The following constitutes the November 1998 Monthly Report for the Pacific Pipeline Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program (MMCRP) contract. It should be noted that since the start of construction daily and weekly reports summarizing monitoring activities have been issued and are available on the project web site for review.
PPSI Project Meetings: The following meetings were held during November:
C November 4 - Meeting to discuss construction progress and compliance with pre-operation issues. Meeting was attended by CPUC representative Andrew Barnsdale (via conference phone); ANF representative Rich Borden; Aspen personnel Hamid Rastegar, Vida Strong, and Kris Thorne; and PPSI representatives Irv Toole, Doug Poulsen, Dean Shauers, and Glenn Goodwin.
C November 17 - Field meeting to discuss completion of construction activities on ANF. Meeting was attended by ANF representative Rich Borden; CPUC/ANF monitors Kris Thorne and Lynn Stafford; PPSI personnel Don Caswell, Henrick Sarkissian, and Ted Ballistino; ARB superintendents Greg Pratt and Geoff Pratt.
Segment 1 Construction: Segment 1 runs from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley at Emidio, through the Tejon Pass, to the northern boundary of the ANF in Los Angeles County. Construction of Segment 1 commenced on November 5, 1997. Primary activities during the month of November are presented in Table 1. Table 2 presents the non-compliance events that occurred on Segment 1 during November.
During November, work along Highway 166 (EMP 0.00 to 0.80) was slow due the collapse and required re-digging of unstable trench walls; however, work was completed by the end of November. Mainline construction continued through the Tejon Bench area. Work was also conducted at the following bores: Highway 166 (EMP 1.18), Stream Crossing #4 (EMP 9.03), Tecuya Creek/I-5 (EMP 9.88), the California Aqueduct (EMP 12.22), I-5/Grapevine (EMP 14.62), Stream Crossing #9 (EMP 15.35), and Cuddy Creek Tributary (EMP 25.47). During the second week of November, work commenced at the "Warbler Skip" (EMP 21.73); this area was skipped earlier in the year because of nesting Yellow Warblers, a California endangered bird. However, during the third week of November, contaminated soils were encountered and work was halted at the subject site. The pipeline hydrotest was successfully completed from Peace Valley Road (EMP 25.48) to Copco Road (EMP 33.34) during the first week of November.
At Emidio Pump Station (EMP 0.00), pipe fitting, electrical, and office interior work were conducted during November. Foundation work was completed at Grapevine Pump Station (EMP 15.57) during November, and pipe fitting and electrical work continued. Cement pouring for support walls was also conducted at Grapevine Pump Station.
Table 1. Construction Activities for Segment 11
Activity |
Milepost (approximate) |
Pot-hole | 21.42 to 21.73 |
Trench | .61 to .74, 15.36 to 15.80, 16.15 to 16.30, 16.55 to 17.14, 17.88 to 18.15, 18.36 to 18.50 |
Lower-In | .30 to .54, 15.98 to 17.24, 18.10 to 18.14 |
Coating | .30 to .61, 15.98 to 17.29, 18.10 to 18.14 |
Conduit | .30 to 1.05, 16.90 to 17.42, 18.12 to 18.14 |
Backfill | .30 to 1.05, 16.90 to 17.42, 18.12 to 18.14 |
Emidio Pump Station - In Progress | 0.00 |
Bore (Highway 166) - In Progress | 1.18 |
Bore (Aqueduct Access Road B) - Complete | 6.00 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #4) - In Progress | 9.03 |
Bore (Tecuya Creek/I-5) - In Progress | 9.88 |
Bore (Wheeler Ridge Road) - Complete | 10.63 |
Block Valve (North side California Aqueduct) - Complete | 12.02 |
Bore (California Aqueduct) - Complete | 12.22 |
Bore (I-5 crossing @ Tejon Ranch) - Complete | 13.33 |
Bore (I-5/Grapevine) - Complete | 14.62 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #9) - In Progress | 15.35 |
Grapevine Pump Station - In Progress | 15.57 |
Bore (SCE Tower) - Complete | 20.28 |
Bore (I-5, north of Lebec Road overpass) - Complete | 20.79 |
Bore (Lebec Road, south of overpass) - Complete | 21.20 |
Bore (Lebec Road, Specimen Tree #2) - Complete | 24.82 |
Directional Drill (Peace Valley & Lebec Roads, Cuddy Creek) - Complete | 25.15 to 25.52 |
Bore (Cuddy Creek Tributary) - In Progress | 25.47 |
Check Valve (Peace Valley Road, Cuddy Creek) - Complete | 25.92 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #20) - Complete | 27.43 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #21) - Complete | 27.81 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #23) - Complete | 28.10 |
Block Valve (Gorman) - Complete | 28.33 |
Directional Drill (Gorman Slide) - Complete | 28.68 to 29.68 |
Block Valve (San Andreas) - Complete | 30.43 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #29) - Complete | 32.38 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #30) - Complete | 32.71 |
Block Valve (Copco Road) - Complete | 32.81 |
1. Construction progress from November 2 through November 29.
Table 2. Non-Compliance Events for Segment 11Mitigation Measure/PC |
Description/ Non-Compliance Level |
First Observed |
Corrected |
Status |
SS-1 - Provide structural support for underground utilities. | Unsupported water line broke - Level 3. | 11/23/98 |
11/23/98 |
Acceptable |
Segment 2A/C (ANF) Construction: Construction within the ANF (Segment 2A) began on June 27, 1997 and was completed to Templin Highway on November 9, 1997, with the exception of some erosion repair, revegetation, valve, and conduit requirements. This follow-up work commenced in June 1998. Construction of Segment 2C, Templin Highway to Castaic (several miles south of the southern ANF boundary) commenced on June 22, 1998; portions of Segment 2C also traverse private lands. Construction of both Segment 2A and 2C (ANF portions) was required by the ANF to be completed by October 3, 1998. Segment 2A was completed on October 15, 1998 and Segment 2C was completed in its entirety, including the Whitaker Pressure Relief Station, during the third week of November 1998. Primary activities during the month of November are presented in Table 3. No non-compliance events occurred on Segments 2A or 2C during November.
Table 3. Construction Activities for Segment 2A/C1
Segment |
Activity |
Milepost (approximate) |
Segment 2C |
Coating | 56.03 to 56.45 |
Conduit/Backfill | 56.03 to 56.47 |
Whitaker Pressure Relief Station - Complete | 51.35 |
Bore (Under I-5) - Complete | 53.48 |
Block Valve (Lake Hughes) - Complete | 56.53 |
Bore (Marple-Violin Canyon Creek) - Complete | 56.74 |
Bore (Stream Crossing #48) - Complete | 56.84 |
1. Construction progress from November 2 through November 29.
Segment 2B (Non-ANF) Construction: Segment 2B runs from Castaic to Sylmar, paralleling I-5. Construction of Segment 2B commenced on November 6, 1997. Primary activities during the month of November are presented in Table 4. Table 5 presents the non-compliance events that occurred on Segment 2B during November.During November, the directional drill for fiber optic conduit under Santa Clara River continued through the month. A sizing pig was run from Weldon Canyon to Marple Canyon, which detected an anomaly in the pipe. Traffic between Sierra Highway and Weldon Canyon was limited to one lane, and was guided through the construction zone by a pilot car.
Table 4. Construction Activities for Segment 2B1
Activity |
Milepost (approximate) |
Trench | 71.90 to 72.76 |
Lower-In | 72.25 to 73.19 |
Coating | 72.25 to 73.35 |
Conduit | 72.64 to 73.45 |
Backfill | 72.64 to 73.45 |
Bore (Church Street) - Complete | 58.24 |
Check & Block Valves (South of Church Street) - Complete | 59.15 |
Bore (South of Romero Canyon) - Complete | 59.39 |
Bore (Hillcrest Parkway) - Complete | 59.77 |
Block Valve (Live Oak) - Complete | 61.10 |
Directional Drill (Castaic Creek/Live Oak) - Complete | 61.14 |
Check Valve (South of Live Oak) - Complete | 61.56 |
Bore (South of Highway 126) - Complete | 62.78 |
Check Valve (South of Highway 126) - Complete | 63.17 |
Directional Drill (Santa Clara River) - Complete | 63.46 |
Bore (Feedmill Road) - Complete | 63.93 |
Check Valve (Magic Mtn. Parkway) - Complete | 64.01 |
Bore (PGA Ranch) - Complete | 65.38 |
Bore (PGA Ranch) - Complete | 65.52 |
Bore (PGA Ranch) - Complete | 65.62 |
Block Valve (Pico Canyon Road) - Complete | 67.46 |
Check Valve (Lyons, Old Road) - Complete | 68.68 |
Bore (Calgrove Avenue) - Complete | 69.13 |
Bore (Old Road @ I-5) - Complete | 69.99 |
Block Valve (Balboa Blvd) - Complete | 73.81 |
1. Construction progress from November 2 through November 29.
Table 5. Non-Compliance Events for Segment 2B1Mitigation Measure/PC |
Description/ Non-Compliance Level |
First Observed |
Corrected |
Status |
SS-2.2 - hand excavate when within 24-inches of marked utilities. | Marked AT&T line was struck during potholing - Level 3 | 11/19/98 |
11/19/98 |
Acceptable |
1. Non-compliance reports issued from November 2 through November 29.
Segment 3 Construction: Segment 3 runs from Sylmar to Dodger Stadium, primarily within MTA right-of-way. Construction within the City of San Fernando, between Wolfskill and Jessie Streets (approximately 190 feet), began on September 30, 1997, and was completed on October 7, 1997. Construction of the remaining portions of Segment 3 commenced on October 28. 1997. On February 5, 1998, a mini-crew began work on Segment 3 in the vicinity of Los Feliz (referred to as "Los Feliz" crew). This crew worked primarily at the StorItAll facility and the Glendale Boulevard bore which were completed during April 1998. In April 1998, Segment 3 construction was divided into two spreads (Segment 3A which runs from San Fernando to south of Taylor Yard, and Segment 3B which runs from Taylor Yard to Alameda Street). A Segment 3C crew (San Fernando north to Sylmar) was added the second week of September 1998. Primary activities during the month of November are presented in Table 6. No non-compliance events occurred on Segment 3 during November.Table 6. Construction Activities for Segment 31
Segment 3A - During the first week of November, crews completed pipe installation on the bridge crossing over San Fernando Road (EMP 86.77) and clean-up at the Verdugo Wash crossing (EMP 91.09). Work was also conducted at the Hollywood Way crossing (EMP 85.60) and Tujunga Wash crossing (EMP 81.65). Excavation of the 33-foot deep bore pits at Tuxford Street (EMP 83.21) was completed and the bore commenced during November. Filling of sink holes along the Segment 3A right-of-way was also conducted. On November 14, the Los Feliz Yard was closed and materials were moved to the San Fernando Yard.
Segment 3B - The remaining minor clean-up work on Segment 3B was completed the first week of November.
Segment 3C - During November, the bore at Hubbard Street (EMP 77.33) was initiated and completed. At the California Aqueduct High-Speed Channel (EMP 74.00), the pipe was installed, and the south side was tied-in and backfilled. During the last two weeks of November, concrete was poured for the cover for the pipe crossing the Channel.
Segment 4 Construction: Segment 4 is being constructed by two separate crews. Construction of Segment 4A, from downtown Los Angeles to Watts Junction, began on October 20, 1997, and is being conducted from 7:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., Monday night through Friday night, to minimize traffic impacts. A Segment 4A-day crew was added the end of June through August, 1998. Segment 4A was completed on October 31, 1998. Segment 4B construction (daytime), from Watts Junction to the Chevron El Segundo Refinery, commenced on October 23, 1997. Primary activities during the month of November are presented in Table 7. No non-compliance events occurred on Segment 4 during November.
Table 7. Construction Activities for Segment 41
On November 23, 1998, general mainline construction along Segment 4B was completed. Hydrotests from Lynwood Station (ESMP 0.0) to Aviation Boulevard (ESMP 9.80) and from Lynwood Station to Sepulveda Boulevard (ESMP 10.78) were successfully completed. Work continued at Lynwood Station and El Segundo Station through November including pipe installation, bore (El Segundo Station only), electrical work, and pipe tie-in (El Segundo Station only).
Segment 5 Construction: This segment involved three phases of construction: 1) Construction of Segment 5A (Dominguez Channel to Sepulveda Blvd. - MP 116.21 to 116.75) has been completed, 2) construction of Segment 5B (along Alameda Street south of Sepulveda Blvd. and south along Henry Ford to Anaheim Street - MP 116.75 to 118.83) was completed during September 1997, and 3) construction of Segment 5C (remainder of Segment 5 - MP 107.95 to 116.21) commenced on August 29, 1997 and was completed in September 1998 with the exception of the directional drill of Auto Drive South/Highway 91, which commenced in October 1998. During November, the directional drill was completed. Crews at Wilmington Station continued with the installation of cased bores throughout the month. No non-compliance events occurred on Segment 5C during November.
During November, the following variances were approved:
Table 8. Variance Approvals/Denials
Variance # |
Description |
Segment(s) Variance Applies |
Agency Decision |
122 |
Allow Sunday construction at Emidio, Grapevine, El Segundo, and Wilmington stations |
1, 4B, 5 |
Approved |
124A |
Aboveground installation of pipeline at Los Angeles High Speed Channel, City of Los Angeles |
2B, 3 |
Approved |
During November, the following construction yards/staging areas were approved:
Table 9. Construction Yard/Staging Area Approvals/Denials
Request # |
Construction Yard/Staging Area |
Applicable Segment(s) |
Agency Decision |
76 |
Extra work space for construction activities at Los Angeles High Speed Channel, City of Los Angeles | 2B/3 |
Approved |
PPSIs general plans and reports have been submitted and approved by the CPUC and ANF. Outstanding plan issues relate only to proposed revisions to approved plans (submitted by PPSI as variance requests, documented above) or updated plans.
With pipeline operations projected by PPSI to start January 1999, numerous submittals for pre-operation compliance mitigation measures were reviewed during November, including the following:
- Mitigation Measure SS-6.3: Valve inspection program.
- Mitigation Measure SS-7: Internal corrosion procedure.
- Mitigation Measure S-13: Preparation of an Oil Spill Contingency Plan.
- Mitigation Measures SS-13/ML-7: Storage locations for oil spill response equipment.
- Mitigation Measures SS-18/40/51: Preparation of a Hazard and Operability Study, including SCADA system and Off-Site Consequence Analysis
- Mitigation Measure SS-20: Regional response capabilities.
- Mitigation Measure SS-20b*/SS-55**: Contract with clean-up cooperative.
- Mitigation Measure SS-21: Fire fighting equipment at pump stations.
- Mitigation Measure SS-45: Cathodic protection.
- Mitigation Measure ML-4: Landscaping plans.
Compliance with the following pre-operation measures was approved by CPUC in November:
- Mitigation Measure A-19: Reduction of fugitive losses from flanges, valves, and seals.
- Mitigation Measure SS-9: Establishment of a cooperative organization of pipeline operators to facilitate oil spill response (approval subject to conditions).
- Mitigation Measure SS-15: Maintain oil spill equipment at locations accessible to first response personnel (approval subject to conditions).
- Mitigation Measure SS-32: Aerial and on-ground pipeline leak and hazard detection.
Decisions by the Lead Agencies as to the adequacy of each pre-operation compliance submittal will be required prior to the commencement of pipeline operations.
CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULETable 10 presents the current construction schedule for Pacific Pipeline.
Table 10. Construction Segment Schedule
Segment |
Original Construction Schedule |
Revised Construction Start Date |
Estimated Construction Completion Date1 |
Segment 1 | July 1, 1997 |
Under construction since November 5, 1997 |
December 4, 19981,4 |
Segment 2A2 | June 2, 1997 |
Erosion repairs, valve & conduit completion, & revegetation underway since June 18, 1998 |
Completed October 15, 1998 |
Segment 2B | Mid-August, 1997 |
Under construction since November 6, 1997 |
November 21, 19981,4 |
Segment 2C3 | Originally scheduled for completion as part of Segment 2A |
Under construction since June 22, 1998 |
Completed week of November 16, 1998 |
Segment 3 | July 1, 1997 |
Under construction since September 30, 1997 |
December 4, 19981,4 |
Segment 4A | July 1, 1997 |
Under construction since October 20, 1997 |
Completed October 31, 1998 |
Segment 4B | August 25, 1997 |
Under construction since October 23, 1997 |
Completed November 23, 1998 |
Segment 5 | July 1, 1997 |
Under construction since July 14, 1997 |
November 21, 19981,4 |
Emidio Pump Station | October 1997 |
Under construction since June 11, 1998 |
November 7, 19981,4 |
Grapevine Pump Station | Under construction since June 29, 1998 |
November 21, 19981,4 |
Whitaker Pressure Relief Station | Under construction since first week of September 1998 |
Completed Week of November 2, 1998 |
Lynwood Station | Under construction since September 12, 1998 |
November 21, 19981,4 |
El Segundo | Under construction since September 28, 1998 |
November 21, 19981,4 |
Wilmington | October 1998 |
November 21, 19981,4 |
Ultramar | October 1998 |
Per PPSI, station not to be constructed. |
- 1. Estimated construction schedule per PPSI, October 26, 1998.
- 2. Initial construction completed from June 27 through November 9, 1997.
- 3. Templin Highway to ANF southern boundary.
- 4. Construction has not been completed as planned.
Due to the lack of public interest in visiting the MMCRP Walk-In Sites (that was in operation from July 1997 through February 1998), our Student Interns no longer staff the Valley Family Center site in San Fernando, and the Parents of Watts site in Watts on a scheduled basis. However, project documents and PPSI computers remain at the sites for public use, and MMCRP Student Interns available on an as-needed basis (i.e., by appointment). The project information hotline and project newsletter, provide information on how to make an appointment for the Walk-In Sites
During November, no members of the public made appointments to visit the MMCRP Walk-In sites in San Fernando and Watts.
The hotline message and project web site continue to be updated as the project progresses. During November, no messages were left on the hotline, and the web site received 116 hits.
Environmental Justice:
As of November, PPSI is in compliance with all construction-related aspects of the mitigation measures applicable to minority populations and low-income populations. These measures include: ML-1 (Community Outreach and Communications Program), ML-2 (Community Partnership Program), ML-3 (Local Community and MBE Hiring Program), and ML-6 (implementation of the BIMP).