposed Alignment Photographs
Figure C.3-4. Proposed Alignment Photographs
Figure C.3-5A. Vegetation Communities Map Alternative 2 and the Proposed Route
Figure C.3-5B. Vegetation Communities Map Alternatives 2, 4, 5 and the Proposed Route
Figure C.3-6A. Vegetation Communities Map Alternative 5 and the Proposed Route
Figure C.3-6B. Vegetation Communities Map Alternative 5
Figure C.3-6C. Vegetation Communities Map Alternative 5
Figure C.3-6D. Vegetation Communities Map Alternatives 1, 2, 4, 5, and the Proposed Route
C.4  Cultural Resources
C.4.1. Affected Environment
C.4.2. Regulatory Framework
C.4.3. Significance Criteria
C.4.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.4.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.4.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.4.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.4.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.4.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.4.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.4.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.4.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.4.13. Cumulative Effects
C.5  Geology, Soils, and Paleontology
C.5.1. Affected Environment
C.5.2. Regulatory Framework
C.5.3. Significance Criteria
C.5.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.5.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.5.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.5.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.5.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.5.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.5.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Re-Route
C.5.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.5.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.5.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.5-1. Regional Geologic Map
Figure C.5-2. Regional Faults and Historic Earthquakes
Figure C.5-3. Regional Earthquake Fault Zones
C.6  Public Health and Safety
C.6.1. Affected Environment
C.6.2. Regulatory Framework
C.6.3. Significance Criteria
C.6.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.6.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.6.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.6.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.6.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.6.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.6.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Re-Route
C.6.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.6.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.6.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.6-1. Mile 0 to Mile 5.7 (Area 1) Calculated Magnetic Field Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.6-2. Mile 5.7 to Mile 18.6 (Area 2) Calculated Magnetic Field Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.6-3. Mile 18.6 to Mile 20.3 (Area 3) Calculated Magnetic Field Levels for Proposed Project Scenario (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.6-4. Mile 20.3 to Mile 22.3 (Area 4) Calculated Magnetic Field Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.6-5. Mile 22.3 to Mile 25.6 (Area 5) Calculated Magnetic Field Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded in text)
C.7  Forest Management Activities
C.7.1. Affected Environment
C.7.2. Regulatory Framework
C.7.3. Significance Criteria
C.7.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.7.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.7.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.7.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.7.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.7.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.7.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.7.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.7.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.7.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.7-1. Fire History Map
Figure C.7-2. Fuelbreak Map
C.8  Hydrology and Water Quality
C.8.1. Affected Environment
C.8.2. Regulatory Framework
C.8.3. Significance Criteria
C.8.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.8.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.8.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.8.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.8.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.8.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.8.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.8.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.8.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.8.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.8-1. Surface Hydrology: Proposed Project
Figure C.8-2. FEMA Designed Flood Hazard Areas (100-Year Flood Zones): Proposed Project
Figure C.8-3. Groundwater Basins: Proposed Project
Figure C.8-4. Hydrologic Sub-Areas for the Proposed Project and Alternatives
C.9  Land Use and Public Recreation
C.9.1. Affected Environment
C.9.2. Regulatory Framework
C.9.3. Significance Criteria
C.9.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.9.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.9.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.9.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.9.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.9.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.9.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.9.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.9.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.9.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.9-1. Jurisdictions and Notable Land Uses Along Project and Alternative Routes
Figure C.9-2. Important Farmland in the North and South Areas
Figure C.9-3. Important Farmland in the Leona Valley and Bouquet Canyon Areas
C.10  Noise
C.10.1. Affected Environment
C.10.2. Regulatory Framework
C.10.3. Significance Criteria
C.10.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.10.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.10.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.10.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.10.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.10.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.10.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.10.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.10.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.10.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.10-1. Typical Range of Common Sounds Heard in the Community Noise Environment
Figure C.10-2. Typical Noise Levels of Varying Types of Land Use
Figure C.10-3A. Noise Sensitive Receptor Locations (Northern Portion)
Figure C.10-3B. Noise Sensitive Receptor Locations (Southern Portion)
Figure C.10-4. Noise Sensitive Receptor Locations for Alternative 1 in the Santa Clarita Area
Figure C.10-5A. Noise Sensitive Receptor Locations for Alternative 5 (Northern Portion)
Figure C.10-5B. Noise Sensitive Receptor Locations for Alternative 5 (Southern Portion)
C.11  Public Services
C.11.1. Affected Environment
C.11.2. Regulatory Framework
C.11.3. Significance Criteria
C.11.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.11.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.11.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.11.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.11.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.11.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.11.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.11.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.11.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.11.13. Cumulative Effects
C.12  Socioeconomics
C.12.1. Affected Environment
C.12.2. Regulatory Framework
C.12.3. Significance Criteria
C.12.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.12.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.12.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.12.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.12.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.12.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.12.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.12.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.12.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.12.13. Cumulative Effects
C.13  Traffic and Transportation
C.13.1. Affected Environment
C.13.2. Regulatory Framework
C.13.3. Significance Criteria
C.13.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.13.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.13.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.13.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.13.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.13.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.13.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.13.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.13.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.13.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.13-1. Traffic Map for Lancaster/Palmdale
Figure C.13-2. Traffic Map for Angeles National Forest
Figure C.13-3. Traffic Map for Santa Clarita
Figure C.13-4. Alternative 5 Road Crossings
C.14  Utilities and Service Systems
C.14.1. Affected Environment
C.14.2. Regulatory Framework
C.14.3. Significance Criteria
C.14.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.14.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.14.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.14.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.14.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.14.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.14.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.14.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.14.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.14.13. Cumulative Effects
C.15  Visual Resources
C.15.1. Affected Environment
C.15.2. Regulatory Framework
C.15.3. Significance Criteria
C.15.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.15.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.15.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission Line
C.15.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.15.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.15.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way along Haskell Canyon
C.15.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.15.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.15.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.15.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.15-1. Desired Landscape Character and Scenic Integrity Objectives Map
Figure C.15-2. Key Observation Positions Map
Figure C.15-3A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 1
Figure C.15-3B. Visual Simulation for KOP 1 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-4A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 2
Figure C.15-4B. Visual Simulation for KOP 2 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-4C. Visual Simulation of TSP at KOP 2 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-5A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 3
Figure C.15-5B. Visual Simulation for KOP 3 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-6A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 4
Figure C.15-6B. Visual Simulation for KOP 4 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-6C. Visual Simulation of TSP at KOP 4 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-7A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5
Figure C.15-7B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-7C. Visual Simulation of Transition Station as seen from KOP 5 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-7D. Visual Simulation of Alternative 2 as seen from KOP 5 (4th page)
Figure C.15-8A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 6
Figure C.15-8B. Visual Simulation for KOP 6 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-8C. Visual Simulation of TSP at KOP 6 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-9A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 7
Figure C.15-9B. Visual Simulation for KOP 7 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-10A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 8
Figure C.15-10B. Visual Simulation for KOP 8 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-10C. Visual Simulation of Transition Station as seen from KOP 8 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-10D. Visual Simulation of Alternative 2 as seen from KOP 8 (4th page)
Figure C.15-11A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 9
Figure C.15-11B. Visual Simulation for KOP 9 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-12A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 10
Figure C.15-12B. Visual Simulation for KOP 10 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-12C. Visual Simulation of TSP at KOP 10 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-12D. Visual Simulation of Alternative 3 as seen from KOP 10 (4th page)
Figure C.15-13A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 11
Figure C.15-13B. Visual Simulation for KOP 11 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-13C. Visual Simulation of TSP at KOP 11 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-13D. Visual Simulation of Alternative 3 as seen from KOP 11 (4th page)
Figure C.15-14A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 12
Figure C.15-14B. Visual Simulation for KOP 12 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-14C. Visual Simulation of TSP at KOP 12 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-15A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 13
Figure C.15-15B. Visual Simulation for KOP 13 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-16A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 14
Figure C.15-16B. Visual Simulation for KOP 14 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-17A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 4-1
Figure C.15-17B. Visual Simulation for KOP 4-1 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-18A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-1
Figure C.15-18B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-1 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-19A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-2
Figure C.15-19B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-2 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-20A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-3
Figure C.15-20B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-3 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-21A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-4
Figure C.15-21B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-4 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-22A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-5
Figure C.15-22B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-5 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-23A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-6
Figure C.15-23B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-6 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-24A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-7
Figure C.15-24B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-7 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-25A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-8
Figure C.15-25B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-8 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-26A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-9
Figure C.15-26B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-9 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-27A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-10
Figure C.15-27B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-10 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-28A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-11
Figure C.15-28B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-11 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-29A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-12
Figure C.15-29B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-12 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-30A. Existing Visual Condition for KOP 5-13
Figure C.15-30B. Visual Simulation for KOP 5-13 (2nd page)

D.  Comparison of Alternatives

D.1. Introduction
D.2. Summary of Alternatives
D.3. Alternatives Comparison Matrix
D.4. Comparison of Alternatives
D.5. CEQA Environmentally Superior Alternative
D.6. NEPA Lead Agency Preferred Alternative

E.  Other Federal Requirements and CEQA Considerations

E.1. Long-Term Implications
E.2. Compliance with Applicable Federal Environmental Regulations and Policies
E.3. Indirect Effects of the PdV Wind Energy Project
Figure E.3-1. PdV Wind Energy Project Location

F.  Public Participation and Notification

F.1. Scoping Process
F.2. Notices of Completion and Availability
F.3. Draft EIR/EIS Public Hearings/Meetings
F.4. Final EIR/EIS and Decision F.5. Document Repository Sites
F.6. Project Notification List/Document Distribution List

G.  References and Organizations/Persons Consulted

G.1. References
G.2. Organizations and Persons Consulted

H.  Glossary/Acronyms

H.1. Glossary of Terms
H.2. Acronyms

I.  List of Preparers

J.  Index


Appendix 1. Alternatives Screening Report
Figure 1A. General Cable Cross-section
Figure 1B. Typical High Pressure Oil-Filled Pipe Type (HPOFPT) Cable Cross-section
Figure 1C. Typical Solid Dielectric Cable Cross-section
Figure 2A. Antelope-Pardee Partial Underground Alternative in the ANF
Figure 2B. Antelope-Pardee Partial Underground Alternative in Santa Clarita
Figure 3A. Mid-Slope Alternative Option A - Eastside of Del Sur Ridge
Figure 3B. Example of View from Bouquet Canyon Road with Relocation of Towers East of Del Sur Ridge.
Figure 3C. Mid-Slope Alternative Option A - Westside of Del Sur Ridge
Figure 3D. Example of View from San Francisquito Canyon Road with Relocation of Towers West of Del Sur Ridge
Figure 4. Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit Lattice Tower
Figure 5. Cross-section of the View of the Right-of-way between Mile 20.3 and Mile 25.6
Figure 6. Typical 500-kV Single-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole
Figure 7. Typical 500-kV Double-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole
Figure 8. Re-Routing of New ROW in Santa Clarita Alternative
Figure 9. Parallel LADWP ROW Alternative and Antelope-Vincent 500-kV Line in Existing Antelope-Vincent Corridor
Figure 10. Antelope-Vincent 500-kV Line in New Corridor Alternative
Figure 11. Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Line in New Corridor Alternative
Appendix 2. Notice of Preparation, Notice of Intent, and Federal Register Notice
Appendix 3. Air Quality Calculations
Appendix 4. Biological Resources Data
Appendix 5. Responses from the Native American Heritage Commission and Native American Contacts
Appendix 6. Proposed Project and Alternative Route Maps:
Proposed Project, Map 1 of 4
Proposed Project, Map 2 of 4
Proposed Project, Map 3 of 4
Proposed Project, Map 4 of 4
Alternative 1, Map 1 of 2
Alternative 1, Map 2 of 2
Alternative 2, Map 1 of 2
Alternative 2, Map 2 of 2
Alternative 3, Map 1 of 1
Alternative 4, Map 1 of 1
Alternative 5, Map 1 of 5
Alternative 5, Map 2 of 5
Alternative 5, Map 3 of 5
Alternative 5, Map 4 of 5
Alternative 5, Map 5 of 5
Appendix 7. Farmland Conversion Impact Rating (Form AD 1006)
Appendix 8. Comments and Responses on the Draft EIR/EIS
A. Public Agencies
Comment Set A.1: California Department of Transportation, District 7
Comment Set A.2: Department of Toxic Substances Control
Comment Set A.3: US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9
Comment Set A.4: County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Comment Set A.5: State of California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, State Clearinghouse and Planning Unit
Comment Set A.6: United States Department of the Interior
Comment Set A.7: City of Palmdale
Comment Set A.8: City of Santa Clarita
Comment Set A.9: City of Lancaster
Comment Set A.10: County of Los Angeles, Board of Supervisors
Comment Set A.11: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9
Comment Set A.12: Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
Comment Set A.13: County of Los Angeles, Department of Parks and Recreation
Comment Set A.14: State of California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, State Clearinghouse and Planning Unit
Comment Set A.15: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Comment Set A.16: Department of Fish and Game, South Coast Region
Comment Set A.17: County of Los Angeles, Fire Department
B. Groups, Organizations, and Companies
Comment Set B.1: Varner & Brandt LLP, on behalf of B & C Land and Water, LLC
Comment Set B.2: Agua Dulce Civic Association, Board of Directors
Comment Set B.3: B & C Land and Water, LLC
Comment Set B.4: Jackson-DeMarco-Tidus-Peckenpaugh Law Corporation, representing Leona Valley residents and the Leona Valley Town Council
Comment Set B.5: Leona Valley Town Council
Comment Set B.6: Jackson-DeMarco-Tidus-Peckenpaugh Law Corporation, representing Leona Valley residents and the Leona Valley Town Council
Comment Set B.7: Carol and Lawrence Brunet, et al.
Comment Set B.8: Agua Dulce Town Council
Comment Set B.9: Acton Agua Dulce Trails Council
Comment Set B.10: Residents of Agua Dulce
Comment Set B.11: Lauren Development, Inc. - for Valley Vineyards, LLC
Comment Set B.12: Mark Campbell, Antelope Valley Archaeological Society
Comment Set B.13: Mary Johnson, ADAPT (Agua Dulce Against Power Towers)
Comment Set B.14: Greater Antelope Valley Association of Realtors
Comment Set B.15: Agua Dulce Town Council
Comment Set B.16: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Comment Set B.17: Pacific Crest Trail Association
Comment Set B.18: Jackson, DeMarco, Tidus & Peckenpaugh
Comment Set B.19: B&C Land and Water, LLC
Comment Set B.20: Julianne Feuerhelm, ADAPT (Agua Dulce Against Power Towers)
Comment Set B.21: Wasserman, Comden, Casselman L.L.P
C. Individuals
Comment Set C.1: Fred Moss
Comment Set C.2: Karl Pearcy
Comment Set C.3: Senator George Runner, California State Senate, 17th District
Comment Set C.4: Ralph Ciaramella
Comment Set C.5: Ingrid Welch
Comment Set C.6: Gail DeJongh
Comment Set C.7: Bernhard Staschik
Comment Set C.8: Yoshihisa Yamashita
Comment Set C.9: Glenda Tumin
Comment Set C.10: Rodney Jacobson
Comment Set C.11: Susan Tarr
Comment Set C.12: Joseph and Dawn Lucido
Comment Set C.13: Randall and Glenna Becker
Comment Set C.14: Mike Sproul
Comment Set C.15: Karen Crawford
Comment Set C.16: Kathy and Steve Owen
Comment Set C.17: Roger and Karen Blackwell
Comment Set C.18: Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, California State Assembly, 36th District
Comment Set C.19: Vance and Juanita Kirkpatrick
Comment Set C.20: Gerald and Karen Meunier
Comment Set C.21: Lyle and Ann Rancier
Comment Set C.22: Nancy and Jeff Hauth
Comment Set C.23: Norman and Rosemarie Davis
Comment Set C.24: John E. Rayburn
Comment Set C.25: Wendy Larsen
Comment Set C.26: Mary Johnson
Comment Set C.27: Carol Roth
Comment Set C.28: Brian and Terry Bruck
Comment Set C.29: Mr. and Mrs. Al Huber
Comment Set C.30: Diane Ciaramella
Comment Set C.31: Dan Wangsness, Virginia Deaton, and Michael Allen
Comment Set C.32: Eunhee Anne Son and Young T. SonX
Comment Set C.33: Steve Blanchard and Rae Tinagon
Comment Set C.34: Suzette and Mike Hester
Comment Set C.35: Bill and Jeanette Glancy
Comment Set C.36: William Larry Tyler
Comment Set C.37: Linda Whitaker
Comment Set C.38: Joseph and Dawn Lucido
Comment Set C.39: Nubia Hulse
Comment Set C.40: Ruth E. Perkins
Comment Set C.41: Marcella Mahan, Beatrice Bolin, Linda Wickerd, Larry M. Wickerd
Comment Set C.42: Gene and Nina Mason
Comment Set C.43: Ronald and Violet Barrett
Comment Set C.44: Laurie Ostrom
Comment Set C.45: Rodney Jacobson
Comment Set C.46: Sarah Y. Jacobson
Comment Set C.47: George, Lori, Michelean, Angelean, and Jolean Wejbe
Comment Set C.48: Tom and Betty Wade
Comment Set C.49: Gail A. MacDonald
Comment Set C.50: Shane and Deen Van Sickle
Comment Set C.51: David Baral
Comment Set C.52: David Baral
Comment Set C.53: Rolf Linden
Comment Set C.54: Richard Johnson
Comment Set C.55: Louis I. Bell
Comment Set C.56: David Baral
Comment Set C.57: Dan and Mary Ann Mandy
Comment Set C.58: John Michael Medicis
Comment Set C.59: David Baral
Comment Set C.60: David Baral
Comment Set C.61: Gaylen and Judy Bartlett
Comment Set C.62: Charles Brink
Comment Set C.63: J. Duzick
Comment Set C.64: Peg Spry
Comment Set C.65: Gregory Smith
Comment Set C.66: Kary Smith
Comment Set C.67: Quinn Smith
Comment Set C.68: Eunhee Anne Son and Young Son
Comment Set C.69: Laurie Ostrom
Comment Set C.70: Juan Alonso
Comment Set C.71: Terry and Aleta Dupuis
Comment Set C.72: Unsigned
Comment Set C.73: Christopher Jon Brown
Comment Set C.74: Jerry and Ellen Jacobson
Comment Set C.75: Roger Williams
Comment Set C.76: David Baral
Comment Set C.77: David Baral
Comment Set C.78: Jeanne Pickering
Comment Set C.79: John Michael Medicis
Comment Set C.80: Don Hobart
Comment Set C.81: Ralph Clarkson
Comment Set C.82: Damie Poonoosamy
Comment Set C.83: Pastor Mike and Jan Sheridan
Comment Set C.84: Jennifer Rohletter
Comment Set C.85: Patti and Jack Cutlip
Comment Set C.86: Mary Lou Apple
Comment Set C.87: Joseph Starke
Comment Set C.88: Andria Witmer
Comment Set C.89: Patti and Jack Cutlip
Comment Set C.90: Rod Nisperos
Comment Set C.91: Ken Morris
Comment Set C.92: Nicole Glancy
Comment Set C.93: Dale and Delores Burton
Comment Set C.94: Bob Turek and Carnetta Turek
Comment Set C.95: William N. Farris
Comment Set C.96: Susan McCartney
Comment Set C.97: Charles Crandall
Comment Set C.98: Roberta J. Reilley
Comment Set C.99: Carol Brunet
Comment Set C.100: Frank Schroeder
Comment Set C.101: Alice Wollman
Comment Set C.102: Richard T. Johnson
Comment Set C.103: David Baral
Comment Set C.104: Marilyn Alvarez
Comment Set C.105: Craig McConnachie
Comment Set C.106: Melody Swartz
Comment Set C.107: Dale and Delores Burton
Comment Set C.108: Carole Groat
Comment Set C.109: Nancy Baltad
Comment Set C.110: Steve and Susan Neva
Comment Set C.111: Harley Neva
Comment Set C.112: William and Sherry Rucker
Comment Set C.113: Marcella E. Mahan
Comment Set C.114: Kimberly Dwight
Comment Set C.115: John and Lana Seymour
Comment Set C.116: Kenneth and Donna Thompson
Comment Set C.117: Alexis C. Upton-Knittle and Lloyd J. Cook
Comment Set C.118: Riley and DeAnna Ritterbusch
Comment Set C.119: Donna L. Evans
Comment Set C.120: David L. and Susan C. Baral
Comment Set C.121: Julianne Feuerhelm
Comment Set C.122: Marcy Watton
Comment Set C.123: Terri Valentine-Duarte and Family
Comment Set C.124: Thomas M. Bohl, on behalf of Roger and June Reitano
Comment Set C.125: John Hargraves
Comment Set C.126: Deborah A. Hargraves
Comment Set C.127: Rhiannon M. Walker
Comment Set C.128: Aryana Gilani
Comment Set C.129: David Baral
Comment Set C.130: Greg Buteyn
Comment Set C.131: Gitte Gilani
Comment Set C.132: Corry De Robertis
Comment Set C.133: John and Barbara Stegman
Comment Set C.134: Melissa Dickey
Comment Set C.135: Senator George Runner
Comment Set C.136: Cindy Corn
Comment Set C.137: David Baral
Comment Set C.138: Kathy Randall
Comment Set C.139: Alan Novak
Comment Set C.140: John and Irene Hammons
Comment Set C.141: Rolf Linden and Janna Smith-Linden
Comment Set C.142: Linda Whitaker
Comment Set C.143: Ron Howell
Comment Set C.144: Sherry Howell
Comment Set C.145: Daniel and Christina Rodriguez
Comment Set C.146: Kelley Michel
Comment Set C.147: Ronald Michel
Comment Set C.148: Toby and Melinda Janowitz
Comment Set C.149: Maureen M. Hendren
Comment Set C.150: Dan and Emilie Fouts
Comment Set C.151: Gail and George MacDonald
Comment Set C.152: Michael Danis
Comment Set C.153: John Whitaker
Comment Set C.154: Steve Essayan
Comment Set C.155: Kelley Michel
Comment Set C.156: William Herriott
Comment Set C.157: Assemblyman Keith Richman
Comment Set C.158: Alexis Upton-Knittle
Comment Set C.159: Matt Kellerman
Comment Set C.160: Jim and Geri Duzick
Comment Set C.161: Gary Hebdon and Darlene Mailhes
Comment Set C.162: Tim Orteg
Comment Set C.163: Simon and Cheryl Yeo
Comment Set C.164: Warwick and Karen Bryan
Comment Set C.165: Robert and Laurie Glaser
Comment Set C.166: Marcy Watton
Comment Set C.167: Ron and Sherry Howell
Comment Set C.168: Leilani R. Hall
Comment Set C.169: Winfred L. and Mellody Henson
Comment Set C.170: Dr. David and Janice Gantenbein
Comment Set C.171: Diane A. and Michael W. Terito
Comment Set C.172: Bryce and Cathy Worthington
Comment Set C.173: Robert and Relinda Fisher
Comment Set C.174: Representative Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, U.S. House of Representatives, 25th District
Comment Set C.175: Gitte Gilani
Comment Set C.176: Art and Caryl Whiting
Comment Set C.177: Randy Banis and Kyra Sundance
Comment Set C.178: Tom Simcox
Comment Set C.179: Gary and Beth Warford
Comment Set C.180: Robert Hempe
Comment Set C.181: Kathryn Stanley
Comment Set C.182: Debbie Weilbacher
Comment Set C.183: Keith, Mary, and Keith Wyrostek, and John Trainer
Comment Set C.184: Geral Dickey
Comment Set C.185: Jennifer Beeler
Comment Set C.186: Dan Wangsness, Virginia Deaton, Michael Allen
Comment Set C.187: Susan Beck
Comment Set C.188: James P. Lewandowski
Comment Set C.189: Laurie De Santis-Staschik and Family
Comment Set C.190: Jim, Mary, Christopher, Matthew, and Michelle Nores
Comment Set C.191: Amanda Benatar
Comment Set C.192: Robert and Teresa Izquierdo
Comment Set C.193: Nita Levin
Comment Set C.194: Rick and Jennifer Fuller
Comment Set C.195: Beverly and Walt Gale
Comment Set C.196: Walter and Rose Ann Gates
Comment Set C.197: Chris and Norm Jacobson
Comment Set C.198: Kenneth A. and Colleen M. Price
Comment Set C.199: Lyle and Ann Rancier
Comment Set C.200: Tammy and Kelly Birrer
Comment Set C.201: Mary and Joseph Dymerski
Comment Set C.202: Leo Rohaley
Comment Set C.203: Virginia Sue Rohaley
Comment Set C.204: Karl Pearcy
Comment Set C.205: Peter Kaye
Comment Set C.206: Robert and Elayne Raksnys
Comment Set C.207: Caroline and Scott Christlieb
Comment Set C.208: Richard and Susan Cull
Comment Set C.209: Judy Rankin
Comment Set C.210: Patrisha Hodgman Heller and Steven Heller
Comment Set C.211: Robert R. Mallicoat
Comment Set C.212: Terry and Sally Zinger
Comment Set C.213: Assemblywoman Audra Strickland, California State Assembly, 37th District
Comment Set C.214: Charles Brink
Comment Set C.215: Jacqueline Ayer
Comment Set C.216: Keith Bobrosky
Comment Set C.217: Bryan Bobrosky
Comment Set C.218: Steven Bobrosky
Comment Set C.219: Sandy Bobrosky
Comment Set C.220: Allen and Laurie Keillor
Comment Set C.221: Richard A. Monstein
Comment Set C.222: Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, California State Assembly, 36th District
Comment Set C.223: Leonard Rohaley
Comment Set C.224: Jan and Jay Thomas
Comment Set C.225: Joshua Stewart
Comment Set C.226: Darin and Amber Readmond
Comment Set C.227: Linda Wissmath
Comment Set C.228: Sherry Wissmath
Comment Set C.229: Amjad Hanbali
Comment Set C.230: Karen Crawford
Comment Set C.231: Jean and Alan Varden
D. Public Meetings
Comment Set D.1: Randy Banis
Comment Set D.2: Pete Kennedy
Comment Set D.3: Bill and Sue Farris
Comment Set D.4: Richard J. Floyd
Comment Set D.5: Bardy Azadmard
Comment Set D.6: Leta Schay, Leona Valley Improvement Association
Comment Set D.7: Harry Schay, Leona Valley Improvement Association
Comment Set D.8: Celestina T. Naguiat, Santa Monica Industrial and Development Corporation
Comment Set D.9: Harold Landau
Comment Set D.10: Brian A. Smith
Comment Set D.11: Susan Tarr
Comment Set D.12: Roger and Karen Blackwell
Comment Set D.13: Aleta Dupuis
Comment Set D.14: Richard and Nancy Bunner
Comment Set D.15: Richard and Guyla Clayton
Comment Set D.16: Cyndee Donato
Comment Set D.17: Mark and Sandy Buchholz
Comment Set D.18: Susan Tarr
Comment Set D.19: Gary and Judy Naeve
Comment Set D.20: Patrick E. Hood
Comment Set D.21: Jennifer Beeler
Comment Set D.22: Kerri Acker
Comment Set D.23: Harry Acker
Comment Set D.24: Robyn Gerlich
Comment Set D.25: Mark Pickering
Comment Set D.26: Jeanne Pickering
Comment Set D.27: Cara Callaway
Comment Set D.28: Nancie Crannell
Comment Set D.29: Jeffrey A. Hale
Comment Set D.30: Stefany Hale
Comment Set D.31: Lisa Hale
Comment Set D.32: Jason Allstead
Comment Set D.33: Scott Marquart
Comment Set D.34: David Zavala
Comment Set D.35: Richard Long
Comment Set D.36: Kevin Murphy
Comment Set D.37: Judy Boswell-Hudspeth
Comment Set D.38: Pedro Flores
Comment Set D.39: Robert Koch
Comment Set D.40: Bradley S. Drake
Comment Set D.41: Deborah A. Drake
Comment Set D.42: Barbara Hartzler
Comment Set D.43: Lois Rohletter
Comment Set D.44: Drew Austin Marquart
Comment Set D.45: Jose Angel Lugo
Comment Set D.46: Mary Esquibel
Comment Set D.47: Aurora V. La Madrid
Comment Set D.48: Richard Ricci
Comment Set D.49: Danny H.
Comment Set D.50: Jeff Gordon
Comment Set D.51: Jeff Wright
Comment Set D.52: John Helton
Comment Set D.53: Kimberly Wright
Comment Set D.54: Laura Wright
Comment Set D.55: Curtis Wright
Comment Set D.56: Blake Comeaux
Comment Set D.57: Roger and June Reitano
Comment Set D.58: Sharon Chin
Comment Set D.59: Kenny Chin
Comment Set D.60: Allen and Jeannine Nachowitz
Comment Set D.61: Gary Hoppe
Comment Set D.62: Scott F. Clark
Comment Set D.63: Erik Kott
Comment Set D.64: Steven and Tamara Reaves
Comment Set D.65: Joel Crannell
Comment Set D.66: Leon and Mary Thompson
Comment Set D.67: Tony and Rhonda Rhodes
Comment Set D.68: Daniel P. Fierro
Comment Set D.69: Joan M. Tyler
Comment Set D.70: Chari and David Copeland
Comment Set D.71: David and Elizabeth Hamm
Comment Set D.72: Caroline and Scott Christlieb
Comment Set D.73: April Rodela
Comment Set D.74: Linda Love
Comment Set D.75: Bruce and Jeana Rogers
Comment Set D.76: Linda L. Bennett
Comment Set D.77: Regina Alvarez
Comment Set D.78: Mike and Joanne Karlis
Comment Set D.79: Ronald Esquibel
Comment Set D.80: Kimberly J. Dunham and Steve Cronk
Comment Set D.81: Michael Hester
Comment Set D.82: Suzette Hester
Comment Set D.83: Mike and Joanne Karlis
Comment Set D.84: Allen and Jeannine Nachowitz
Comment Set D.85: Don and Pat Raisch
Comment Set D.86: Bert Jr. and Lema Torrey
Comment Set D.87: Greg and Shannon Spinrad
Comment Set D.88: Jerry and Katherine Sturdy
Comment Set D.89: Edith and Pedro Leiva
Comment Set D.90: Enrique Altamirano, Jr.
Comment Set D.91: Susan Woodruff
Comment Set D.92: Gilda Connelly
Comment Set D.93: Emilie Martens
Comment Set D.94: Nancy Shelley
Comment Set D.95: Al and Robin Gregg
Comment Set D.96: Barbara Hempe
Comment Set D.97: Jason Woodruff
Comment Set D.98: Scott McInteer
Comment Set DD.1: Santa Clarita Public Meeting (August 29th, 2:30PM)
Comment Set DD.2: Santa Clarita Public Meeting (August 29th, 6:30PM)
Comment Set DD.3: Agua Dulce Public Meeting (August 30th, 7:00PM)
Comment Set DD.4: Quartz Hill Public Meeting (August 28th, 6:30PM)
E. Applicant
Comment Set E.1: Global Comments
Comment Set E.2: Executive Summary
Comment Set E.3: Introduction
Comment Set E.4: Description of Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives
Comment Set E.5: Air Quality
Comment Set E.6: Biological Resources
Comment Set E.7: Cultural Resources
Comment Set E.8: Geology, Soils, and Paleontology
Comment Set E.9: Public Health and Safety
Comment Set E.10: Forest Management
Comment Set E.11: Hydrology and Water Quality
Comment Set E.12: Land Use and Public Recreation
Comment Set E.13: Noise
Comment Set E.14: Public Services
Comment Set E.15: Socioeconomics
Comment Set E.16: Traffic and Transportation
Comment Set E.17: Utilities and Service Systems
Comment Set E.18: Visual Resources
Comment Set E.19: Comparison of Alternatives
Comment Set E.20: Other Federal Requirements and CEQA Considerations
Comment Set E.21: Appendix 1 Alternatives Screening Report
Comment Set E.22: Review/Approval of Documents
Appendix 9. Mitigation Monitoring Plan

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